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  • MOBILE COMMAND CENTER on Random Worst G.I. Joe Vehicles


    When you first see this thing you think "Cool, the Joes stole a Sandcrawler from the Jawas in Star Wars." Then you look a little closer and realize that its the militarized version of the cardboard box your mom stuck all your toys in and left in the basement. 
  • G.I. JOE ATV on Random Worst G.I. Joe Vehicles

    (#2) G.I. JOE ATV

    You know that jerk in your neighborhood that tools around on that ridiculously small motorcycle? Well G.I. Joe did it first! Also, how is that Cobra soldier missing that guy at point blank!?
  • OUTPOST DEFENDER on Random Worst G.I. Joe Vehicles


    It's pretty fair to say G.I. Joe never went for subtlety. Every playset or vechicle was strapped with a few extra missiles and propellers and, what the hell, how about a purple and orange paint job?! So what's the deal with the tin roofed shack? The big accessories? Sandbags. Was there no more money in the budget?
  • BUZZ BOAR on Random Worst G.I. Joe Vehicles

    (#6) BUZZ BOAR

    You think this looks cool until you realize its a Kamikaze vehicle for the Cobra grunt with nothing else to lose. How else is that giant sawblade going to do any damage unless it rolls right into G.I. Joe's base and eventually falls on one side.
  • COBRA JET PACK on Random Worst G.I. Joe Vehicles


    How does this thing take off? How does it land? Judging by the expression on this guy's face, he won't be taking a Fanta from Cobra Commander's private mini fridge anytime soon. 
  • DINO-HUNTER on Random Worst G.I. Joe Vehicles

    (#15) DINO-HUNTER

    By the time Jurassic Park became a huge hit, G.I. Joe had pretty much stuck a missile on every vehicle known to man. So, it only madessense that the good guys would go out (somewhere) and bag themselves an oversized bu otherwise innocent reptile. 

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