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  • Dedenne on Random Lazy Pokemon Designs That Weren't Even Trying

    (#7) Dedenne

    We know what a Pikachu looks like, Dedenne. You sir, are no Pikachu.

  • Gothorita on Random Lazy Pokemon Designs That Weren't Even Trying

    (#15) Gothorita

    Gothorita is totally the result of an artist dad getting back at his daughter for her goth phase by immortalizing her as a dumb Pokemon. Just look at those sassy, sullen teenager eyes. Gothorita will never grow out of this phase. This is who she really is. Gothorita uses eye roll, it's super effective.

  • Luvdisc on Random Lazy Pokemon Designs That Weren't Even Trying

    (#4) Luvdisc

    Luvdisc seems to be the only Pokemon inspired by duck-face Tinder selfies. Also, it is clearly not a disc, so it doesn't even live up to its incredibly shitty name.

  • Klink on Random Lazy Pokemon Designs That Weren't Even Trying

    (#3) Klink

    One of Klink's main attacks is something called "Gear Grind." Its very existence grinds our gears, so that is the most accurately named attack in Pokemon history. 

  • Garbodor on Random Lazy Pokemon Designs That Weren't Even Trying

    (#6) Garbodor

    Who in their right mind would even want to catch a Garbodor? Just stuff a bunch of trash into a Pokeball and you've got pretty much the same thing. The smell must be incredible.

  • Klefki on Random Lazy Pokemon Designs That Weren't Even Trying

    (#1) Klefki

    Did you bring your new Pokemon design for today's deadline?

    Uh, yeah. Sure.

    Well where is it?

    *Sweats nervously.* Uh, it's right here in my pocket.

    Can I see it?

    *Panics, pulls out car keys.* Umm. Behold, Klefki!


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About This Tool

The Pokemon series is the second most popular video game series in the world, behind Nintendo’s Super Mario series. The Pokemon sword/shield expansion ticket was released at the Pokemon live broadcast on January 9, 2020, the first time the Pokemon series has been released as a paid follow-up download extension. The expansion ticket is issued on a fee basis and is divided into two rounds. Karisma is scheduled to be released on June 17, 2020, and Koonnohara is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2020. The extension tickets have been put on sale since 10 January 2020.

This random generator tool collates 20 entries and records some of the amazing creatures in Pokemon. For example, Klefki, vanish, Klink, Luvdisc, Voltorb, Garbodor, etc. . Which elves do you remember the most?

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