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  • (#30) A Silver Lining

    From Redditor /u/Canadian_Neckbeard

    My mom works in vacation rentals doing housekeeping. She's 61, diabetic and has COPD, and lives in a state that has mandatory shutdown of all non-essential businesses. When she was informed they'd be laying people off but also staying open, she told them she's afraid of getting CoV and they laid her off so she could collect unemployment and continue to pay her bills while staying home safe.

  • (#23) Double Downer

    From Redditor /u/nonstopsobbing

    My job as a barista was shut down for safety and because nobody is coming in anyway. And my summer job (teaching kids how to swim at a sleepaway camp) is canceled because the camp decided not to open. While I'm not in danger of losing my house or starving, I am now unable to afford to continue going to college next semester.

  • (#13) The Stands Are Empty

    From Redditor /u/OccyBigD

    Not me but my dad. He works in the exhibition industry (setting up stands for shows, events, and conferences), but now with bans on public gatherings, he's out of the job indefinitely. He was the sole earner in our house, as well, and we only have enough rent money for the next month. Scary times ahead.

  • (#16) Box It Up

    From Redditor /u/fukyokarma

    Just lost it about an hour ago. I’m a restaurant manager and they called me and told me to turn in my keys by the end of the day. I’m in quarantine and can’t. They are sending me a UPS box so I can send in my keys and told me to file for unemployment. Never expected this to happen to me. I’m in shock. I don't know what I’m going to do.

  • (#3) Left It All Behind

    From Redditor /u/rileyellen

    We sold our house, packed up our stuff and our two young daughters, and moved our family to the Bay Area in California for my husband’s new job in SF. That was January 25 of this year. He lost his job on Monday as soon as they announced the shelter-in-place order. We left behind our families, friends, home, everything for this job. We don’t know what we’re going to do. Thankfully we have savings from selling our house while he looks for a job. We just don’t know who, if anyone, will be hiring anytime soon. I want to buy a school bus and convert it to an RV and go live in the mountains. I have yet to get my husband and our daughters on board with that plan though.

  • (#5) The Cupboards Are Bare

    From Redditor /u/lzrkennyloggins

    I was laid off indefinitely from two different hourly paying line-cooking jobs on Monday(~50 hours combined/week). I helped clean out one of the restaurants Wednesday. We discarded a lot of stuff. I helped clean out all of the coolers and throw away A LOT of prepped food that people didn't/couldn't take home. Employees were encouraged to take what they wanted: produce, dairy, meat etc. The place is almost completely empty, it's surreal.

    My spouse was laid off indefinitely Wednesday. She manages a restaurant and is salaried w/ benefits (~50 hours/week). She was told that management will not be paid until the place reopens.

    Our family currently has no work or income. We have a young child. These are very uncertain times.

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About This Tool

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the global unemployment rate has risen rapidly and sharply. So far, more than one-sixth of young people have lost the job due to the epidemic, even unfired workers have reduced their working hours by 23%. The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 is influencing the majority of workers, especially young women. The increase in unemployment will lead to more serious social problems and make economic recovery after the epidemic more difficult. 

The labor organization called on developed countries to immediately implement a wide range of employment protection measures to deal with this unemployment crisis. The random tool shares 35 heartbreaking stories of people who lost their jobs during the epidemic.

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