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  • (#14) Walmart Parking Lots Are The Place For Amish Rumspringa Parties

    From Reddit user pencilthief20:

    "I use to work at a Walmart that was located in southeastern PA... My Walmart parking lot was basically a hang out place for Amish kids. They would ride their horses to Walmart and park at our horse stalls and get piss drunk and party. But anyway, one day I arrived to work and saw horse sh*t everywhere - all over the parking lot, shopping carts, and on about a dozen cars.

    "Not sure if they had a sh*t throwing fight or somebody thought it would be funny to throw sh*t everywhere. The poor cart pushers and maintenance people had to clean it up. My manager filed a police report and I don't know what happened from there. But after that my manager would call the police any time a group of... kids met up in the parking lot."

  • (#13) If Something Upsets You, Logic Dictates You Should Threaten To Blow Up The Walmart

    From Reddit user 13thestrals:

    "I also had a bomb threat called in by a woman who said she had seen two people having [adult relations] in the toy aisle. The call started as a complaint, but as she continued talking, she grew more and more enraged and clearly felt that blowing up the place was the rational course of action. That was weird."

  • (#10) Everybody Poops, And Every Walmart Employee Sees Poop

    From Reddit user Underwatercrabpeople:

    "As a former Walmart employee, I can guarantee if you work for them, you will literally see at least some sh*t. Me and a coworker worked in the parking lot. Someone once let their dog take a sh*t near the carts and my coworker had to clean it up. Late at night by myself, I must have missed the perpetrator but sure enough, some one in the handicap took a hot steamy diarrhea sh*t that busted out of a paper Chinese food carton and just left it there.

    "I left it without anyone knowing and the next day flies were everywhere... Everyone in the store was freaking out..."

  • (#8) Certain Walmart Customers Shop For Flavored Douches

    From Reddit user blushberry4:

    "Cosmetics was next to the pharmacy. Sometimes if no one as available from the pharmacy, they'd wander over to cosmetics with their questions. One guy once came up to me (and his girlfriend trailed behind) and asked where the douches were. Being a capable Walmart associate, I told him where it was [but the customer said], 'Oh, no, we saw those. Those are just for smell. We're looking for a flavored douche. You know like strawberry.'"

  • (#11) Customers Track Diarrhea Through The Store

    From Reddit user RendiaX:

    "At my store we had an older... guy sh*t himself back in electronics and then trail it through clothing, infants, and the express lanes on his way out. It was full out diarrhea that pooled all over the aisle he started in and left drops and smudges along his path. The whole store ground to a halt as we had to get tons of associates to block off the path because without fail, oblivious customers came right through with their carts and tracked the mess further."

  • (#6) Greasy Fingers Make Touch Screens Fun For Everyone

    From Reddit user jasontheguitarist:

    "I worked in the electronics department for a while. I remember seeing a... guy eating chicken wings while using the touch screen photo center kiosk. He was then stacking the bones straight into the top of his shopping cart."

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About This Tool

Wal-Mart has long been considered the worst place to shop. The staff cannot control their disgusting customers, those who change diapers on produce, defecate in public areas, carry methamphetamine in their backpacks, and put raw meat wherever they like. It is an exaggeration to say that every Wal-Mart employee is tortured by these crazy customers every Black Friday.

As one employee described, even the friendliest person, you never thought he would do outrageous things in me. The random tool shares 15 true stories of the worst customers Walmart employees faced, which are not positive at all.

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