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  • Travel Agent on Random Jobs Robots Are Most Likely To Take Over In Futu

    (#7) Travel Agent

    • Fictional Character
    It's already faster and cheaper to use Orbitz or Travelocity to plan your own vacation than to pay an enormous surcharge to a third party. Besides, they just spend twenty or thirty minutes making phone calls and essentially doing the same things you would do!
  • Driver on Random Jobs Robots Are Most Likely To Take Over In Futu

    (#12) Driver

    In addition to the hoopla over Google Glass, Google has been test driving automated cars. DUIs and annoying, overhyped car services like Uber will surely soon be a thing of the past.
  • Claims Processor on Random Jobs Robots Are Most Likely To Take Over In Futu

    (#16) Claims Processor

    Claims processors are people who assess insurance claims and decide whether the person who submitted them to the insurance company deserves money or not. Despite all your pleading and canoodling with the insurance agent, these decisions are typically based on pretty straightforward, even tedious interpretations of the policy, which is why you're always getting screwed out of your payoff thanks to some tiny loophole that benefits the company. Computers can do this much more effectively than humans, who are often swayed by things like "compassion" and "fear of Karmic retribution."
  • Paralegal on Random Jobs Robots Are Most Likely To Take Over In Futu

    (#19) Paralegal

    Being a paralegal mainly involves tediously going through records and documents to find information relevant to a particular case. There's already a company in Palo Alto working with an experimental AI software that has been proven to be more efficient at this type of large-scale document review than traditional paralegal teams.
  • Librarian on Random Jobs Robots Are Most Likely To Take Over In Futu

    (#9) Librarian

    It's sad to imagine there may no longer be any nerdishly awkward, sweet old ladies to help you find your way around a library anymore in the coming years, but budgeting difficulties are already making it hard for many cities to fully staff their libraries. Most libraries these days rely more and more heavily on automated touchscreen kiosks and other digital replacements, and let's be honest, with the advent of personal computers and the Internet, physical libraries just don't have the communal importance they once did. A few libraries have even been going fully digital and don't stock physical copies of books anymore at all. (Seriously.)
  • Telephone Operator on Random Jobs Robots Are Most Likely To Take Over In Futu

    (#2) Telephone Operator

    • Film character
    Telephone operators are already a practically extinct species (who do you seriously know under the age of 50 who even has a landline anymore?) Obviously, the calls you make on your cell phone still need to be routed someplace, but this sort of thing is thankfully no longer accomplished by women in giant earphones manually connecting circuits by sticking phone plugs into things.

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About This Tool

The last ten years have been a decade of the rapid development of artificial intelligence, and also a decade when jobs robots are well-known to human society. Intelligent robots have slowly entered our lives, although most of them are still toys in our hands. But its remarkable development trend is beyond human conjecture. There is no doubt that jobs robots provide a safer and more convenient way for all kinds of tasks, especially difficult tasks.

Some experts even predict that with the evolution of artificial intelligence, its intelligence will be billions of times higher than that of humans. Do you believe jobs robots are most likely to take over in the future? You could check 23 items on this page, click and refresh the collection to know more jobs robots from the decades.

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