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  • (#1) "She Decided I Was Too Fat"

    From Redditor /u/JediKnight1:

    I was once kicked out of my 'friend's' bridal party because she decided I was too fat, and looked horrible in my dress. Note: This was after I threw her a bachelorette party, and she had previously told me how good I looked in the dress. She had the audacity to beg me to come to her wedding so she didn't 'feel bad' I pretty much told her to go to hell, and ended the friendship.

  • (#2) "I Wasn't Allowed In The Wedding Because My Face Would Ruin The Pictures"

    From Redditor /u/SomethingWittyasF*ck:

    My stepmother replaced me in her wedding to my father. First she said she wanted my two other sisters and I to be bridesmaids with her daughter. I had a small cooking accident and burned a V pattern on my forehead and had second degree burns up my nose. It was REALLY ugly. Around that time my stepmother informed me that I wouldn't be allowed to be in their wedding because my face would ruin the pictures. Eventually she and my father fought about how rude that was and she decided that NONE of their kids would be allowed AT the wedding. She wanted it to just be her, my father and her parents and brother. We could however go to the reception.

    I just informed her that I wanted nothing to do with his latest wedding and competed in a school function that day.

  • (#3) "She Got Mad I Didn't Buy Her And Her Fiancé A Sex Swing"

    From Redditor /u/PralineSurprise:

    I will summarize

    -bride got mad that I didn't buy her and her fiancé a sex swing as a bridal shower gift. Made her so mad she didn't speak to me for two weeks.
    - I wasn't MOH but was expected to act like one. When I asked for info to set up bachelorette, was told she wouldn't give me the info. No one was available anyway. Later she would tell me I deprived her of this experience and should have "found a way" to contact seven people I met once and didn't have last names for. This was also Before fb had even been invented. So finding people wasn't easy.
    - her wedding photographer was a perv. He told me to bend forward in ever pic. Come to find out 99% of the bridal party pics include my almost totally exposed breasts. I found this out by walking into her house and seeing such a photo blown up to 11x14 glory. Framed and in the entry way. Awesome.
    - treated me like total garbage the day of. Made sure to constantly put me down at every turn.
    - insisted we do a bridal party dance. I have a sex abuse history and a HUGE personal bubble. She knows this. Didn't care. Insisted I dance with this leering jack*ss who stared down my dress the entire time while I tried to not have a panic attack.
    - while wedding planning, would call me and vent for HOURS about ribbon colors and sh*t. I was in grad school at the time, working 30-40 hours a week and had an insane commute. I was sleeping 4-5 hours a night. When I had something to say? It's HER TIME.

    A few months after the wedding I stopped speaking to her.

    Her karma... husband got so drunk on wedding night he actually LEFT his own reception to go to a bar. He barfed all over her gown in their hotel room later. He then took a job out of state and wasn't there when she gave birth.

    Oh it was my fault she gave birth alone too.

  • (#4) "She Ordered Me To Wipe Her"

    From Redditor /u/isstronglikebull:

    She slapped me in the mouth, in the restroom during the reception. She had this massive, billowing explosion of organza as a skirt. It was beautiful, but utterly impractically designed: it took at least three of us to hold up her skirt so she could pee. She had been drinking on an empty stomach, and on the second trip to the rest room with all of us holding this dress up while she hovered drunkenly over a toilet she couldn't see, she ordered me to wipe her.

    Ordered. Me. To clean her of urine.

    I declined.

    She slapped me.

    The skirt was dropped by all parties while I shouted obscenities at her. She screamed that if I didn't do this for her, this friendship was over! Over!

    She tried to apologize years later, but seemed surprised when I was not interested in rekindling our friendship.

  • (#5) "She Told Me I Wasn't Allowed To Take My Lupus Pain Medication"

    From Redditor /u/Manateecups:

    My bridezilla friend told me I wasn't allowed to take pain medication (for my lupus) at her wedding. She was afraid I'd be "too out of it" to perform my MOH duties. 9am to 7pm is a long time to be on your feet without a break and without pain meds. I sent them off to their honeymoon and drove the eight hours home in misery,

  • (#6) "She Flipped Because Her Grandmother's Death Threw Off The Seating"

    From Redditor /u/kidtendomom:

    I had a friend that threw a temper tantrum, complete with screaming and foot stomping, because her grandmother had the audacity to die a few hours before her wedding. She said it would throw off the seating arrangements, because now there would be a big empty space.

  • (#7) "We Had Meetings Twice A Week For At Least Three Hours Each"

    From Redditor /u/ILIKETODRINKBBT:

    - no one was allowed to wear heels because she didn't want anyone to be taller than her. She was already at least 3 inches taller than any girl at her wedding (there were 6 bridesmaids including me)
    - no one was allowed to wear false eyelashes except for her...cuz you know, the big puffy white dress doesn't make you stand out enough
    - we had meetings twice a week for at least three hours each. (these started six months prior her wedding.)
    everyone in the bridal party had to recite the rundown schedule to prove we got our sh*t together
    - screamed at all the bridesmaids all day long behind the scenes on the wedding day while she pretended to be the best wife/bride ever in front of guests
    - wouldn't let us bridesmaids in short dresses (knee high, no sleeves, minimal coverage) wear any outerwear while we were taking pictures outdoors. IT WAS F*CKING SNOWING AND ZERO F*CKING DEGREES OUTSIDE

    Oh it doesn't end here. 1 YEAR LATER...

    - she hosted a party for her 1 year anniversary and I cooked/cleaned for her all day long while she took the credit for everything. SHE TOLD ME THE PARTY STARTED AT NOON. BUT IT REALLY STARTED AT 6. SHE LIED SO I WOULD ARRIVE EARLY TO SLAVE FOR HER
    - one of her friends said I looked familiar (remembered me from her wedding) then she intorduced me as her MOH. Her friend commented on how nice I was to help out with the party. AND I KID YOU NOT SHE SAID "oh, that's what the 'maid' in maid of honor is for"

    I am done with her.

  • (#8) "The Bridesmaid Dress She Picked Out For Me Was $2,400"

    From a former Redditor:

    My college roommate asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I agreed. Then the bridesmaid dress she picked out for me was $2400. I couldn't afford it, and gently told her so. I found a pattern for a similar dress and fabric that was the same color and type, so I asked her if it was okay if I made the similar dress, or perhaps we could go dress shopping together to find something in my budget?

    All of the bridesmaids were going to be wearing the same color, but she'd picked out different styles of dresses for each of us, so it wasn't as if I would stick out like a sore thumb.

    She cussed me out, told me I was ruining her wedding, that her 'vision' required me to wear THAT dress, and can't I just get a credit card to charge the dress on? When I told her no, she cut all contact with me, claiming that if I was a true friend I would make the finances work. She's never spoken to me again. She'd been like a sister to me up until that point.

    One of the dresses she'd picked out for another bridesmaid was $300, by the way. I was pissed when I found that out.

  • (#9) "The Bridal Party Was 20 People"

    From Redditor /u/KochiraChiRah:

    One of my oldest friends turned out to be kind of a crazy bride. We lost contact in college, but when she asked me to be in her wedding. I was stoked because growing up, she had always been really laid back and fun. A lot changed I guess...

    The bridal party was twenty people--ten bridesmaids, ten groomsmen. We were basically the unpaid wedding staff; although over half of the bridesmaids and groomsmen sat around flirting instead of working. The remaining eight of us set up, and completely decorated the venue for a 200 guest wedding. The bride and her super controlling mother followed us around, correcting absolutely everything we did.

    Why? The bride and her mother didn't want to pay the venue staff who would normally do this. What did they spend the budget on instead? Six wedding dresses. Yes, throughout the course of the very long wedding ceremony/reception, the bride changed into all six. No, it wasn't a cultural thing. They were six, nearly identical, very expensive white satin dresses. I guarantee you, most people hardly noticed that she changed six times.

    Hours before the wedding, the bride has a breakdown because she didn't make a hair or make-up appointment, and the salon she wanted to go to couldn't squeeze her in. She is crying, while eight of her ten bridesmaids comfort her and proceed to work on her hair and makeup. Myself and the remaining bridesmaid are sent to go check on things in the kitchen.

    So, although the venue let us set up, it was sort of a requirement that you use the catering staff in place. That didn't stop the mother of the bride from micromanaging in the kitchen. We walk in, and she is yelling at the kitchen staff, telling them how they should be doing things. She sees us, and starts giving us tasks. Peel, chop! Uh... OK? So the other bridesmaid and I do as she says despite the kitchen staff staring daggers at us.

    So there we are, sweating profusely, peeling and chopping. Quick mental picture-- the bridesmaid dresses the bride picked out were these garish purple numbers, with a fully open back and extremely deep V down the front. Under this, we had to wear neon bustiers, which were completely visible under the dresses (that was the point, I guess). Impractical, unflattering... and the absolute LAST thing I want to be cooking in.

  • (#10) "She Insisted On A Full Year Of Being The Center Of Attention"

    From Redditor /u/KvetchBetch:

    I have a friend "Darla" whose friend (have only met her once, I don't know her well enough to have been invited to her wedding) insisted that she had a full year leading up to her wedding day to be the center of attention. This meant that she expected that none of her friends or family members would get engaged, get pregnant or have a baby, have a sizable birthday celebration, or have any significant attention drawn to them for 365 calendar days because that was "her year." She even made a hashtag for every post or photo on social media that started out as #allaboutbree2015 (Bree = not her real name) which later she changed to #allaboutbree&dax2015 (not his real name either) when some people teased her that her fiancé didn't matter. Darla was told she was "very selfish" for having the audacity to host a birthday party for herself with only five months to go to Bree's Big Day, especially considering that birthdays happen every single year. Bree did not attend the party, so I didn't have the opportunity to witness any shenanigans; she elected to stay home and vaguebook about it instead.

  • (#11) "She Tripled The Budget And Fired The Best Man"

    From Redditor /u/Libida:

    My bridezilla originally wanted to keep the wedding party budget to under $200 and would help out those who couldn't afford it. She wanted all her friends there no matter what. She had dealt with bridezillas before and didn't want to be like that.

    Two years later she forbid anyone from getting pregnant, almost kicked out a friend she'd already picked because of her tattoos that she already had before she asked her (because they were going to ruin the pictures), tripled her budget then kicked me out for saying I couldn't afford it and proceeded to go around to all our friends and say how bad of a friend I was for not saving for her wedding (I could barely afford food at the time). She also fired her fiancés best man for not being good enough while defending her MOH who treated everyone like crap and screwed up half the stuff she was in charge of.

    I ended up being in the wedding anyway. Her dad called me to say he'd pay for me because he knew she had lost her mind and would regret not having me. I was upset I agreed after I found out she was trashing me but I stuck it out.

    Somewhat happy and funny ending. The day after her wedding I was officially out of the first trimester of my third pregnancy and announced it. She was hurt I never told her.

  • (#12) "My Sister-In-Law Asked Her Bridesmaids To Gain Weight To Make Her Look Better"

    From a Redditor:

    My sister-in-law asked her bridesmaids (me included) to gain 5-10 kilos to make her look better in comparison. I just can't understand that. 

    My sister-in-law is crazy, none of us did it. She outweighed the heaviest of us by 20 kilos anyway, so I doubt it would have made her look any different.

    She was super serious and threatened to replace us all of we didn't, but my SO talked her down.

  • (#13) "She Replaced A Bridesmaid Last Minute Because She Dyed Her Hair A Slightly Lighter Brown"

    From Redditor /u/boredlike:

    At a wedding I went to the bride replaced a bridesmaid of hers at the last minute because she dyed her hair a slightly lighter brown the night before. Apparently it didn't match the dress, which was bright pink.

  • (#14) "She Had Us All Wear Fake Press-On Nails So Our Hands Matched"

    From Redditor /u/mystic_burrito:

    I was once in wedding where the bride not only made us wear all the same strappy shoes (she bought them for us on clearance and the pair I was given were far too small to the point my little toes stuck out the sides), she had us all wear fake press on nails so our hands matched (they started popping off during the ceremony). She also wanted us to use the same make up. I don't mean the same shades or something semi reasonable like that, no we were to all use the same bottle of foundation, eyeshadow pallete, blush, eyeliner, and mascara no matter our skin tone or the fact sharing some of that stuff is f*cking unsanitary.

  • (#15) "She Changed Her Mind And Made Me Order And Pay For A New Dress"

    From Redditor /u/tallyrue:

    The second wedding I was in I purchased a dress for $170 and placed my order and the bride changed her mind on the color and almost made me order and pay for a new dress (Boutique custom made the dresses to order and had a policy on no refunds). I called the store immediately and they very graciously worked it out to order me the right color without charging extra. I spent over an hour on the phone getting the dress exchanged with the store. They say you should do everything for the bride... But it makes it a sh*tty experience for everyone when you do crap like that.

  • (#16) "She Didn't Tell Me I Was Still Invited To The Wedding Until The Morning Of"

    From Redditor /u/rheabs:

    One of my 'best' friends was getting married, I was to be a bridesmaid. I was between jobs at the time, so I ended up taking a temporary position at the company she worked for. About halfway through the job, I got a great opportunity for a full time, permanent position in my field. It was competitive, so if I didn't take it right away, they could have easily given it to someone else just as qualified. I couldn't afford to not take it, so I ended my temporary position with her company as gracefully as I could to start my new job right away.

    She took this as an insult, and dumped me as a bridesmaid. In fact, she didn't even let me know if I was still invited to the wedding or not until the morning of. I took that as a hint that she didn't actually want me to go but didn't want to be the bad guy, so waited until the last minute to let me know, thinking I would have other plans or wouldn't have enough time to get a nice dress or a date.

    To spite her, I got a fabulous dress that afternoon, snagged a date, we went to the wedding/reception and drank/ate as much as the free sh*t we could fill ourselves with. On our way out I drunkenly drew a d*ck on her car under the JUST MARRIED sign, with a bar of soap I took from the bathroom.

  • (#17) "She Asked Everyone To Sign A Bridesmaid Contract"

    From Redditor /u/Gambler450:

    A bridesmaid contract. I said 'NOPE!', and got out of being in the wedding party. I had a great time at the wedding, worry-free.

  • (#18) "She Couldn't Handle A Lewd Joke"

    From Redditor /u/kittenhiccups:

    I was a bridesmaid in this winter-themed wedding. We wore blue silk dresses with white fake fur capelets and MUFFS. At one point we were getting ready for the ceremony and the bride said, "kittenhiccups, let me see your muff." I batted my eyelashes and joked, "I've waited so long to hear those words from you!"

    The look she shot me could have killed a f*cking moose. She started going off on me about not taking things seriously enough and maybe I should go hang out with the groomsmen instead if I was going to make lewd jokes.

    Yeah. Maybe I should have.

  • (#19) "She Had So Many Rules"

    From Redditor /u/bluejay_way:

    I've only been a bridesmaid once. I was the MOH at my sisters wedding. The hardest thing was that she let me pick my own dress which was cool, but she had so many rules. It had to be a midi dress, it had to have a high neckline, it couldn't have sleeves thicker than spaghetti straps but it couldn't be strapless, it had to have a lace or mesh overlay, it had to have a bow, it couldn't flare out at the waist but it couldn't be tight... she should've just picked out my dress in the end. I ended up buying a dress that I would never wear again after searching for 3 months. I'm 5' tall so finding long dresses is hard enough as it is. She loved it, at least.

  • (#20) "She Was Upset Because She Envisioned Us All With Up-Dos"

    From Redditor /u/KayFatal shared in a post:

    So a few weeks before the actual ceremony I decided to knuckle cut off all of my hair because the heat was unbearable. When my friend, the bride, saw it, she was really upset with me because she envisioned all of the bridesmaids with up-dos (which I never knew about that). If I had asked for her permission to cut my hair, I would have found out and been denied.

  • (#21) "She Had Two Weddings"

    From Redditor /u/Wampoose:

    She had two weddings. One for her family. One for a reality TV show.

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