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  • Floss Before You Brush on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#14) Floss Before You Brush

    Many people don’t floss every day, or they floss after brushing their teeth. Flossing contributes to good dental hygiene, lifting and removing plaque and food in between teeth. Many dentists suggest to actually floss first, before brushing. The concern with flossing after brushing is that food, plaque, and bacteria loosened by flossing in between your teeth remain in your mouth until the next time you brush. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Patients often ask which step should come first in their daily oral hygiene routine. While... flossing before brushing may result in the reduction of plaque, it’s important for everyone to remember to do both every day to maintain the health of their smiles," says Steven R. Daniel, DDS.

  • Drink Water First Thing In The Morning on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#1) Drink Water First Thing In The Morning

    While you might prefer a white chocolate chai latte over a glass of water, the truth is there are plenty of benefits to grabbing a glass of refreshing water to start the day. The rule of thumb, after all, is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

    Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up is one of the best things you can do for your body. It hydrates you, jumpstarts your metabolism, and purifies your body of any lingering toxins. Plus, there are beauty benefits, too. Drinking water makes your skin glow, hair shine, and boosts energy levels and satiates hunger pangs. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “You haven’t had fluids for roughly eight hours, so drinking a couple of glasses when you first wake up will help rehydrate the body, allow for good digestion, and just get you going for the day,” says Paula Simpson, RNCP, a holistic beauty nutritionist.

  • Chew Gum To Reduce Stress on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#23) Chew Gum To Reduce Stress

    While the minty scent and taste can make you feel more alert, chomping on gum can help with stress and increase concentration. Studies have also shown that chewing gum while performing tasks can improve brain function, including alertness, memory, understanding, and decision making.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “There is little doubt that chewing gum can be a powerful stress buster. One has only to look at a tightly contested baseball game on TV to see how many players, coaches and managers are vigorously chewing bubble gum or something else to relieve their pent-up tension,” according to the American Institute of Stress.

  • Wear Socks To Beat Insomnia on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#24) Wear Socks To Beat Insomnia

    When we're about to fall asleep, our body redirects blood flow to our extremities to dilate the blood cells, helping with better circulation while we sleep. While beginning to fall asleep, body temperature decrease by 1 to 2 degrees because the body is conserving energy for other functions. Sleep with socks on to help with temperature regulation cycles.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Cold feet can drain the energy of the body and can obstruct the flow of vital qi (energy) and blood (nutrition) in the body. For that reason we want to circulate the 'qi and blood.' By doing so we keep painful obstruction away from the body and keep the energy flowing smoothly," says Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, A.P. DOM, Doctor of Chinese and Integrative Medicine. "Cold impedes the flow of energy and heat or warmth encourages it. If you think about a warm bath you relax, and in cold water you tense up. Cold creates stagnation which can also lead to pain."

  • Prepare Meals Ahead Of Time on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#8) Prepare Meals Ahead Of Time

    The truth is, we have no idea what, exactly, goes into our food from a takeout restaurant. For all we know, it could be filled with fatty oils, processed foods, and ingredients like added sugar. When you cook your own meals, you're able to use healthier ingredients and control portion sizes. Choose a day to prepare all of your meals ahead of time, and pack them into containers for lunch throughout the week. You'll be eating healthier and saving money, too. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "When we cook at home, we are in control. McDonald’s fries have 19 ingredients. We can make them at home with far less — and they will taste just as good," says dietitian Ben Atkinson.

  • Don't Grocery Shop While Hungry on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#4) Don't Grocery Shop While Hungry

    Shopping on an empty stomach? We all know it's a bad idea. But research actually shows that you'll be much more likely to not only overspend, but also buy more unhealthy foods. Being hungry amps up your desire to acquire things, according to the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. In fact, shoppers who were hungrier spent 64% more money than those who were less hungry. Another study found that on average, hungry people purchased more high-calorie products than the group of people that ate before shopping.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Hunger makes us want to eat, which means that we think about seeking, acquiring and consuming food,” says Alison Jing Xu, assistant professor of marketing at the Carlson School. “Those acquisition-related thoughts may spill over and put consumers in the mode of getting more stuff in general, even stuff they can’t eat."

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About This Tool

A healthy lifestyle mainly includes 4 factors: reasonable diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, and mental health, which are also the foundations of healthy living. Cultivating and adhering to healthy living habits and behaviors can effectively prevent and control chronic diseases. Busy life and work have a great impact on our health, it is very important to consciously adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The random tool lists 26 essential and easy tips for a high-quality and healthy life that you should know, such as we should wash the pillowcases frequently, drink water in the morning, and more necessary advice.

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