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  • (#13) He Wore A Police Uniform

    "I was about 8- or 9-years-old walking home from my best friend's house back to my home.

    A guy pulled up beside me wearing a police uniform, seemed totally legit but who knows. But he was driving a super shitty sedan, like one of those old Buick like boat cars. He's really aggressive and assertive saying to get in the car, that I need to go with him right now. My dad is at the hospital and sent this guy to come get me - my mom was in an accident, but he is here to take me to her.

    I totally lost my cool, felt super sketched out and I just burst out crying and as this guy is shouting at me to get in the car, I panicked and just started sprinting all the way home.

    I get home and my dad is watering the garden, cool as anything, and I am completely losing my mind, absolutely hysterical. He calms me down, hears the story and calls 911. He gave them the description and sure enough they catch this guy with a 13-year-old girl in the back seat who he managed to talk into going with him!"

  • (#9) She Talked Him Down

    "My closest friend described an experience that haunts her to this day, even as a mother now. She was abducted from her job when she was 14. The guy intended to rob the place, but he instead took the money and her, blindfolding and binding her. He drove around town, telling her that he was going to [end] her. Instead of crying, she calmly explained that he didn't have to do that. The robber became very emotional, yet she talked him through it. She told me he bounced from angry and frustrated to remorseful and inconsolable. The[y] drove around town for a few hours, all the while she was blindfolded and her wrists were bound.

    By this time, the police were looking for her. By 3 am, the robber decided to bring her back to work. The police were waiting, and he was taken into custody.

    She suffered from incredible anxiety for a long time. Being alone was almost impossible for her to do without breaking down and crying. Even in college, [seeing] someone walk in a crosswalk while she was waiting at a streetlight made her hyperventilate. It got bad when she had painkillers from her wisdom teeth removed; if the stress was too much for her to handle, she would take a pill. She confessed this to her boyfriend, who just flushed the pills down the toilet.

    I'm absolutely amazed how she's turned out. She's well adjusted and raising her two children without problem. I couldn't imagine talking someone out of [taking my life]."


  • (#4) He Offered A Ride Home

    "When I was about 13, my girlfriend and I were walking home from the library during summer break. We both had a few books and a beautiful day in northern NJ, so we were very happy. We reached the crossroads where she turned to go a few more blocks to her house and I would go, the opposite direction, three blocks to my home. As we were standing on the corner just talking before we would have parted ways, a '60s-style red car pulled up at the corner. A very attractive young blond man in his 20s asked if we knew the location of Church Street. Where we were standing at the corner you could clearly tell Church Street was about 20 feet on the other side on the main road where we were all stopped, so this question was odd.

    Furthermore, Church Street was only one block long, was one way and only had a large church and approximately four houses on it. What would this young guy in the cherry red car need on Church Street? My girlfriend I just pointed to Church Street and said it's right there. Weird.

    The gentleman then introduced himself and tried to initiate conversation. He was articulate, attractive and charming. Why was he talking to us? He made joke[s], asked us about what we were doing, did we know where to get a soda, etc. He told me that I had beautiful hair (long, wavy auburn) and that he was a hairstylist. He said it would like to cut my hair (for free) and would like to use me in a modeling show. He ask me to come take some paperwork so he could give share some information. Though my hair got a lot of comments, I certainly was not model material. More weird.

    He kept talking, trying to be over-friendly almost, and it was just kept becoming more creepy. He offered to buy us sodas and drive us home since it was hot. After saying no many times in many ways and trying not to give him any real info, he finally drove slowly down Church Street. My girlfriend began to run home her way and I wanted to get to my house ASAP. I remember thinking that if he went around the block that he would come up on me again alone so I made the decision to take a slight detour and go down Church Street.

    It was risky since it was a very sparse street, yet I figured at least he could not really turn around on the one way street and, if he did, I would see him coming. I cut through the church complex and made it home where I told my dad what happened. The police came and took a report and also talked to my friend. They mentioned that a gentleman had attempted to speak with another girl on the other side of town a few days prior who matched the car/physical description.

    I never found out more information or heard anything else about but that scared teen-me for a long time."

  • (#3) Stolen By Mom

    "My mother would steal my sister and me away and hide us from the rest of my family every time she'd get upset with our father. She'd leave us with any random person who would take us and leave. I remember bits and pieces, but mostly just being scared and wanting to go home. I couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 years old.

    It was bad enough that my dad called CPS and gave up his parental rights to the state, who had us placed with our paternal grandmother."

  • (#7) Her Father Worked With Them

    "I was 5 and my family lived in a really poor part of town. I was never allowed to play outside for very long or in the dark. My only friend was my next door neighbor who was about my age.

    On that day my mom was really tired because of a new baby and taking care of me and my 2-year-old brother. I begged to play outside with my neighbor and finally my mom said yes, as long as we stayed in the yard were she could see me from the window. About 20 minutes later, a green beat-up Plymouth stops in the road in front of our houses. A white man leans over and asks us if we had seen a dog. My neighbor just stood in the yard, but I couldn't hear well, so I started walking toward the car.

    I got about a foot from the passenger door and saw another guy start sitting up from the back seat. Then I heard a door slam, and turn to see my mother running with no shirt on (she had just been breast feeding my sister) through the yard, yelling for me to get behind her and my neighbor to run home. The car sped off.

    The cops came and we moved several cities away. Years later I found out that they were two men my father worked with. When the cops raided their house, they found all kinds of gross costumes and journals of their plans. I remember for weeks after that my parents made me sleep with them and even had my huge godfather move in and sleep in our living room. At the time I was embarrassed the whole neighborhood saw my mom's boobs flying, but now I'm pretty proud."

  • (#15) Brother Was Almost Stolen

    "My brother was kidnapped in broad daylight while he and my parents were out shopping. This was in Chile, late '80s. I can't remember how old he was exactly, but I want to say around 3 or 4. One minute he was there, the next he was gone. The police got involved, and they searched for him for a good while before he was found a few blocks away.

    A lot of children were kidnapped and sold off in those days. Luckily for my brother, the kidnappers didn't get far before they realized he had a large birth mark by his eye that would have made him worthless."

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