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  • Monticello on Random the U.S. Presidents' OTHER Houses

    (#2) Monticello

    • Virginia, USA

    The most well-known Jeffersonian estate was Monticello, in Virginia. Jefferson designed and built the estate in the early 1770s, and continued to expand and remodel it after he became president, using European influences he picked up along the way. He used it as a retreat during his presidential term, and was laid to rest there after his death.

    Later, the property fell into disrepair because of family disputes, but was restored after being bought by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation in the 1920s. It's the only private home in the United States designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • Little White House on Random the U.S. Presidents' OTHER Houses

    (#14) Little White House

    • Key West, Florida, USA

    Located in rural Warm Springs, GA, the Little White House was Franklin Roosevelt's personal retreat. He first went to the tiny Georgia community for polio treatment, and liked it so much he bought property there. The small house served as a refuge for the President, who lived in a small six-room house on a secluded plot of land.

    He continued to go there during World War II, and died there in April 1945.

  • Poplar Forest on Random the U.S. Presidents' OTHER Houses

    (#13) Poplar Forest

    • Virginia, USA
    Thomas Jefferson inherited a huge plantation of land in Virgina in 1773, and designed his own estate according to the popular style of the time. The main part of Poplar Forest was laid in 1806 (by slave labor), and built out over time. He spent little of his presidency there, but lived there afterwards, and the site is now a National Historical Site.
  • Rancho del Cielo on Random the U.S. Presidents' OTHER Houses

    (#16) Rancho del Cielo

    • California, USA

    Nancy and Ronald Reagan purchased the sprawling estate in Santa Barbara, CA, in 1974. The compound served as Reagan's Western White House, and he spent long periods of time in both summer and winter there, entertaining leaders and writing legislation.

    The Reagans sold the property to a conservative foundation in 1998.

  • George H.W. Bush's Kennebunkport Compound on Random the U.S. Presidents' OTHER Houses

    (#3) George H.W. Bush's Kennebunkport Compound

    The estate on Walker's Point in remote Kennebunkport has been in the Bush family since the late 19th century. President Bush made it his summer White House after spending most of his childhood there. Bush entertained foreign dignitaries there, and still spends summers there, though he primarily resides in Texas.

    The compound was damaged by storms in 1991, and Bush received a large payout from his flood insurance.

  • Ford's Lodge on Random the U.S. Presidents' OTHER Houses

    (#4) Ford's Lodge

    Gerald Ford was derided as being a clumsy goof, but he was actually an avid skier. So it's no surprise that he bought a large property in Vail, CO to use as a winter White House and ski getaway. Locals got used to the sight of "Jerry" zipping down the hill with Secret Service agents right behind, and reportedly buying his own tickets to use the ski lifts.

    The property changed hands multiple times after Ford's death, and in 2014, went on the market for $8.5 million - down from $14.9 million in 2008.

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About This Tool

As we all know, the President of the United States lives in the White House. The White House is not majestic, but it is spectacular. We will not introduce the White House here, but other houses of the presidents. Some of these residences, as majestic as the president, have become landmark attractions. Whether it's the garden that Washington personally cultivated or the bedroom where John F. Kennedy was born, these houses can make people very curious. After all, everything about celebrities always has a unique charm. 

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