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  • Pellet Tea on Random Most Effective Hangover Cures

    (#28) Pellet Tea

    In the Wild West days, hungover cowboys drank a "tea" made of rabbit droppings. If you'd like to try this remedy at home, all you have to do is steep rabbit crap in hot water, and then you're all set.
  • Drinking Electrolytes on Random Most Effective Hangover Cures

    (#2) Drinking Electrolytes

    The dreaded hangover headache: experienced by many, friend of none. Why does it feel like there is a tiny elf inside your head pounding at your skull with a hammer? Because your brain is dehydrated. While water does the trick to hydrate, sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade contain electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and chloride) that help replenish and restore your system levels. The sugar in the drinks gives you carbohydrates for energy.
  • Dried Bull Penis on Random Most Effective Hangover Cures

    (#27) Dried Bull Penis

    This has gone somewhat out of vogue, but in the past, Sicilians with hangovers would gnaw on a good ol' dried bull penisThe assumption was that it restores your virility. Or perhaps your brain just eliminates the hangover as quickly as possible to stop your body from eating any more penis-jerky.
  • The Ol' Armpit Lime on Random Most Effective Hangover Cures

    (#26) The Ol' Armpit Lime

    Supposedly, drinkers in Puerto Rico have figured out how to prevent a hangover. Before an evening of indulgence, they rub a slice of lemon (or lime) into the armpit of their drinking arm. You read that right. It supposedly prevents dehydration.

    Some thoughts:
    1. No way. 
    2. Who has a drinking arm? Haven't they heard of double fisting?
    3. This is definitely a joke, right?
  • Pickle Juice on Random Most Effective Hangover Cures

    (#7) Pickle Juice

    One of the main reasons people feel so terrible when they’ve spent a night drinking is because alcohol is a diuretic, leaving you feeling dehydrated. Drinking pickle juice helps to replenish your depleted sodium levels. It contains two ingredients that help turn the tide against a hangover - salt and sodium. When it hits your bloodstream, your body starts building up water, solving the dehydration problem. And if pickle juice works for Vinnie Paul from Pantera, then it should work just fine for you.
  • Congee on Random Most Effective Hangover Cures

    (#22) Congee

    One of the most popular methods for fighting off a hangover in China (besides Sprite) is a meal called “congee,“ a rice porridge that rehydrates the eater. You can add almost anything to your congee, from salted duck eggs and lettuce to various meats and mushrooms.

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About This Tool

Excessive drinking may have various side effects. The hangover is the most common side effect, and its symptoms include fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, thirst, and sensitivity to light or sound. 75% of people who are drunk will have an uncomfortable hangover reaction. Although there is no shortage of hangover treatments, such as drinking a glass of pickle juice and rubbing lemon under the armpit before drinking water, many hangover treatments lack scientific support.

Although the best way to get rid of a hangover is not to drink alcohol, drinking is already a very common daily activity. Fortunately, there are some ways to help people alleviate the discomfort of a hangover and make people more comfortable, welcome to check the collection of 28 effective hangover cures here.

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