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  • Viewing Cute Cuddly Creatures Actually Helps Boost Focus on Random Most Exciting Medical Benefits of Owning a Cat

    (#8) Viewing Cute Cuddly Creatures Actually Helps Boost Focus

    That's right, there's now an official scientific excuse to keep the kitty pictures coming at the office! A study out of Hiroshima University in Japan, found that viewing adorable photos of kitties and puppies increased the performance level of students who were then asked to complete tasks requiring a great deal of focus.

    As one researcher explained, “viewing cute things improves subsequent performance in tasks that require behavioral carefulness, possibly by narrowing the breadth of attention focus.” If cute kitty pictures alone could produce such results, imagine what having a full-time cutie patroling the house could do!
  • Kitty Purrs Are Total Stress Busters on Random Most Exciting Medical Benefits of Owning a Cat

    (#6) Kitty Purrs Are Total Stress Busters

    Who would've thought that a creature with a bigger ego than an elephant could actually have a calming effect? "Believe it!" says science, which has shown that pet ownership is great for folks with high blood pressure. Studies show that after adopting a furry friend, patients with higher blood pressure levels tended to develop the skills necessary to navigate stressful situations while keeping their blood pressure at lower levels.
  • Cat Purrs Promote Healing Of Bones And Soft Tissue on Random Most Exciting Medical Benefits of Owning a Cat

    (#1) Cat Purrs Promote Healing Of Bones And Soft Tissue

    Believe it or not, studies are now showing that the purr of a cat can serve as far more than simply a delightful acknowledgement of your furry little companion's approval. As it turns out, when a cat's purr is within 20-140 hertz, nearby humans are scoring all sorts of health benefits. Kitty purrs can do everything from helping to strengthen bones to promoting the healing of soft tissue injuries.
  • Cuddling A Cat Can Help You Get A Better Night's Sleep on Random Most Exciting Medical Benefits of Owning a Cat

    (#14) Cuddling A Cat Can Help You Get A Better Night's Sleep

    A recent study from the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ revealed that cuddling up with your favorite feline may actually help you get a better night's sleep. Out of 150 research participants, 41% said that sharing their bed with a pet helped them get a better night's sleep.

    “Respondents described feeling secure, content and relaxed when their pet slept nearby,” researchers reported. “The value of these experiences, although poorly understood, cannot be dismissed because sleep is dependent on a state of physical and mental relaxation.”

  • Cat Ownership Can Help Improve Your Immune Function on Random Most Exciting Medical Benefits of Owning a Cat

    (#3) Cat Ownership Can Help Improve Your Immune Function

    Studies show that owning a cat could be just the ticket for boosting your immune system without consuming a single Flintstones vitamin. Studies even suggest that having a cat around can be helpful for boosting the immune systems of pregnant women, as conception can sometimes lower immune function.
  • Kitty Kind Can Improve Mood And Reduce Depression on Random Most Exciting Medical Benefits of Owning a Cat

    (#5) Kitty Kind Can Improve Mood And Reduce Depression

    Who can resist the allure of a purring little bundle of love? Perhaps it comes as no surprise that owning a cat has been linked to increased serotonin production, which both reduces the risk of depression and makes life a little happier all around.

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About This Tool

Many people will be unsure before raising a cat and a dog. You must know that these two pets are quite different. If you are a person who does not have a fixed time for commuting, then a cat is the best choice for you. According to research, raising cats has many medical benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety and depression, and even speeding up recovery time after surgery.

Cats can be the best and reliable friends, they can provide emotional support and help people get out of sadness or anxiety. The random tool introduced 15 of the most fascinating medical benefits of raising a cat.

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