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  • Some Toots Come From Your Blood on Random Reasons Why People Fart You Need to Know

    (#4) Some Toots Come From Your Blood


    Even without food, your blood can still create gas that needs to escape your body. Most farts contain some amount of carbon dioxide, which is produced by blood flow, that brings oxygen to bacteria living in various parts of the body.

    The bacteria uses the oxygen brought by flowing blood to different organs to help power them, and then creates waste in the form of carbon dioxide gas, much like we do when we breathe in and breathe out. While toots may be made of all these different factors, there's really only one factor that makes them stink. . .


  • If You Fart a Lot After Eating Dairy, You Might Be Lactose Intolerant on Random Reasons Why People Fart You Need to Know

    (#14) If You Fart a Lot After Eating Dairy, You Might Be Lactose Intolerant

    If you're noticing that you have really bad and painful gas after having dairy, you might actually be lactose intolerant. Most people have some level of lactose intolerance, and it isn't life threatening or permanently damaging per se. However, it can be a huge discomfort that can impact the quality of life for many people and it's actually really each to treat with diet changes and medication.

    So, if you're in gassy pain after having a glass of milk or an Alfredo sauce, it might be worth your time to get tested for lactose intolerance. Especially if you live or sleep with someone with sensitive nostrils. 

  • Flatulence Removes Gaseous Waste From Our Body So We Don't Die on Random Reasons Why People Fart You Need to Know

    (#1) Flatulence Removes Gaseous Waste From Our Body So We Don't Die


    Gas may just seem like a comedy gold mine, but they're also a vital part of our daily lives. Throughout your day, your stomach, intestines, and colon will begin to fill with various gasses. These gases are waste products from other bodily functions, such as digestion, and they need to get out of us or they can cause cramping, pain, and possibly worse. After all, with enough waste in our body, we can turn septic!

    Burping helps out with the gasses in your stomach, but once it hits the intestines and colon, it comes out as a fart instead. Put simply, it's good for your health to let one rip. 


  • You will Continue to Fart Even After Death on Random Reasons Why People Fart You Need to Know

    (#11) You will Continue to Fart Even After Death

    While everyone has gas, regardless of where or who they are, it's also worth noting that people continue to fart even after they are dead. After the rest of your body dies, the bacteria in your gut are still trying to break down food, and will continue to do so for a while.

    Even though you're not moving around anymore, the gas still needs to go somewhere, so it comes out in the form of a fart, sometimes out your mouth rather than your anus. It might sound a little funny to think about, but you can bet it's probably really startling for morgue workers on a quiet night.  

  • Quitting Smoking Can Make You Less Farty on Random Reasons Why People Fart You Need to Know

    (#17) Quitting Smoking Can Make You Less Farty

    So, let's say you're trying to fart less. While changing your diet, exercise habits, and medications can help with that, there's one other thing you can do as well. Smoking takes more air into your body than usual, and causes you to swallow more air than the average person. That air, and the fumes from whatever you're smoking, can get trapped in your body, and can mean that you fart more regularly, especially after smoking.

    The air can also build up in your esophagus and stomach, and may make you burp more as well, so you're likely to be a gassier person in general if you're a regular smoker. 

  • Gas Doesn't Make Sounds Because of Your Butt Cheeks on Random Reasons Why People Fart You Need to Know

    (#6) Gas Doesn't Make Sounds Because of Your Butt Cheeks

    One common misconception is that the noise of a fart is really the sound of your butt cheeks flapping against each other as air escapes. In truth, that's not the case. The sound a fart makes is produced by vibrations in the anal opening, rather than the cheeks, and the type of sound it makes depends on several factors.

    The tightness of the anal opening, the velocity of the fart (which can be determined by the volume of air and the pressure), and by the position in which you are sitting or standing. That's why, sometimes, it might take a little shifting around to fart quietly while in polite company. 

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About This Tool

Farting is a normal physiological phenomenon. When people eat food, the body will produce more gas due to the normal flora of the digestive tract. These gases move downward along with bowel movements and are discharged from the anus. When it is discharged, due to the action of the anal sphincter, sometimes there is a noise. farting is a manifestation of the normal functioning of the intestines.

The composition of farts is indeed different from person to person, just like fingerprints, after all, everyone's intestinal biology is different. The random tool explained 17 fun facts about why people do fart almost every day. If you don't fart for a long time, or fart too much or smelly, you'd better go to the hospital to check if you have any health problems.

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