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  • random noun 1



    Also vernier scale . a small, movable, graduated scale running parallel to the fixed graduated scale of a sextant, theodolite, barometer, etc., and used for measuring a fractional part of one of the divisions of the fixed scale.
    Machinery. an auxiliary device for giving a piece of apparatus a higher adjustment accuracy.


    equipped with a vernier: a vernier barometer.
  • random noun 2



    a view or prospect, especially one seen through a long, narrow avenue or passage, as between rows of trees or houses.
    such an avenue or passage, especially when formally planned.
    a far-reaching mental view: vistas of the future.
  • random noun 3

    black diamond


    black diamonds, coal.
  • random noun 4



    a word or group of words designating something, especially in a particular field, as atom in physics, quietism in theology, adze in carpentry, or district leader in politics.
    any word or group of words considered as a member of a construction or utterance.
    the time or period through which something lasts.
    a period of time to which limits have been set: elected for a term of four years.
    one of two or more divisions of a school year, during which instruction is regularly provided.

    verb (used with object)

    to apply a particular term or name to; name; call; designate.
  • random noun 5



    disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
    cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
    traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
    (often initial capital letter) of or relating to the Conservative party.


    a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
    a supporter of conservative political policies.
  • random noun 6



    anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; portent.
    a prognostic.
    prophetic significance; presage: a bird of ill omen.

    verb (used with object)

    to be an omen of; portend.
    to divine, as if from omens.

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About Random Nouns Tool

Noun is a kind of part of speech and belongs to notional word. It represents the unified name of people, things, things, places or abstract concepts. It is divided into proper noun and common noun. Common nouns are some nouns contained in every sentence, such as "bread". Proper nouns refer to the proper names of specific people, things, places, groups or organizations (the first letter should be capitalized), such as "Asia".

We have collected all the common nouns, which means that you can find any common nouns through this tool. As you can see, you can use the generator at the top of the page to generate the specified nouns, which can greatly reduce the scope of generating nouns. You can specify the letters to include, the length of the noun, the first and last letter of the noun, and you just need to choose simply.

In the result, you can see the definition of each noun, which can help you to review and learn the noun. Under the generated result, you can copy all the generated words in the text box.

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