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  • They're Both No-Nonsense Action Heroes on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#1) They're Both No-Nonsense Action Heroes

    Both Indiana Jones and James Bond are exactly the type of people you would want on your side in a fight. The secret agent is good at everything he does and is a consummate professional when it comes to fighting bad guys. In much the same way, the archaeologist is able to get the job done no matter what the circumstances, proving himself against all kinds of enemies.

  • They Spend Their Time Going On Absurd Adventures Fighting Evil Villains on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#2) They Spend Their Time Going On Absurd Adventures Fighting Evil Villains

    Indiana Jones and James Bond basically have the same job. They travel around the world going on frankly bizarre adventures to stop the machinations of over-the-top villains. While Bond fights against the likes of SPECTRE and their criminal plans, Indy is battling the Nazis to prevent them from acquiring hugely powerful artifacts.

  • Sean Connery Connects The Series on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#3) Sean Connery Connects The Series

    When it came to casting Henry Jones in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Steven Spielberg and his producers only had one person in mind. Considering how big an influence the James Bond film franchise had been on this series, they wanted the original Bond to be Indiana’s dad to bring the entire journey full circle.

  • Indiana Jones Was Modeled After James Bond on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#4) Indiana Jones Was Modeled After James Bond

    Steven Spielberg has never hid the fact that he was interested in directing a James Bond film. According to George Lucas, Spielberg approached the holders of the rights to the Bond franchise in the late '70s to inquire about making his own movie in the series, but was turned down. Lucas then told him about a character he had created that was almost exactly like James Bond, but better. That character turned out to be Indiana Jones, and Spielberg envisioned him in a film that would essentially be a Bond flick "without the hardware.''

  • They're Not Afraid To Dress Up For The Right Occasions on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#5) They're Not Afraid To Dress Up For The Right Occasions

    If a black suit or rugged adventurer costume is not fancy enough for the occasion, both Bond and Jones are prepared to don appropriate clothing. In some cases, the pair will even match up their own evening wear. As shown in the two scenes pictured above, the two even have the same fashion sense when it comes to dressing up all fancy.

  • They Have Distinctive Wardrobes on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#6) They Have Distinctive Wardrobes

    It almost seems impossible to picture Indiana Jones without his signature look; the timeless combination of leather jacket and fedora are practically as famous as the character himself. In much the same way, it is difficult to think of James Bond without a tuxedo or other smart suit as he goes about his business.

  • They Have Signature Weapons on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#7) They Have Signature Weapons

    Although they'll use anything on hand, each of these heroes has a weapon that is unique to them. In the case of James Bond, his signature weapon is the Walther PPK, while Indiana Jones doesn't leave the office without his trusty bullwhip.

  • They Constantly Switch Up Companions on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#8) They Constantly Switch Up Companions

    Perhaps the most significant feature of the James Bond franchise is how the cast of characters that accompany the spy on his adventures constantly changes. His love interests come and go, as do periphery characters like Felix Leiter. The same is true of Indy. In Raiders of the Lost Ark he is accompanied by Marion, then Willie Scott and Short Round in Temple of Doom, and then to Elsa Schneider and his father in The Last Crusade.

  • They're Handsome Playboys Who Enjoy Living Life To The Full on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#9) They're Handsome Playboys Who Enjoy Living Life To The Full

    James Bond is definitely a lady killer. He usually beds multiple women in his cinematic adventures, though they never stick around after the credits roll. The character is so associated with womanizing, in fact, that the actresses in Bond films are usually referred to as "Bond Girls." Indiana Jones also gained a new lady love in each of his original movies, and the college students he taught seemed smitten with him as well.

  • They Had Traumatic Childhoods on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#10) They Had Traumatic Childhoods

    The young lives of James Bond and Indiana Jones had a great deal of turmoil, with both characters suffering close family losses as they grew up. Bond lost both his parents ate the age of 11 when they died in a climbing accident in the Alps; Indiana Jones lost his mother and sister while still in childhood, and he and his father drifted apart. This meant they had to look to professional superiors in their life for guidance. In the case of Bond this came in the form of M, and Abner Ravenwood took on a similar role for Indiana.

  • They Keep Their Social Lives And Their Adventures Separate on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#11) They Keep Their Social Lives And Their Adventures Separate

    There are two very distinctive sides to both Indiana Jones and James Bond. As well as the more action-orientated persona they operate with while adventuring, the two heroes also have a vastly different personality when at home. Bond likes to think of himself as a rather sophisticated socialite who is used to the finer things in life. He visits expensive casinos and restaurants, drinking martinis and eating fine meals. Meanwhile, Jones is an intellectual, working as a college professor when not out on the trail of a rare artifact.

  • They Had Tragic Marriages on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#12) They Had Tragic Marriages

    Despite his womanizing ways, James Bond did eventually settle down with a partner. The spy married Tracy Draco in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. However, the marital bliss was short lived: the bride was killed not long after the ceremony took place. The Indiana Jones novel Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants reveals that the archaeologist also had a wife who he married at a young age, but who tragically died in a place crash soon afterwards.

  • They Have One Dependable Friend on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#13) They Have One Dependable Friend

    Each of the protagonists has one reliable friend who they count on throughout their travels. With James Bond, he strikes up a somewhat friendly, somewhat antagonistic bond with the gadget-master Q. Meanwhile, Sallah is show to be a dependable and trustworthy friend to Indy in both Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade.

  • They Go After The Same Woman on Random Indiana Jones And James Bond Are Basically Same Character, And We Can Prove It

    (#14) They Go After The Same Woman

    The main love interest in The Last Crusade is the character of Dr. Elsa Schneider, played by Alison Doody. The actress also had a brief role in the James Bond film A View to a Kill. Over the course of her career, Doody has starred alongside three Bonds in various films: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan.

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James Bond and Indiana Jones are both famous characters in various action movies. One is a British secret agent and the other is a great American archaeologist. Most people never think they are the same characters, they even came from different countries. But in terms of movie genre and character image, and these movies are directed by Steven Spielberg, there is no surprise that the same character for all intents and purposes.

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