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  • (#17) Dodged A Bullet

    From Redditor u/CountZapolai:

    Yeah, that's not a good idea. I agreed this with someone when I was 21 for when we were both 30.

    Actually we ended up dating IRL for like a year at 25 and it was a complete and utter f***ing disaster after the first 3 months, turns out the reason she was still single was that she was that, while to everyone else she met, she was extremely sweet and caring, after 3 months into any relationship, she turned into a complete and utter neurotic psychopath- as in, probably diagnosably so- and relentlessly bullied everyone she had ever dated until either they dumped her or she dumped them- if she thought that would cause more emotional pain. It clicked when I got speaking to one of her exes who had had basically exactly the same experience.

    Was happily married since 29, so wouldn't have come up anyway, but f***ing hell, dodged a bullet there.

  • (#1) Started As An Arrangement

    From Redditor u/Phobiculog:

    Kind of. We left our spouses around the same time (not for each other) and decided to share a house. We got to taking one night and decided we each had all the things the other was looking for, plus we got along really well. We were in our mid-thirties by then and sick of the dating scene, so we just laid it out like a business arrangement. What started off as an "arrangement" eventually evolved into something extremely serious and passionate. We've been together now for almost seven years and married for almost one. We are extremely in love and I have zero regrets.

  • (#10) Couldn't Wait Ten Years

    From Redditor u/mamamoonzz:

    I did. But we got married 10 years earlier. We met at an inkmaster finale. We immediately connected. He lived in New York, I, Florida. I went back home and we Kept in touch. Made a promise if by the time we were 35 we'd marry eachother. I was 25 at the time. Things intensified so much we truly believed we were meant for eachother. I moved to Illinois to take care of my sick grandma. 3 months after meeting he flew there to visit and we got married. After a few more visits he moved there too. 4 years later and we have 2 kids.

  • (#11) Time Does Funny Things

    From Redditor u/MindTuna:

    Not married to her but I'll tell my story anyway. One of my best friends growing up was a girl. She was my neighbor and 2 years ahead of me in school. We used to spend the summers swimming, riding bikes, eating ice cream and laying in the grass at the park watching clouds. Typical American upbringing in the 80's-90's. As we got older we drifted apart as we were in different grades and hanging out with the neighbor kid who was two grades behind you wasn't cool. In highschool though we kind of started talking again and we'd hang out on my dock in the late evening talking about life. During one of said talks we made such a pact that of neither was married by our 30's (which seemed ages off at the time) we'd marry each other and have kids. We lost touch after she left for college and I went off to a different state as well 2 years after. I eventually married, found a job, had kids and whatnot. One night I was finished reading to my son and was sitting in his room waiting for him to drift off when I got a Facebook message. It was her. We chatted a bit and I accepted the friend request and was perusing through her profile. She was smoking hot!! The next day or so she sent me a message that she was bummed to find I was married and had kids, etc because of our pact. She sent a long message saying I had grown up to be quite attractive and successful and that my kids were beautiful and my wife was lucky. I couldn't help but feel anything but sorrow for her. Her life looked like she lived at bars on FB and had different boyfriend's every few months. She had a service industry job and something about it just seemed like it didn't fit as she was getting older. I had in fact been missing having a "life" and missed friendships and bars and adventures of my younger life but I suddenly realized how living the life of a 25 year old wasn't so great in your mind thirties and I gained a little appreciation for the suburban family life I was in. Time is a weird thing. I'm still friends with her on FB and I like her photos of her drinking shots in neon glow and she likes photos of my youngest in the bath.

  • (#22) Calling Jess F! Come In Jess F!

    From Redditor u/Berns429:

    I made this pact, and I’m not married yet, so Jess F if you’re still out there girl call me!! You know who this is.

  • (#12) Good For You, Mom

    From Redditor u/throwawayacc_cldy:

    Not me but my mom. My parents got divorced two years ago because both my parents were very unhappy with one another. My mom recently reconnected with her old boyfriend from highschool who, in his own words, would “never marry anyone else and would wait for her to be with him, and would have no one else.” Well he heard about my mom’s divorce (keep in mind my mom is 50) on Facebook and reached out to her and they have recently started dating again and are already madly in love. I’m really happy for her. My dad also found someone but that’s irrelevant to the question stated lol.

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About This Tool

"If we are both still single when we are 35, we will get married." It sounds like the lines from old-fashioned TV drama, but what is unexpected is this romantic vow that someone really cherishes each other in real life. There are many people from all over the world discussing this topic on social media recently, and they have had similar experiences.

The random tool shares 23 true stories of people who finally got married on an "if we're both still single when we're 35 we'll get married" vow. Don't let the good ones get away and you deserve the best.

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