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  • Baby Mice Wine on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#1) Baby Mice Wine

    This traditional Chinese and Korean wine is considered to be a "health tonic." Although this list is in no particular order, I must say that this has to be the grossest thing that anybody can bear to swallow.

    When I hear the word "mice," I think of a flea-infested, dirty, little rodents parading the piss-filled streets of New York City. I'm sorry, but that's where they should be: out in the streets, not in my wine.

  • The Most Disgusting Cheese in the World on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#2) The Most Disgusting Cheese in the World

    Casu Marzu is a type of cheese that has to be left in the sun until it becomes rotten and full maggots. The process of producing this cheese is considered a process of finely metered fermentation. Sometimes, when disturbed, the maggot larvae can "jump" for distances up to 5-6 inches—some prefer to scrape the larvae out before consuming for this reason. This maggot-infested cheese is so gross and unsanitary that it will not be found in any parts of America.

  • A Soft Boiled Fetal Duck on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#3) A Soft Boiled Fetal Duck

    This is called a Balut. It is a fertilized duck egg with an almost developed embryo in it. So how would someone eat this thing? Well, it's as simple as boiling an egg. In fact, that's exactly what you do: boil, peel, dip it in your choice of salt or vinegar, and then EAT IT.

    However, don't be fooled by how it looks after you peel it; break it in half and you'll see an almost developed little duck, with feathers and a beak. Can you imagine taking a bite of this egg and pulling out Daffy's head from your mouth? Gross!
  • Human Placenta on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#4) Human Placenta

    Yep. Some people around the world --- including in parts of the United States and China --- eat human placenta as a supposed way to counteract the effects of postpartum depression and other pregnancy complications. Celebs like January Jones have extolled the practice's benefits, and some women even hire celebrity placenta processors (lol) to prepare lovely placenta-based recipes for them. In addition to taking your placenta in pill form, you can consume it as part of smoothies, lasagna, truffles, and chili
  • Blood soup on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#5) Blood soup

    You think they'd want to dress this up a little bit and make it look a little less terrifying, but nope. If you ever visit Vietnam, then there's every possibility that you might be presented with the culinary option of eating raw duck and geese blood. It's usually served literally right as the bird is slaughtered, which ensures that the dish is fresh!! Mm mm good! 
  • Surströmming on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#6) Surströmming

    The Scandinavians land on this list once again. Surstromming is a Swedish staple consisting of fish that has been fermenting in a can of bacteria for an extended period of time. Horrifyingly, the fish's resulting stench is usually so foul that Swedes have to take it outside to eat it. We're not sure why anyone would continue to eat something after literally being forced out of their own home by how disgusting it is, but whatever. Apparently it goes well with sour cream. 
  • Century Eggs on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#7) Century Eggs

    These Chinese instruments of culinary torture are the result of preserving duck, chicken, or quail eggs in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, line, and rice straw for several weeks to several months. (The food gets its name from the formidable amount of time it takes to prepare these.)

    After a while, the eggs naturally start to smell like farts and rotten eggs, and the yolk turns a putrid, creamy shade of dark green. The egg white, on the other hand, turns a lovely shade of poop brown. Amazingly, some people pop these in their mouths like M&Ms.
  • Fermented Shark Bits on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#8) Fermented Shark Bits

    Hákarl, an Icelandic specialty, is a greenland or sleeping shark that has fully rotted and then hung to dry for four or five months. The shark can't be eaten fresh because it's poisonous to humans; it's served in cubes on a toothpick, and first-timers are advised to plug their noses to help with the gagging. Even chef and world-traveller Anthony Bourdain says it's "the single worst, most disgusting and terrible tasting thing," he's ever eaten. And that guy eats some pretty crazy stuff!
  • Tuna eyeballs on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#9) Tuna eyeballs

    These are apparently a delicious part of East and Southeast Asian cuisine, but we can't get over how they look. Despite making you want to turn away in anguish, these slimy, disturbing eyeballs are actually good for your eyesight. They are served in soups, herb dishes, and --- we hope --- with lots and lots of alcohol. 
  • Lutefisk on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#10) Lutefisk

    Have you ever eaten some cod and thought to yourself, "This needs more lye?" Prob not, since you're not from Norway. 

    Lutefisk is a Norwegian dish consisting of cod that has been steeped for many days in lye, which is a powerful industrial chemical that is not normally used as a food ingredient ... since it can potentially burn your face off. Apparently, the lye gives the cod a thrilling, caustic taste, which is why the dish has started becoming popular in --- wait for it --- the United States. What is happening to this country.
  • Jellied Moose Nose on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#11) Jellied Moose Nose

    A Canadian delicacy, jellied moose nose is exactly how it sounds. Boil the nose and jowls, add a couple of onions and chicken broth, let chill, and voila
  • Kopi Luwak on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#12) Kopi Luwak

    If you're starting to think that plain old American coffee isn't enough to get you started in the morning, then you might want to look into Indonesia's Kopi Luwak coffee. It's strong, full-bodied, pungent, and it's made from someone's sh*t.

    That's right. Kopi Luwak is made from digested coffee cherries that have been eaten and pooped out by Asian palm civets. It's considered a delicacy outside of Indonesia --- even going for $100 a cup in New York City --- and is supposedly a major economic boon in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the coffee can only be mass produced by cruelly confining Asian civets to cages and forcing them to eat terrible diets for their entire lives. Plus, it's made of poop. So there's that.
  • Corn smut on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#13) Corn smut

    Some of the items on this list are gross because of their appearance or ingredients, but corn smut is gross because of something entirely different: It's a disease. When you're eating corn smut, you're literally eating part of a disease that has infected corn. Although corn smut is rightly considered dumpster material in the United States, it's considered a delicacy in Mexico.. It even has its own name there --- huitlacoche --- which is a beautiful Nahuatl word that loosely translates to "raven's poo." According to those in the know, raven's poo has a mushroom-like, earthy taste to it ... but we'll have to take their word for it. 
  • Bird's nest soup on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#14) Bird's nest soup

    Before you go, "Eew, why I would I want to eat a bird's nest? It's just, like, straw and mud and stuff," you should probably know that Chinese Bird's Nest Soup is actually better than that. Usually, Chinese Bird Nest Soups are only made with bird nests that were built using bird saliva. So ... They're, like, better. 

  • A Whole Sheep’s Head  on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#15) A Whole Sheep’s Head

    Hmmm... I really don't like my food staring right back at me. It makes me feel kind of guilty... all right, I'll eat its eyes first.
  • Slimy Worms on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#16) Slimy Worms

    Studies have found that eating dirt worms make us healthy. When organisms from bacteria, viruses and worms enter the body, and the immune system becomes stronger. Studies imply that eating worms redirects a skewed immune system, curing people with autoimmune disorders, allergies, and asthma.

    Kids, don't be alarmed to find something squiggling in your sandwich during lunch. It's just mother's way of making sure you're eating healthy.
  • Ant Eggs on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#17) Ant Eggs

    Escamoles --- which are more commonly known as the slimy, repulsive eggs of the giant black Liometopum ant --- are considered a delicacy in Mexico. According to foodie fans, they possess a pleasantly nutty, buttery taste, but according to anyone with common sense, they're terrifying and gross and should never be consumed by another human being. Not today, Satan. 
  • Mongolian Boodog on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#18) Mongolian Boodog

    This Mongolian dish involves either a goat or a marmot and cooking the entire body with stones, onions, and salt in the stomach. You'll know when it's done when the fat starts to leak through the skin.
  • Innards on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#19) Innards

    Innards, or giblets, as they're often referred to, include the heart, liver, gizzard, and other organs from fowl. In the U.S., they're often used in stuffing or used to make a giblet pie or gravy. A popular French stew also uses giblets as its main ingredient. 
  • Foul Smelling Thorny Fruit on Random Grossest Foods In World

    (#20) Foul Smelling Thorny Fruit

    Durian, a Southeast Asian fruit, has a foul rep, and has been referred to as smelling like, "road kill wrapped in sweaty socks and has the texture of rotten bananas." Apparently, once you get used to the smell, it really grows on you.


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About This Tool

There are many weird foods in the world, and different customs and cultures have also created different eating habits in different places. Some foods make people feel uncomfortable just by looking at them, while others can not know what they are made of. Until people understand the raw material, they may vomit. What are the most disgusting foods in the world? I believe no one would dare to eat these foods at once.

What is the most disgusting food in your memory? Maybe it is on this list. The random tool will show 20 of the grossest foods in the world randomly, such as baby mice wine, human placenta, and more. They are gross, please be mentally prepared before checking.

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