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  • (#5) A Phantom Woman Sings in the Night

    From Mrhegel

    When I was younger, I used to think I was having dreams of an old woman in a blue dress and cat-eye glasses sitting at the end of my bed singing to me. She'd always sing the same song and then leave. One night I followed her into my brother's room (he is younger than me and was around 5) and instead of singing to him, he woke up and they began talking. After like 20 minutes, my mother came in and asked what we were doing. My brother said "I'm just talking to the lady in the blue dress." She made us go back to bed. I woke up still thinking it was a dream. My mom told me the next morning that she didn't want me sneaking out of bed anymore in the middle of the night to play with my brother. I asked her what she was talking about, and she gave me her version of what she saw the night before.

    To this day I believe that was real, and that every night the old woman would sing to me. I get goose-bumps just thinking about it. She stopped singing to me soon after that, though people in my family still caught my brother speaking to nothing on numerous occasions.

    A while later, an aunt came to visit from down south and refused to come in to our house after seeing an old woman in cat-eye glasses standing in the upstairs window. She came in asking who was upstairs, then freaked out when my mother told her no one and let her search the house.

  • (#3) Daughter Gets Visit from Great-Grandparents

    Ryliesmama tells this story:

    When my daughter was an infant we of course had baby monitors. One night, really late, we heard two people on the monitor talking... a man and a woman. They were talking about how peaceful she looked... we both went running to her room and she was laying there peacefully sleeping, with no one in the room. My husband swore it sounded just like his dead grandparents.

  • (#9) The Haunted House Near Two Cemeteries

    Reddit user Sassicide says:

    Not sure if this qualifies as childhood, since I was in my teens, but here goes:

    My mom was married to my father (a minister) for a long time, and when she left him, she left behind all the traditions they had out of spite. One of these traditions was "blessing" a house before entering it. Well, needless to say, the new house she and I had moved into after their split was in need of a blessing.

    It was located between a Civil War-era cemetery and a more modern one. I don't know if it had anything to do with what was happening with the house.

    The first day we were there, the stove had turned on by itself, and shattered a glass pan that we had sitting on one of the burners. We brushed it off. From then on things escalated. The radio would turn on and off, box fans would mysteriously turn on full blast, and my dog would end up barking at the corners with more ferocity that I'd ever seen her use. My mom got locked in the bathroom once when she was home alone and had to wait for me to come home from school to let her out. Thankfully it was only an hour or so. I saw our "visitor" once or twice and took to calling him "Sam".

    To this day I can't explain what exactly was going on in that house, but I'm very glad that I'm out of it.

  • (#14) The Ghost Tried to Get in the Door

    From arialist:

    I wasn't allowed to lock my door as a kid. I was about 7 years old, and one Saturday morning, I had woken up at 7 or 8 am (I didn't know the beauty of sleep then), and had found that my mom had locked her bedroom door when I tried to go in and wake her. Childishly I decided to go ahead and lock my door too, and then figured I'd let myself enjoy a computer game until my mom woke up. I was actually in the middle of fighting Captain Hook when I realized that this weird, metallic clicking noise wasn't actually coming from my game.

    With the way my room was laid out, my back was facing the door while sitting at the desk, but I had a clear view behind me if I glanced at the mirror that hung over my dresser to my right. The door knob was turning- slowly, but non-stop, almost as if someone were trying to sneak in as quietly as possible, but was starting to get impatient or agitated. I remember blinking a few times before asking "Mom?" and as soon as I spoke it stopped.

    Now by this time as a kid, I'd heard plenty of scary stories and even stories about supernatural happenings that had occurred around me as a baby, so I was a little concerned, but being a pretty sensible kid, I figured I had to at least double-check and make sure it wasn't my mom pulling a prank.

    I opened the door and the hallway was completely empty. I tried calling for my mom again, trying not to panic and hoping she was just elsewhere in the apartment and - nothing. Just the soft sound of birds and the occasional rumble from a car outside. With a last bit of a hope I went to my mom's door and pressed my ear to the wood, hoping I'd hear her talking at least, or moving around, but instead all I heard were soft snores. It definitely wasn't her.

    I remember then the hallway went frigid, like a 20 drop degree in the space of less than a minute. My brain went into automatic mode and I took off running down the hall, headed straight for my Yorkshire Terrier's crate. I scooped her up and ran back down the hall to my room, where I shut and locked the door immediately. Our dog was still pretty young and so she didn't mind much being carried or how I sat her firmly in my lap, watching the door apprehensively. I kept waiting for something else to happen, but finally after about 5-10 minutes, I turned around and went back to my computer game, trying to forget the whole thing. I'd finally settled back into the game when I heard it again, except this time it wasn't soft or sneaky. As I turned to look at the mirror my Yorkie growled sharply from my lap, and I saw the doorknob twisting violently. The door starting to bang, and my dog snarled and jumped off, running for the door with her hackles fully raised and clawing at the door. I didn't know what to do, so I did all I could think of: I closed my eyes and prayed. It's funny in retrospect, because even back then I wasn't religious at all (despite being raised in a Catholic family and being forced to do a First Communion), but it was the only thing I could think of to do, and so I did, mumbling and stuttering through it until my Yorkie's growls and barks finally stopped and the rattling disappeared completely.

    I think I stood there for a full 10 seconds before I started screaming my head off, waking up my mom and getting in trouble for making a ruckus, but I sure was glad to hear her voice after all of that. I'm still not sure what happened. It wasn't the only weird/scary thing to happen in that apartment to me. But I can remember every detail, even to this day.

  • (#10) Visit from Grandpa and Some Bent Keys

    From samirbrokeit:

    I never met my maternal grandfather, as he died before I was born at a relatively young age, around 50 or so. He had died of a heart attack. He was too drunk to acknowledge he should have gone to the hospital at the time and instead sat in a chair in his living room, with his house keys in his hand - and he squeezed them so hard that they were all bent when they found him the next morning. My mum described that night feeling his "presence" over her with his keys in his hand.

    Many years later, when I was about six, my mother told me about my grandfather for the first time and showed me some photos of him. She told me the next morning that I claimed he'd visited me the previous night, and handed me a set of bent house keys to play with. There's no way I could have known that detail - and I maintained this for many years until I was too old to recall it, and she told me the story.

  • (#8) A Ghostly Woman in a Skirt in an Old House

    From a Reddit user:

    Part of my dad's job when I was younger was to go around a very old house that was falling apart, and check on these dowel things in the walls every 6 weeks. He basically replaced them and packaged the ones we took out, and sent them away to find out how the building was drying out after years of rain leaking in. This was a listed building and the company wanted to bring the house back to its former glory, but as far as I'm aware since my dad stopped working for them, it's back in complete disrepair.

    I would go along with him on a Sunday morning to do the changes of these dowels, since I loved being down there and have always been interested in history. So, off we went one morning and turned on the generator and my dad got to work, I'd normally wander around playing Indiana Jones by myself, since this was a huge manor house. It was a construction site, but I was old enough to appreciate the rules and knew not to go near any holes or find a way to fall through the floor.

    So, my dad is busy getting to work on the first dowels when I'm playing upstairs in one room I always liked because it was a child's room. I had claimed it as my own play space whenever I visited. I played for about 5 minutes when I felt someone was watching me, and I turned around to see what looked like a long skirt follow someone along the hallway. I sneaked out and tried to see who was there, and saw the back of a lady walk into another room wearing a floor length skirt. I tried to follow her, but when I went into the room literally 2 seconds after there was no one there. I called my dad and we checked every room in he house, but no one was there. The only way to exit would have been to walk past us, so I have no idea what I saw.

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