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  • (#12) Dogs And Ammo Don't Mix

    From Redditor /u/CerinLevel3:

    I'm sitting inside petting one of the two dogs. I notice one is gone and start to have a panic attack, because that's the logical thing to do.

    You see, the dog in question had just gone into heat and I was not going to be at fault for a litter of puppies. She had wandered off into the woods while I was feeding their pigs, apparently.

    Called my mom over to have her help look (I was 15) and she drove around the area. Lo and behold, she found the dog. The dumb [creature] had been hanging out at the nearby gun club, which the owners had no connection to.

    Needless to say I didn't mention this when I got paid.

  • (#1) He Just Wanted To Help

    From Redditor /u/NHMassh*le:

    This dog I was watching got into the garbage when I was sleeping upstairs. Here is what happened (in what I am assuming was chronological order).

    He got into the trash. Ate food. Then felt bad and tried to take the bag outside. The bag gets caught in the doggy door. He’s now trapped inside and can’t puke or poop outside. He does both.


    The dog has a guilt problem and will try to ahem “clean up his messes” by eating them. From what I gathered by the various and several sh*t/vomit mixed combos in the house, he must have done this 6-8 times. It was a vicious cycle...

    I found him hiding in the bathtub, and he didn’t leave for the whole day.

  • (#10) All That Money Just Flew Away

    From Redditor /u/LatestGreatestSadist:

    We had my aunt's thousand-something-dollar Senegal parrot, and my sister took it outside and that lil f*cker flew away. My neighbor saw it in her backyard though and caught it (idk how) and brought it back. I hated that bird though, it was mean.

  • (#9) The Bath That Backfired

    From Redditor /u/The_Wolverines_Dad:

    If you give the dog... a bath, in the upstairs bathroom, and you use the pet shampoo, do not let the dog lick any tub water! You'll have explosive diarrhea everywhere later that evening.

    I used two bottles of Clorox kitchen spray and four rolls of paper towels to clean my kitchen.

    Lesson learned!

  • (#15) Who Taught Him That?

    From Redditor /u/ashleighholynn:

    I was looking after a dog that kept [playing] dead. Laying on his back with feet in air, very freaky.

  • (#8) The Dogs Weren't Their Only Company

    From Redditor /u/xosomeblonde:

    I was pet sitting and I swear there was someone in the house while I was there.

    The woman told me to just stay in one room, and I never questioned it and only stayed in that part of the house. At one point I heard noises and the dogs were barking at the other half of the house and it was just terrifying! I was on the floor with a knife talking to my boyfriend who was trying to talk me down.

    I was freaked the f*ck out and did two more jobs after that (ones I'd already signed up for) and then never did it again. It really messed with my head and made me feel so unsafe and vulnerable and paranoid.

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About This Tool

Busy pet owners are a group of people who need pet sitter services very much. They need pet sitters to feed and clean their pets when they are out, or take the pets for walks and play. In any case, the pet sitter is a job with many opportunities but not easy. Every pet owner hopes to provide the best care for their pet and needs to choose and think carefully when hiring a pet sitter.

Some people shared the most terrible experiences about the worst pet sitters, you could know 16 horror stories in this random tool. It is important to notice the pet's reactions and behaviors.

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