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  • (#13) Breakfast Time

    Submitted by Facebook commenter Daniel Marseglia:

    Riddle: It’s 7 am. You are asleep and there is a sudden knock on the door. Behind the door are your parents, who came to have breakfast. In your fridge: bread, milk (pasteurized!), juice, and a jar of jam. To answer, what will you open first? 






    Answer: Your eyes.

  • (#20) A Trick Riddle

    Submitted by George Owens:

    Riddle: What can you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?






    Answer: A chair, a bed, and a toothbrush.

  • (#16) A Riddle Of Words

    Submitted by Facebook commenter Dylan Butten:

    Riddle: What has four letters, sometimes has nine letters, but never has five letters.






    Answer: The riddle has no answer; it is a statement rather than a question - hence the lack of a question mark. “What” has four letters, “sometimes” has nine, and “never” has five.

  • (#7) Fallen Fishermen

    Submitted by Facebook commenter Joey Alejandro:

    Riddle: Four men were fishing in a boat on the lake. The boat turned over and all four men sank to the bottom of the lake. And yet, not one single man got wet. How can this be?






    Answer: All the men were married.

  • (#17) Thirteen Hearts

    Submitted by Facebook commenter Sheena Johnson:

    Riddle: What has 13 hearts but no other organs?






    Answer: A deck of cards.

  • (#15) The Beginning Of Eternity

    Submitted by Facebook commenter Doug Miller:

    Riddle: I am the beginning of eternity and the end of time and space. The start of every end and the end of every place. What am I?






    Answer: The letter “e.”

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