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  • (#7) Emaciated Bears Beg For Food At Indonesian Zoo

    Video obtained by PETA Asia from January 2017 shows a pen full of sun bears begging for food. In the video, the bears appear emaciated and skeletal. One report said the bears were so hungry that they resorted to eating their own feces. 

    This isn't the first time the Bandung Zoo in West Java, Indonesia, has come under fire. In May 2016, news outlets reported that an elephant named Yani didn't make it after being chained up at the zoo. Some said they could hear Yani crying. She was covered in bruises and was reportedly paralyzed before her passing. 

  • (#5) A Rhino Was Shot By Poachers At A French Zoo

    A group of poachers broke into a French zoo in March 2017 and shot a 4-year-old white rhinoceros for his horn. The rhino, named Vince, lived at the Thoiry Zoo as part of the African enclosure.

    Zoo officials found the rhino's body the next day with his horn sawed off. Poachers tried to saw off his second horn, but were unsuccessful. Police said this is the first crime of its kind in France. Vince's subspecies is extremely threatened, and his loss was heartbreaking for zoo officials. The other two rhinos that share the enclosure were not hurt. Authorities suspect the criminals were interrupted and made off before getting the horns of the others. 

  • (#9) Tilikum Thrashes A Seaworld Trainer

    Focus of the controversial documentary Blackfish, Tilikum the orca has spent the majority of his life living in a contained bubble. Weighing nearly 12,000 pounds and identifiable by his signature curved dorsal fin, Tilikum is likely Sea World's most famous "Shamu" in the run's history. However, Tilikum isn't known for his fun, showtime playfulness, but rather his unprecedented aggression, formed after having spent over half his lifetime in captivity.

    Neither his first outburst nor his first instance of visible hostility, Tilikum reached peak recognition when he took out Dawn Brancheau, considered a very experienced trainer, during a live performance. When Brancheau leaned in to give Tilikum a belly rub, the enormous whale leaped up and grabbed her by the waist. After thrashing her around, Tilikum repeatedly dragged her through the water, drowning her.

    Tilikum had previously been involved in multiple attacks against trainers, some fatal, but Sea World officials still kept the dangerous creature around for the delight of the guests. 

  • (#2) Binky The Polar Bear Bites Back

    If you want to get up close and personal with Binky, then be prepared to face the consequences. After attacking Kathryn Warburton, an Australian tourist visiting an Alaskan zoo, Binky achieved unprecedented fame. Warburton had jumped a few railings to take a better photograph of the polar bear, but Binky didn't seem to like the flash. Binky stuck his face through the railings and chomped down on Warburton, breaking her leg.

    The polar bear kept the woman's shoe as a souvenir for three days until zookeepers were able to safely retrieve it. Warburton donated the relic to a local bar, and Binky reached peak stardom. Merchandise and memorabilia featuring the polar bear's face became popular after the story received heavy media attention.

  • Drunk Man Gets Mauled By Monkeys on Random Worst Things That Have Ever Happened at Zoos

    (#13) Drunk Man Gets Mauled By Monkeys

    One weekend, Joao Leite Dos Santos decided to day drink at the zoo, causing him to make the rash decision to jump into a monkey pen at a Brazil zoo. Dos Santos waded his way through the monkey moat in an earnest effort to grab a hold of the spider monkeys' hands held out at the end of the water. When Dos Santos finally reached them, the angry monkeys began biting and scratching. Instantly regretting his decision, Dos Santos rushed back and was helped over the railing's edge by other visitors.

    He blamed the incident on being drunk and wanting to cool off.

  • (#10) Man Releases Animals from His Private Zoo

    Terry Thompson was known for preserving and collecting rare, exotic animals for his private wildlife refuge, located on his estate. However, right before Thompson took his own life, he made the decision to release his array of jungle beasts onto Zanesville, Ohio. After receiving reports from witnesses who saw the animals unleashed, police were forced to respond. Unfortunately, many of the animals were displaying extreme aggression, and the county feared their proximity to the public. Zanesville police had no choice but to shoot the majority of the escaped animals, which resulted in the event being dubbed the Zanesville Massacre.

    Wildlife experts expressed grief at the loss of so many animals that are on the verge of extinction.

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About This Tool

Many friendly and intelligent animals can become close friends of mankind, but the survival rule of the fittest in the animal world has made some ferocious animals become the overlords of nature. Some animals raised in the zoo still retain their wild and violent nature. However, many mild-tempered animals in zoos may have attacked humans for various reasons. Over the years, there have been frequent reports of cruel tragedies in zoos all over the world.

The zoo can no longer be a paradise for animals, but a cruel hell. Here the random tool introduced 17 of the worst things that have ever happened at zoos around the world. 

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