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  • (#13) True Annoyance

    From Redditor u/clemboy500:

    We often just stand in each other's way for no reason other than to be annoying.

  • (#1) Quite A Surprise

    From Redditor u/alternativenarrative:

    We play a game called Surprise Bum. It’s pretty simple. To ‘win’ all you have to do is catch the other off guard with your naked a**.

    So say, I’m on the sofa reading a book. He’ll yell out ‘hey have you seen my keys?’ Naturally I turn around to direct my answer at him and - BAM - there he is with his back to me, hands on hips and pants around his ankles, yelling ‘SURPRISE BUM!’.

  • (#15) Hadouken!

    From Redditor u/Choccy_Nanoodly:

    We stand like three feet away from each other and make Street Fighter idle animations at each other for minutes on end.

  • (#7) When Monsters Enter Adulthood

    From Redditor u/MonocromeRainbow:

    We have a 'Kiss Monster' (spoiler alert: it's me with a blanket over my head), that visits my SO every now and gives him loads of kisses before slinking off again into the night.

    We have never acknowledged that I am in fact, the Kiss Monster.

  • (#24) Cute Yet Creepy

    From Redditor u/Dicktremain:

    We harvest each other's goosebumps.

    When one of us gets goosebumps on our skin, the other will run their hands up and down on their skin "collecting" them.

  • (#28) We Feel Sick

    From Redditor u/Leperchaun913:

    We play a game where we try and quickly put our finger in the other person's nose and then their mouth. There is a lot of grappling, sneaking, seduction, and subterfuge involved. It's made kissing a precarious endeavor. You never know when a "feed you your own boogers" attack is coming.

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About This Tool

Love can make you do crazy things, or as the saying goes, falling in love makes you blind. There are a lot of people in romantic relationships doing very crazy things. Every enthusiastic couple thinks that the other person will take the matter "Til death do us part" seriously. Studies have shown that intimacy may heat up quickly by doing special strange things together.

The key model for the development of intimacy between peers is continuous, escalating, mutual, and personal self-exposure. The random tool shares 28 of the weirdest things these couples do with their SOs. Welcome to check the interesting tool with your partner.

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