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  • (#7) She Waited Until The Last Minute To Buy Christmas Presents…Then Blamed The Cashier

    From Redditor /u/PinkMuskSticks:

    A lady told me that I'd "ruined Christmas for her children" because we were sold out of Xboxes on Christmas Eve. She then told me that I should have kept some in the back. For what? The off chance that some crazy lady would swing by last-minute and need one?

    The best part though was that she wanted me to call another store and check if they had any in stock. She lost it when I told her that the next store was half an hour away and was closing in 10 minutes.

  • (#11) They Layer Up Clothes And Then Try To Return Them

    From Redditor /u/foreverfriend_zoned:

    I work at Talbots, and I have so many stories.

    We... have busses of people come in from [New York City] who literally go into the fitting rooms with huge piles of clothes and layer up with them. Meaning, they will put a shirt and sweater underneath their original top, and jeans underneath their original pants. A week or so later, we will have these same people come back demanding that the clothes are terrible, and they want a refund.

  • (#2) She Used An Old Receipt

    From Redditor /u/FerociousPenguin:

    I work for a grooming salon, and we are supposed to verify that the customer has paid for the services before we give them the dog. Harsh, I know, but some of these grooms run upwards of $100, and the store doesn't want to lose that (plus I don't want to lose my commission!).

    Anyway, a lady comes back from supposedly paying, shows me a receipt; it's a little crinkled but nothing I believe is out of the ordinary. I give [her the] dog. Turns out she had shown me the receipt from the previous time the dog had gotten groomed. I didn't check the dates or anything.

    I felt like a total dumbass while explaining it to my manager the next day.

  • (#1) He Tried To Return A Rock

    From Redditor /u/jreckers:

    In high school, I worked a service desk at a supermarket. Whenever somebody returned a small appliance, we always cut open the box to make sure all the parts were with it. One day, a guy showed up looking to return an air conditioner. [I] cut open the box, and there was nothing but a rock inside. He ran out of the store pretty quick.

  • (#14) They Learned Customer Hacks For Returning Used Clothes

    From Redditor /u/moving0target:

    More than one customer has tried this.

    1. Buy a ton of clothes.
    2. Cut off all the tags.
    3. Sew/attach all the tags to old clothes you no longer want.
    4. Return the old clothes with the new tags and get your money back!
  • (#4) She Had Her Own Ticketing Gun

    From Redditor /u/blue_zoidberg:

    I was working at Macy's, and this lady would come in all the time and buy brand new merchandise that we had just put out of the floor, but the ticket would be wrong and marked down to almost nothing. We honored the price the first time, but she kept doing it over and over, even after we told her no. So, one day I followed her, and she had actually brought a reticketing gun and was switching the tags of the brand-new merchandise with clearance tags. She was escorted from the store.

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About This Tool

Anyone who has ever worked in the retail industry has heard the old adage: "The customer is always right." Although this is a kind suggestion for good customer service, it does not mean it is correct. No career is easy, especially those jobs that need to face and communicate with different customers every day. Customers are ordinary people just like everyone else, some folky customers would try different ways to get away with some things.

The random tool shows a list of 15 crazy things customers have tried to get away with, some of which will shock you. Welcome to introduce this interesting tool with other friends.

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