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  • (#8) Rolling Down Hills Is Their Favorite Pastime

    Cuteness alert! Pandas love rolling down hills, but it's not always fun and games. Rolling down hill helps pandas get rid of sticks tangled in their fur.
  • (#9) They Can't Hibernate

    Although pandas spend the majority of their lives eating, they aren't able to store enough energy for hibernation. The limited nutritional value of bamboo prevents them from participating in the great bear sleepover. Of course, this gives them more time to appear in Youtube videos. 
  • (#10) Pandas Have More Teeth Than Your Average Bear

    Pandas have an extra moral, just for bamboo chow time. If you're keeping score, that's an extra digit and extra teeth, just for eating bamboo. Additional fun fact - pandas have the largest molars of any carnivore. Yes, pandas are carnivores. Though they eat bamboo all day long, 20 percent of their diet does come from meat.
  • (#7) Pandas Are Shy Just Like Us

    Pandas are big fans of alone time. Aside from mating season or being with their cubs, they like their space. When a panda feels uncomfortable with its proximity to another animal, she will lower her head so as to not be seen properly. Or, she'll cover her face with her paws to block her true appearance, maybe the most adorable thing ever. 
  • (#12) Night Vision on Fleek

    Believe it or not, panda pupils are actually the same as cats's. Dank night vision comes in handy when it's time for a midnight snack.

  • (#2) Pandas: Pigeon-Toed Beasts of the Bamboo Forest

    Panda bears walk pigeon-toed. This means their feet face inward, toward each other. It makes them look clumsy, like they are always on the verge of tipping over. While this is totally adorable, it's somewhat misleading; pandas are anything but clumsy - they move swiftly and quietly, despite their odd strut. 

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About This Tool

The panda is an indigenous species in China and is regarded as China's national. Panda is one of the rarest animals in the world. According to statistics, there are currently less than 1,900 wild pandas, and another about 300 live in zoos around the world. The panda is not only under key protection in China, but also has a large number of fans all over the world.

Abundant bamboo and water sources are conducive to this species to build nests and hide and raise young. Pandas are good at climbing trees and also love to play. Here the random tool introduced 17 facts you don’t know about pandas, these are reasons why people like them so much.

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