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  • Men Experience Shrinkage And Curvature on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#6) Men Experience Shrinkage And Curvature

    It's time for some real talk, guys. Your penis is going to change as you age, and there's nothing you can do about it. Everyone loses muscle mass as they age, and for a man's member, that means things are going to start drooping. Your pal is also going to get smaller... permanently. The cells in your Nether regions will start to be replaced by collagen, which is non-elastic. The lack of elasticity will slowly make your member smaller.

    As you age, you will also develop some curvature to your shaft. Years of trauma from things like sports and sexual activities lead to scar tissue, which will lead to a slight curve here and there. 

    More seriously, you can also get prostate or testicular cancer, meaning that self-exams and checks by your doctor become increasingly important. As always, early diagnosis is key. 

  • Your Skin Starts Sagging And Aging In Your 20s on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#10) Your Skin Starts Sagging And Aging In Your 20s

    Turns out that your skin doesn't abruptly starting going downhill all at once. Though researchers once thought that skin aging began at 35, a study showed that cells change differently as you age. You don't notice, however, until all of the effects come together, which makes sense.

    These cell differences were divided into five processes. In your 20s, your skin decreases antioxidant production. This means it's crucial to use sunscreen much earlier, and that using antioxidants in your skin products becomes necessary much earlier as well.

    In your 30s, your skin cells don't create collagen, repair skin, or even absorb products as quickly as it used to. To help mitigate this, you can use products with B3, which has been shown to raise skin's bioenergy levels.  

    At 40, your complexion will visibly change. This process is called "senescence," and it looks different for everyone. By this age, it's important to use things like retinol to keep skin looking healthy. 

  • There Are Ways To Slow Down The Aging Process on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#13) There Are Ways To Slow Down The Aging Process

    Though we've been told that the fountain of youth doesn't exist, that may be changing. A study has proven that aging can indeed reverse at the cellular level. How? The answer shouldn't come as a surprise:  eat better, meditate more, sleep more, and spend time with the people you love. Those simple things that we all know to do could add ten years to your life. 

    Researchers looked at the caps on chromosomes to judge the aging process. As we age, those caps get shorter, which is a bad thing. Shorter caps mean that your chances of dying early go up; not only does age shorten them, but so can stress.

    This study took a group of men who had prostate cancer - that is, men whose caps are shorter - and told the men to eat healthier diets, exercise more, meditate, and attend a support group. In three months, the caps had regenerated 10%. 

  • Tumors Can Develop All Over Your Body on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#5) Tumors Can Develop All Over Your Body

    Although the word "tumor' has doomsday connotations, not all tumors come with the Big C. Benign tumors in the form of less-than-adorable skin tags and lesions can pop up all over your skin as you age. 

    Even though they're usually benign, you still need to monitor them for changes, just like you would watch a mole for signs of skin cancer. Skin lesions can take many shapes, sizes, and colors; all of them affect the elderly more than they do younger adults. 

  • You Can Develop Alzheimer's, Which Is On The Rise on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#1) You Can Develop Alzheimer's, Which Is On The Rise

    The Alzheimer's Association estimates that in 2050 there could be as many as 16 million Americans living with Alzheimer's. The brain disorder is an irreversible and progressive disease that slowly destroys your memory and thinking abilities. The symptoms worsen over time, and full-time assistance is needed even for the simplest of tasks during the late stages of the disease.

    There is no cure for Alzheimer's, and a slew of drugs meant to slow the progression of the disease failed their large clinical trails. Promising treatments are in development, but for now, many doctors advocate preventative action to avoid a deadly diagnosis. A healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and exercise may help people with a genetic predisposition to the disease avoid or prolong the onset of Alzheimer's.

    There are also promising treatments on the horizon. Insulin resistance and inflammation, both associated with Alzheimer's, are the focus of many Alzheimer's studies today. Still, there is no cure, so it may be in your best interest to cultivate a healthy lifestyle to avoid Alzheimer's hardships in the future. 

  • Your Bones Become Brittle on Random Most Terrifying Things That Happen To Your Body As You Age

    (#3) Your Bones Become Brittle

    Just as your skin sheds cells and generates new ones, your bones also have their own take on shedding and regeneration; in fact, your skeleton is replaced about once every decade. Your body absorbs old bone (that is, calcium and phosphate) and then generates new bone via the same minerals. 

    As you age, your body stops producing and regenerating at the same rate, which means you can develop osteoporosis. As estrogen in women and testosterone in men drop, the risk for bone loss rises. Alcohol use and smoking can also contribute to osteoporosis risk. Having a weak skeleton can lead to a slump in posture, achiness, and a greater risk of breaking bones.

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About This Tool

More and more adults tend to pay special attention to the changes in our body at each stage of aging. We may find that we need glasses when we are 30 years old, we cannot lose weight as easily as we were only 20 years old, we may not exercise vigorously like teenagers, and our hearing seems to be gradually getting worse.

Our genes determine our lifespan. With the aging process, our organs and DNA are broken and damaged until they can no longer work as before. The random tool lists 14 of the scariest things that happen when we are aging.

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