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  • (#8) Michigan: 'There's A Reason Shows/Movies Pick Michigan As The Location People Are From'

    From Redditor /u/therealmrmiagi:

    I don’t disagree with all the comments saying Ohio, but I think Michigan is a better example: beaches on the west side that are actually nice, the Upper Peninsula/northern part of the Lower Peninsula [that] shows off the natural beauty our country has...

    Couple that with major university culture, all four major sports teams, and automotive culture. There’s a reason shows/movies pick Michigan as the location people are from, like American Pie or Freaks and Geeks. Additionally, Michigan has a lot of the urban problems seen in this country, Flint being an extreme example, and the opioid crisis affecting the more rural areas...

  • (#17) Iowa: 'The Midwest Is The Real America'

    From Redditor /u/nemo_sum:

    Iowa's the most Midwestern state, and the Midwest is the real America.

  • (#22) North Carolina: 'The Influx Of Migrants From Around The Country'

    From a former Redditor:

    I'd say North Carolina. Why? The influx of migrants from around the country in the past two decades, [and] the booming growth that... has made it the newest cross-section of America.

    North Carolina is a great representation of America...

  • (#19) Virginia: 'Mother Of Presidents'

    From Redditor /u/BabyBellGuy75:

    Virginia has the nickname "Mother of Presidents" due to the huge amount of them who were born here.

    In fact, seven of the 15 antebellum presidents were from Virginia, and since the end of the Civil War, there was... one more, Woodrow Wilson...

  • (#10) Pennsylvania: 'Where The US Was Born'

    From Redditor /u/ElfMage83:

    Pennsylvania is where the US was born, so I'll say that.

  • (#4) 'All... Or None'

    From a Redditor:

    All of them do or none of them do.

    From Redditor /u/ShinySpoon:

    All of them do equally. Every single state is representative of America. Without one of [them], America would not be whole.

    From Redditor /u/Pojodan:

    None of them do. The West Coast is significantly different from the East Coast is significantly different from the South is significantly different from the North, etc.

    There are states that have roughly the same general demographics as the country as a whole, but that's only a small part of the puzzle...

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About This Tool

Many Americans are proud of their state and think that their hometown is better than other states. There are also many disputes on the Internet because of the unique American states. We all know that the United States is composed of more than 50 different states which have their unique characteristics, customs, and cultures. Everyone thinks that their state is the most quintessential American state and represents the most iconic American spirit.

It can not deny that each state governments are trying their best to provide residents with the best services, infrastructure such as health care and education is the most important, followed by economic and cultural construction. There are random 25 different opinions about the quintessential US states which are shown by the random tool.

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