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  • Flagellants Chanted And Punished Themselves So God Would Pity Them  on Random 'Monty Python and Holy Grail' Was Surprisingly Historically Accurat

    (#7) Flagellants Chanted And Punished Themselves So God Would Pity Them

    Just as monks march through the village streets and repeatedly smack themselves in the forehead in Holy Grail, flagellants actually did parade through towns chanting and scourging themselves. The practice was inspired by the fears that came with the prominence of the Black Plague.

    Flagellants hoped their show of self-harm and devotion would spare them the wrath of God and inspire others to repent. The Brotherhood of the Flagellants originated in Hungary and quickly spread across Europe. England, however, had only one parade of the Brotherhood.

    The flagellants marched through towns, with red crosses emblazoned upon their dark garments, their heads hung with eyes shielded by masks or hoods. They sang somber hymns, and each carried a slim flogger with iron on its knotted end. When a signal was given, they whipped themselves and one another.

    When the Brotherhood made their procession through London, the Brits were thoroughly unmoved by the display and forced the flagellants out of their country.

  • Medieval Clergy Really Emphasized The Number Three on Random 'Monty Python and Holy Grail' Was Surprisingly Historically Accurat

    (#9) Medieval Clergy Really Emphasized The Number Three

    Due to a deeply held, superstitious belief in numerology during Medieval times, the number three was considered incredibly important. It was thought to be holy, as it signified the Holy Trinity. The learned clergy, in particular, took number symbolism very seriously and applied it to everything from scripture to architecture.

    On a wider scale, the words “all” and “many” were used instead of the number three. The terms “beginning, middle, and end” were a set of three that encompassed everything. Much “counting” of the time consisted of simply “one, two, many.” No wonder King Arthur bungled the number three in the Holy Hand Grenade scene.

  • Knights May Have Had Trouble Counting Since They Were Not Educated  on Random 'Monty Python and Holy Grail' Was Surprisingly Historically Accurat

    (#5) Knights May Have Had Trouble Counting Since They Were Not Educated

    Though gifted in the art of war, medieval knights were often uneducated in subjects like mathematics. Until the 12th century, basic arithmetic and geometry were more or less unknown in Western Europe to all but the clergy. Not even basic calculation was taught to most.

    King Arthur bumbling his attempt to count in the Holy Hand Grenade scene - uttering, “One, two, five,” before being corrected with someone saying, “Three, Sir!” - is not as absurd as it may seem.

  • Grave Diggers Collected Cadavers En Masse During The Black Plague on Random 'Monty Python and Holy Grail' Was Surprisingly Historically Accurat

    (#4) Grave Diggers Collected Cadavers En Masse During The Black Plague

    When the Bubonic Plague, or Black Death, raged in Europe, it struck down so many people that grave diggers really did go through towns collecting the deceased. The highly contagious plague is estimated to have wiped out one-third to one-half of the European population during the late Middle Ages.

    While individual burials were standard prior to the outbreak, most traditional funerary practices were suspended due to the extraordinarily high number of casualties. Mass graves became the only way to keep up, and cadavers were often piled five-deep in long trenches.

    Fear of contamination led family members to expel their deceased loved ones from their homes as soon as possible. Men of low social standing, known as the Becchini, were tasked with lugging carts through the streets to collect discarded citizens and lug them away. Sometimes the sick would even be piled onto carts alongside the deceased, as their demise was an inevitability. So there is, in fact, some dark truth to the “I’m not dead yet” bit in the film.

  • Medieval Peoples Used Livestock As Biological Siege Weaponry on Random 'Monty Python and Holy Grail' Was Surprisingly Historically Accurat

    (#3) Medieval Peoples Used Livestock As Biological Siege Weaponry

    Fetchez la vache!” commands the taunting French guard before catapulting a cow toward the Knights of the Round Table. Though it’s played for laughs, the use of biological weaponry did, in fact, occur throughout history. 

    The first recorded instance of biological weaponry took place during the Carthaginian Wars in the fifth century BC, when the Greco-Romans contaminated their adversaries' food and water sources with rotting animal carcasses. In 190 BC, the Second Macedonian War saw the army of Antiochus III hurl pottery filled with poisonous snakes aboard Roman ships, and plague-riddled cadavers were launched into enemy territory during the Mongol siege of Kaffa in 1347.

  • Medieval Clergy Needed Very Little Evidence To Convict A Witch on Random 'Monty Python and Holy Grail' Was Surprisingly Historically Accurat

    (#1) Medieval Clergy Needed Very Little Evidence To Convict A Witch

    In Holy Grail, we see a young woman accused of witchcraft by an angry mob. The mob is eager to burn the "witch," but Sir Bedevere stops them from going through with it - at least until they can prove she weighs as much as a duck. If her weight is equal to the duck, he claims, then she is probably made of wood and therefore a witch. That's why witches burn, after all.

    The questions Bedevere poses to the mob, and his test for determining witchcraft, are utterly absurd to a modern audience, but they do hold a sliver of historical accuracy. Nonconformists, or anyone considered an outsider, were deemed by the medieval Catholic Church to be a public danger. Simply deviating from the norm was sensationalized and criminalized. Clerics preached of the eminent threat these groups presented and insisted that their nonconformity was the work of the devil.

    Even women who could not conceive and people born with medical abnormalities were attributed to Satan, as evil resided in both the moral and physical realms. Jews who practiced openly, those accused of homosexual behavior, and, of course, those who were said to practice sorcery were considered offenders deserving of execution. Many accused witches were antagonized until they confessed, then most often hanged or burned.

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail is an old British comedy film, the film was released in 1975. The film is based on the legend of King Arthur in the Medieval, telling the story of King Arthur and the Round Table Warriors accepting the will of God to find the legend of the Holy Grail. The exquisite scenes and props that fit the historical description have won unanimous praise from critics and audiences.

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