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  • (#6) Gossiping About Other Couples

    Most people believe gossip to be a negative thing, but not Dr. Jennifer Bosson, a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida. In fact, she believes that gossiping about other couples can actually bring a couple closer together. This is because of the secretive nature of gossip. 

    Gossip only occurs between people who trust each other. If you're complaining to your partner about someone else, you are trusting them not to tell that person what you said. There's an intimacy involved with sharing secrets, so it's not surprising that lots of couples enjoy breaking down and analyzing the actions of other couples. In addition, pointing out the flaws of other couples often leads people to appreciate the positive aspects of their own relationship.

  • (#7) Picking Food Off Each Other's Plates

    There's something intimate about sharing food with your partner. When most people hear the word date, their first thought usually has some sort of meal involved. Not everyone likes when their partner picks off their plate without permission, however.

    There's a difference between taking food and sharing it, and it's an important distinction. Sharing food is a very primal act, and it's a way to show a sense of togetherness and enjoy a positive experience with each other.

  • (#12) Women Wearing A Male Partner’s Underwear

    To the women who like to wear their boyfriend's underwear, know that you're not alone. Women wearing their boyfriend's underwear has become quite common. Roughly half of all women between 18 and 24 routinely wear their boyfriend's underwear, and some clothing companies have even started creating unisex underwear inspired by boxer briefs to meet the demand.

    The simple explanation is that men's underwear is often more loose and comfortable than women's underwear. Sharing each other's clothing is also an intimate experience and a sign that there is deep romantic affection between the two of you.

  • (#5) Plucking Each Other’s Hairs, Examining Each Other’s Moles, And Other Personal Hygiene Tasks

    At the beginning of most relationships, people tend to do everything they can to hide any little imperfection they may have. As relationships mature and people become more comfortable with each other, this can change. In fact, there are tons of couples who become so comfortable with each other that they enjoy partaking in intimate grooming activities. These include popping pimples, plucking unseemly hairs, and all sorts of other tasks.

    Engaging in grooming activities releases a rush of dopamine into your brain, a chemical which can make you feel happy. Of course, just the thought of popping a zit is enough to send some people running for the hills. If you're plucking your partner's chin hairs however, there's a good chance that you are very close to them.

  • (#1) Doing Chores Together

    Couples who work together stay together. At least, that's what this study from the succinctly named German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics determined. Researchers analyzed the habits of 1,338 couples and discovered that couples who share the chore load report higher levels of sexual satisfaction in their relationships.

    The study focused on male contribution to the workload specifically, finding a positive correlation between male involvement in chores and increased romantic satisfaction.

  • (#4) Going To Sleep At The Same Time

    It might seem odd that your bedtime could have a big impact on the health of your relationship, but that's exactly what a lot of couples have reported. Researchers at Brigham Young University ran a study on the effects of gaming on relationships and discovered that one of the biggest issues arose when gaming prevented a couple from going to bed at the same time.

    It turns out that going to bed together plays a pretty big role in a couple's overall happiness. Among married couples, different bedtimes correlated with less happiness in the relationship.

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About This Tool

When people fall in love, they often become blind so that it may be difficult to grasp the speed and way of all things. Some small contradictions may be magnified and become problems that bother you while spending less time appreciating all the beautiful things that you share with each other. Healthy long-term relationships need some interesting things to promote, and these things will make people look at the relationship from a new perspective.

Couples should keep a balance in their lives and share daily tasks, emotional labor, and maintain close relationships in a fair way. The random tool lists 12 things that are beneficial for relationships.

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