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  • Nicolas Cage on Random Celebrities Who Are Picky Eaters

    (#3) Nicolas Cage

    • 55
    The ever-strange Nicolas Cage once said, "I actually choose the way I eat according to the way animals have sex. I think fish are very dignified with sex. So are birds. But pigs, not so much. So I don't eat pig meat or things like that. I eat fish and fowl."
  • Drew Barrymore on Random Celebrities Who Are Picky Eaters

    (#5) Drew Barrymore

    • 44
    During an interview in 2010, Drew Barrymore revealed, "I'm a bit of a picky eater, but that's because I'm a vegetarian... I'm like a typical American teenager when it comes to my favorite foods! I love peanut butter with bananas. That's my favorite. I like grilled cheese sandwiches and I love homemade macaroni with cheese."
  • George H. W. Bush on Random Celebrities Who Are Picky Eaters

    (#4) George H. W. Bush

    • 94
    In 1990 President George H.W. Bush bravely told the world that he did not like broccoli. He went on to say', "I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli!'' You tell 'em!
  • Donald Trump on Random Celebrities Who Are Picky Eaters

    (#1) Donald Trump

    • 72

    According to an article in the New York Times, The Orange One likes himself a piping hot slice of Americana: fast food, over-cooked steaks, diet cola, and greasy spoon diner grub. Trump regularly posts photos of himself eating the likes of KFC buckets and Big Macs on Instagram, though a Republican strategist interviewed by the NY Times believes this plays into Trump's carefully cultivated image as the establishment outsider who's really a regular Joe (who can afford his own plane, as your average Joe can). 

    While Trump's social media love affair with woo-the-voters food (remember when he told all those Hispanics how much he loved them by celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a Trump Tower taco bowl?), he apparently doesn't have particularly refined taste. According to a former butler of Trump's, he likes his steaks (really) well done: “It would rock on the plate, it was so well done" (so basically like burnt to a crisp?). 

    As per a piece in Daily Mail, beyond its appeal to his constituency, Trump likes fast food because it's quick and efficient. He's also suggested he would get rid of lavish state dinners of elected president, saying  “We should be eating a hamburger on a conference table, and we should make better deals with China and others and forget the state dinners." 

  • Petra Nemcova on Random Celebrities Who Are Picky Eaters

    (#18) Petra Nemcova

    As Petra Nemcova explained to Health"There was the diet where I ate just carrots, tomatoes, and seafood. It turned my palms yellow because of the vitamin A! People looked at me like, 'Are you sick? Do you have hepatitis?!'"
  • Karl Lagerfeld on Random Celebrities Who Are Picky Eaters

    (#19) Karl Lagerfeld

    • 85
    Fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld told Bazaar, "The first thing I do when I get up, I have breakfast. I have two protein shakes made for me by my doctor -- they have a chocolate taste and no sugar, of course — and steamed apples. That's all. I don't like anything else in the morning. I never drink anything hot; I don't like hot drinks, very strange. I drink Diet Coke from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed. I can even drink it in the middle of the night, and I can sleep. I don't drink coffee, I don't drink tea, I drink nothing else."

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About This Tool

Picky eating is a common behavior of young children, refers to the process of eating certain foods or eat only a few of their favorite or habit of food, many children do not eat fruits and vegetables, also do not like a certain color, such as red. Or the inability to accept food of a particular character, such as the form of a cigarette. Severe picky eating is also a mental illness known as a selective eating disorder.

But did you know that a lot of famous people in America are picky eaters? It’s not a disease. It’s a simple dietary preference. This random tool generated 21 items for 21 picky eating celebrities who may not eat vegetables, fruits, or meat, but isn’t that a personal preference?

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