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  • The Fossil Itself Is Believed To Be 66 Million Years Old on Random Things About The Most Amazing Dinosaur You’ve Never Heard Of

    (#5) The Fossil Itself Is Believed To Be 66 Million Years Old

    In the grand scope of the universe, unearthing a dinosaur fossil is right up there with catching a shooting star. Calculations suggest Dracorex hogwartzia’s skull jutted out of that tiny piece of Montana soil for about 66 million years before anybody ever laid eyes on it, let alone took the time to pull it out and dust it off. This estimate puts the bizarre find in the Cretaceous Period timeline.

    Prior to Hogwartzia’s discovery, scientists thought dinosaur genetics were much more simplistic than they’re turning out to be. Thanks to discoveries of fossils like Dracorex's, scientists now believe dinos who dwelled on Earth 65-95 million years in the past were evolving in complex manners.

  • He Might Be A Newly Discovered Dino Species on Random Things About The Most Amazing Dinosaur You’ve Never Heard Of

    (#7) He Might Be A Newly Discovered Dino Species

    This dinosaur’s one in a million, flat skull brings forth a pretty shocking revelation: Dracorex is most likely an entirely new species of dinosaur. Some paleontologists countered the theory by hypothesizing Dracorex is simply a juvenile form of Pachycephalosaurus, North America’s non-avian dinosaurian. However, this proposal remains debated.

    As of late, most postulate that Dracorex belongs to the pachycephalosaur family.

  • This Dragon-Esque Dinosaur Skull Was Donated To The Children's Museum Of Indianapolis on Random Things About The Most Amazing Dinosaur You’ve Never Heard Of

    (#11) This Dragon-Esque Dinosaur Skull Was Donated To The Children's Museum Of Indianapolis

    Steve Saulsbury, co-discoverer of this mesmerizing new dinosaur species, is to thank for the incredible exhibit at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. Because of Saulsbury’s suggestion to donate their find to the museum, children and adults alike can now tap into a previously undiscovered piece of history.

    In fact, upon arrival, Dracorex’s skull was put together, piece by piece, before the very eyes of intrigued onlookers and museum goers. What an incredible scientific contribution.

  • He Could Be Fossilized Proof That Dragons Were (Are?) Real on Random Things About The Most Amazing Dinosaur You’ve Never Heard Of

    (#8) He Could Be Fossilized Proof That Dragons Were (Are?) Real

    Dracorex’s skull is covered in ominous spikes, a defining feature which no doubt contributed to his Draconian namesake. For fossil hunters like Adrienne Mayor, who professionally study the ties between fossils and legends, Dracorex could be the first real-life dragon evidence ever found.

    Whether or not this proves to be true, fossil hunters of the past put many legends to rest, even proving the giant squid to be a real rather than fake entity.

  • Dracorex Hogwartsia Got Its Name From Harry Potter on Random Things About The Most Amazing Dinosaur You’ve Never Heard Of

    (#1) Dracorex Hogwartsia Got Its Name From Harry Potter

    Paleontologist Robert Bakker is an avid fan of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. So, naturally, he decided to name this newly found fossil after the famous school for witchcraft and wizardry presented in the books. J.K. Rowling, whose influence knows no bounds, called the dino's christening a “most unexpected honor.” 

    This fossil represents the first time in history a children’s museum received the right to name a fossil, and thankfully they went for a most enchanting moniker.

  • His Name Literally Translates To 'Dragon King' on Random Things About The Most Amazing Dinosaur You’ve Never Heard Of

    (#2) His Name Literally Translates To 'Dragon King'

    While this fossil’s last name stems from a fictional institution of wizardry, its first name is identifiably Latin. In Latin, the term "Dracorex" combines the words for "dragon" and "king" into one word meaning "dragon king". When the first and last names read together, you get a combination of an ancient tongue, a fictional universe and a really cool phrase: Dragon King of Hogwarts.

    Kinda makes you want to pick up your wand and embark on a wild adventure, doesn't it?

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If you are interested in ancient flora and fauna, then you should continue to read this article. Researches have shown that the Dracorex may be the ancestor of the Pachycephalosaurus. The Dracorex lived in central Europe during the Cretaceous Period, about 120 million years ago, and was named by Robert Bakker in modern time. The bone fossils excavated by archaeologists prove that the Dracorex had a nearly complete skull and 4 cervical vertebrae.

The head of the Dracorex looks very unique. Its mouth and nose are relatively long, and its skull is covered with many small nail-like horns and bumps, which is very similar to the flying dragon in the magical story. The random tool explained 11 things about the most amazing ancient dinosaur that most people may never know.

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