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  • (#1) A Reckless Jump From A 60-Foot Slide

    From Redditor /u/Commander_Shepard_:

    At our park, we had a slide that was about 60 feet high. One pipe, and the most popular, went down at an 80-degree angle. It was completely open. You sat down, and slid down the 60 feet within two seconds. Quite a thrill really. Two guards manned the ride, one at the bottom and one at the top, to control the antics of the guests at all times.

    Then, I see a kid take two steps backwards. I know what he is about to do. He must be stopped, I think. But, alas, what am I to do? I have no way to contact the lifeguard up top. There is no phone, no radio. I blow my whistle twice. The guards nearby look at me; the guard at the top turns around to find the source of my noise, to find me pointing at the kid.

    Too late.

    The kid ran and jumped clean off of the slide. Now, up to this point in my life, I had been afraid of things. But nothing, in all of my life, had made me this scared until now. Seeing a young man fall to his impending doom and being powerless over it makes you feel terrible. Feeling, by some extension of logic, that you are indirectly responsible for this, makes it even worse. Never in my life have my stomach and jaw dropped so fast.

    To his credit, he assumed the proper position of arms and legs being crossed. But now he was clean in the air, flying like a lead brick. As he did so, his body turned ever so slightly. It was something he noticed, and fruitlessly tried to correct for. Instead, he fell some distance before hitting inside the flume and chaotically tumbling down the ride. I called the paramedics immediately, and we had to backboard this kid out of the splashdown flume.

    The kid messed up his neck pretty badly, broke his fibula I think. He was carted off in an ambulance and put in a brace the moment we got him out. They said he was fine, he walked again, much to my surprise. 



  • (#5) When The Ride Hit A Duck

    From Redditor /u/TeakatKitty42:

    I worked at Busch Gardens Colonial Williamsburg as a teen. I worked near the train tracks and every day I was amazed how close the ducks would come to getting hit by that thing. Well, one day one got too close and got ran over.

    The heartbreaking part was that it was a mallard, and his mate spent the next half hour or so quacking forlornly at his corpse until the maintenance guys finally showed up to clean it up.

  • (#8) Stuck After Dark In The Deserted Park

    From Redditor /u/wired89:

    I was working security at a theme park when I was 18. One evening one of the roller coasters that was stopped in the station got rear-ended by another. There were some injuries, nothing severe, thankfully. I did, however, end up staying up all night, after the park had closed, sitting on the coaster to ensure no lookie-loos or news media tried to get access to the cars.

    It was dark and creepy, and I was 18 in a closed, deserted amusement park.

  • (#7) The Madman Ride Operator

    From Redditor /u/bionicvapourboy:

    The head ride operator and guy that taught us all how to operate each ride was a madman. I saw him ride the swinging ship by standing in the center and holding onto the mast decoration. He apparently hung from the Paratrooper ride while it was spinning around along with a litany of other sh*t like that.

    The guy smoked up while on the job. I remember seeing the train ride travel through his pot cloud once. How he managed to stay employed at the park for so long, I'll never know. That being said, he was cool as hell.

  • (#13) A Head-Splitting Moment

    From a former Redditor:

    I was a water ride operator. Scariest incident on a personal level was when I was giving the pre-ride spiel, a boy wasn't listening, hopped in the water and slipped.

    He cut his head open pretty badly and we had to call an ambulance and shut down the ride. The worst part was his dad was still on the platform with me, and I had to send him down the slide to get to his son.

  • (#10) Bouncing Too Hard

    From Redditor /u/buffchickensmoothie:

    Not necessarily a theme park, but I used to work at a party place that was filled with moon bounce-like "rides."

    I've seen my fair share of knocked-out teeth and bloody noses.

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About This Tool

More and more people are keen to go to amusement parks for fun and excitement, but few people know that seemingly safe rides always have safety hazards. For example, the two running roller coasters in Universal Studios Japan had a sudden breakdown and hovered in mid-air, fortunately, no one was injured in the accident. Have you ever imagined what to do if the wheels of an amusement ride become loose and what if the roller coaster cannot rise?

There are more than 1000 accidents in amusement parks around the world every year, the random tool collected more details about 14 scary things that amusement park employees described. 

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