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  • (#5) He Had No Boundaries

    From Redditor /u/Defenestrationism:

    He was creepy, annoying, socially inappropriate, wouldn't respect boundaries. It was partially my fault. It started with us kissing while I was drunk at a party. He apparently took that to mean that we were instant life partners. I explained to him the next day that I was drunk and it didn't mean anything but we could still be friends... and then the stalkerish behavior started.

    Showing up at my place at random, odd hours, constantly wanting to know my schedule, where I'll be and what I'll be doing, etc. It got to the point where my landlady at the time allowed me to park my car in her barn so he wouldn't know I was home. My roomies also started warning me if they saw him coming down the driveway so I could tear out the back door into the woods to hide from him. He finally got the point and backed off when he learned that I was somehow never home.

  • (#15) The Person They Were Seeing Got Weird

    From Redditor /u/Mor-Rioghan:

    I only ghosted one guy. I'm an amputee and before we even met in person, as soon as he found out, he was texting me dozens of times asking me if he could 'feel' my stump and asking what it feels like and very intrusive questions, including some weirdly sexual. He also told me he wanted to marry me expressly so he could show off his bionic wife if I got a robotic prosthetic. I tried to gently make it clear he was creeping me out but when he wouldn't stop I ended up blocking him on all social media and blocking his number. Even in situations where dates have gone badly I don't like ghosting but this dude was so creepy he gives me goosebumps even now. I'm so glad I never met him in person, if he acted this way over text I'm terrified to think how he would have been in person.

  • (#7) It's The Easiest Way To Break Up

    From Redditor /u/kiyonisis:

    Early on, when you barely even know the person, I don't feel that you have any responsibility or obligation to initiate contact. If you go out on a date or two and aren't feeling it, I think it is more socially graceful to just move on. Going out on a single date and then calling them up later to inform them that you just aren't into them strikes me as both excessive and presumptuous; for all you know they just didn't feel it either and it's easier for both of you to just move on without further contact.

  • (#9) At Least One Person Believes It's A Nice Way To Break Things Off

    From Redditor /u/exGFproblems:

    I do it all the time. If I don't feel like there's a natural chemistry or they throw up a huge red flag, I just duck out. Some would think it's a rude thing to do but what's the point of explaining myself if the reasoning is going to be hurtful or seem cold to the other person? Ghosting is a nice way of saying I have nothing nice to say.

  • (#8) From One User It's Just A Bad Habit

    From Redditor /u/n0ggy:

    On Tinder I do it A LOT. The main reason is the girl lacking initiative or not being interesting, witty, or fun enough to talk to. Other times it's because I'm being busy or forget for a long time and when I get back on the app I'm just not that much into it anymore. This is a bit of a bad habit from me because I end up ghosting a lot of my matches.

  • (#13) The Person They Were Talking To Was Too Effusive

    From Redditor /u/ellyeverts:

    I’ve had a guy profess his love to me multiple times, and I kept telling him that it made me uncomfortable because we didn’t know each other that well... and the last time he did that I was hanging out with my crush, so I just left him on opened. Honestly, i know it’s a sh*tty thing to do, but I didn’t even know what to say at that point, so I said nothing.

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About This Tool

Ghosting is a modern-day disappearing act, people would throw phones back and vanishes into thin air. If your partner suddenly stops all contact and communication with you without any reason or notification and ignores your attempts to communicate, there is no doubt that your partner is ghosted you and is cutting off the relationship. Ghosting is a sign of one person trying to make a quick exit from a relationship.

Ghosting is quick, ruthless, but it is fairly common these days, many people have fallen into a painful and dark situation. The random tool shares 15 reasons why people ghosted their lovers or just daters.

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