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  • Edward Drinker Cope – early paleontologist who took part in the Bone Wars and for whom Cope's Rule is named (Some Quakers in science)

  • Rush D. Holt, Jr. – Congressman; former Assistant Director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; beat Watson; has a patent for a "method for maintaining a correct density gradient in a non-convecting solar pond" (Some Quakers in science)

  • John Bartram – described as the "father of American botany"; founded Bartram Botanical Gardens in Kingsessing on the bank of the Schuylkill River (Some Quakers in science)

  • Ursula Franklin – metallurgist and physicist (Some Quakers in science)

  • Kathleen Lonsdale – prominent crystallographer; discovered the planar hexagonal structure of benzene; became a Quaker in 1935, as such, she was a committed pacifist and served time in Holloway prison during World War II because she refused to register for civil defense duties or to pay the resulting fine; her Swarthmore Lecture was titled "Removing the Causes of War" (Some Quakers in science)

  • Arthur Stanley Eddington – astrophysicist known especially for the Eddington experiment and as a populariser of science, active in the Quaker Guild of Teachers, attended meetings regularly; his Swarthmore Lecture was titled "Science and the Unseen World" (Some Quakers in science)

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About This Tool

Quakers are one of the most important American religions. There are many of them, all over the world. And many of the world’s most famous physicists, chemists and so on, you wouldn’t think they were part of the Quakers. The addition of these scientists brought a large elite to the Quaker society, who preferred practice and research. So it also attracts more scientists. Today, the random tool focuses on a list of 43 scientists who are equally distinguished in Quaker status.

The generator also collates the names of Quaker scientists, their field, country of origin, expertise and achievements. These people were an important part of the Quakers, and they were an important part of the movement from religion to truth.

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