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  • (#15) A Guy My Grandfather's Age Held The Bus For Me... So I Would Kiss Him

    From Redditor /u/Tsunoba:

    There was this guy last year that got on the westbound bus a little after I did, and then we got off at the same stop and waited together for the northbound bus.

    He was nice. He was friendly. He took an interest in the classes I was taking. I kinda viewed him as this kind of grandfatherly type of man, since he was in his 60s or 70s. I'm in my late twenties, for reference.

    One night, I had to go to the store that's right by that bus stop we waited together at. I got stuck behind someone who took a while in line, so I was rushing to make the bus (because even though it's a "Time Point," where they're supposed to stop and wait if they're ahead of schedule, some of the drivers don't).

    I'm running up, and the driver did actually wait like he was supposed to. He was taking a smoke break out by the stop, and said, "Don't worry, the old guy let me know you were coming."

    Awesome, super nice, right? I go in, old guy says pretty much the same thing: He let the driver know I'd be out shortly, and the driver decided to take a smoke break while they waited.

    Then the old guy passed me a note, told me to read it when I got home.

    It said, "Does that deserve a kiss someday?"

    I know that's not the worst thing in the world, but...

    I started taking a later bus. It meant I didn't get home until about 9, but I didn't have to deal with him anymore.

  • (#9) He Changed His Mind About Not Liking Me When I Started Dating Someone Else

    From Redditor /u/soggybutter:

    I had a crush on a dude in high school, he was part of my BFFs circle so we were together a lot. I'm up-front so I was pretty clear that I had some feelings for him, but he was uninterested in being anything more than friends. Whatever, I had another boy kinda chasing me so I gave him a shot and we start dating, and I kept the friendship with the Nice Guy.

    Flash forward a year, Nice Guy has become one of my closest friends. We eat lunch together, hang out like everyday, and my boyfriend is often included, although they weren't close at all.

    Then a week before Nice Guy leaves for college, he confesses that he's totally in love with me, my boyfriend will never fully understand me or treat me right (it's been 4 years and we are still together soooo), and I pretty much owe it to him to dump my bf and f*ck him before he moves to school.

    I said no, obviously. He freaks out and tries to make me pay him back for all the money he spent on me, which I had never liked in the first place and was always done sneakily, like putting movie tickets on his card before we got to the theater or paying for our food when I was in the bathroom.

    He spends like 3 weeks messaging me just really mean, vile sh*t all the time, including some deeply personal stuff he was aware of due to our friendship. It hurts a lot to really regard somebody as a good, close friend and then be dropped like a hot potato when he realizes you still won't put out. He still messages me occasionally, usually to try to hit on me and get pissed that I still love my boyfriend, and then complains about being single. Gee motherf*cker, I wonder why?

  • (#10) He Tried To Pick Me Up At A Funeral

    From Redditor /u/summersintheair:

    When I was 17, one of my most favorite people in the world passed away very unexpectedly. After the funeral we had a wake at the pub, then family came back to our house... My cousin brought his girlfriend - who we knew and liked - and another friend who we'd never met before.

    I'd spent the day crying constantly (and I'm not a pretty crier) and at some point, [my] cousin's girlfriend came up to me, giggling, and said "our friend really likes you." I said I wasn't interested and after the usual comments "oh but he's so lovely! But he REALLY likes you!" she went away.

    After a half hour she came back and said "He's outside crying because you rejected him. He really wants you to go out there and cheer him up." I got my uncle to go out there and tell him to bugger off.

  • (#7) He Threw My Crutches On The Floor When He Found Out I Had A Boyfriend

    From Redditor /u/Montastic:

    A random guy held my crutches for me as I walked down some stairs at university. He seemed nice and joked about how he once broke a foot, it'll get better, etc. We get to the bottom and he asks if we could get some coffee. I thank him, but tell him I'm seeing someone so he just drops my crutches on the floor and walks away.

  • (#11) He Waited Until His Girlfriend Went To The Bathroom To Offer To Make Babies With Me

    From Redditor /u/duckspunk:

    Became friends with this guy in college. After graduation he got a job and moved in with his girlfriend about an hour's drive from where I was in grad school. I drove out one Saturday to see him, did some cool things, grabbed some food. He waited until his girlfriend was in the bathroom before he told me that my boyfriend probably had a low sperm count due to his profession, and if I ever wanted a family, he'd always be willing to "take me back" even though we'd never been together.

    Yeah, haven't seen him since.

  • (#8) He Told Me I Was Beautiful... Followed By A Blunt Request For Oral

    From Redditor /u/CharlieBear26:

    A guy once PM'ed me "Hey girl, you're so beautiful. You look like you know how to suck a good c*ck." So I asked him how he'd feel if someone spoke to his sister like that. He immediately blew up and told me he'd kill me for talking about his family like that. Makes sense.

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About This Tool

Hundreds of "nice guy" horror stories may make you question the need for interpersonal communication. These stories reveal a simple lesson: in fact, truly good people don’t declare everywhere "Hey, I'm a nice guy." There are a lot of cute and considerate men who are really kind and nice guys, but you may face fake good men who seem to believe that being nice to women will get attention or sex.

You could read 16 true stories about "nice guys" shared by women. They thought these men were platonic friends and also nice to them, but in fact, these men only wanted to have sex.

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