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  • (#1) Just be yourself.

    "I've found that the sooner you can get in the mindset of two old friends catching up instead of two people being on a first date, the more relaxed you are and the more fun it is for them."
  • (#2) Genuinely get to know them.

    "Don't listen to what she's saying because you're trying to convince her you're a good listener; listen to what she's saying because you asked her a question and you want to hear the answer."
  • (#3) Know your audience.

    "I don't have a set of moves.

    I don't have a meal I cook for every girl I want to impress.

    I don't have a first date pattern or plan for every single first date.

    People are different; relationships are dynamic and unique. You can't treat one person like the next."

  • (#4) Don't be afraid to make some mistakes.

    "I once accidentally did this thing where I took my glasses off and hung them to this girl's shirt, pulling down the neckline a little bit and exposing a small amount of cleavage. She said she was turned on by my forwardness and started blushing. We're married now. That being said, I didn't really plan to do anything seductive but I claimed it as soon as I figured out she liked it."
  • (#5) The old switcharoo.

    "Keep telling her about my roommate and how I want her to meet him. When she gets to my place its my kitten. Works 100% of the time."
  • (#6) Be memorable.

    "I cut through the smalltalk with a specific topic and see if she can keep up. Like let's say I walk into a restaurant where she is already seated and I sit down. I'll say hi, etc, but then I'll be like 'Listen, I need your take on this hot dog sandwich fiasco because I think it should go to the Supreme court and be this generations Roe V Wade' and we're off to the races. Too often dates get stuck in the 'let me ask the most boring questions and then you ask them back to me' thing."
  • (#7) Look to the stars.

    "I take them star gazing. At some point you pull out the phone app that lets you overlay all the constellations on your phone, so you have to lean into them and share the phone screen. It makes your heads pretty close, so just take advantage of one of the conversation points and give her a good long look in the eyes and kiss her."
  • (#8) Don't be afraid to be corny.

    "Don't be afraid to do the old yawn/arm around her shoulder. It's corny AF so you can both laugh about it but it works."
  • (#9) Back to basics

    "Initiate hand holding to break the contact barrier than make my way from there. Judging the situation as it goes.

    Also trying to make them laugh.

  • (#10) People watch.

    "I've realized that some sort of people watching comment works - maybe its pointing out those hipsters, or the cute dog being walked, or how the bus driver seemed to be having a really crappy day has worked for me."
  • (#11) Do super cute things together.

    "Go feed some animals together. The squirrels in a park I know are friendly, if you're still they'll come up to your hand. I have a bag of rodent mix in my room at all times.

    Although the park is actually a cemetery. Mostly I just like feeding squirrels.

    Also, once a month there's a car boot sale near me. If the timing is right, it's great fun. I'm weirdly unhappy about paying for dinner (or being expected to), but I'll happily spend some dosh on whatever junk catches her eye as a memento."

  • (#12) Trick them into touching you.

    Hold your hand like you've got some small trinket in it. Go 'Hey, could you hold this for a minute?' When she puts her hand up, open your hand into her hand. Laugh about it.
  • (#13) Have the time of your life.

    "I work Dirty Dancing into the conversation."
  • (#15) Try out a sport.

    "I almost always take them to a pool hall. It almost always leads to them wanting to bet a kiss on a game."
  • (#16) Just be yourself, part II.

    "Bringing up my terrible past relationships, not realizing I have spaghetti sauce on my shirt, staring in silence at her because I forgot how to converse, using a coupon. Not sure what I would do on a 2nd date tho, tbh."

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Dating is great, but it's also stressful. Dating provides us with a wonderful and unique way to get to know people we would never have had the opportunity to meet. However, many people find that the first actual date and online chat feel different, which is also an annoyance that we often hear. How to fully show your charm in dating requires some key skills.

Have you noticed that there are too many dating guides that are not practical? Dating is the fun part of a relationship. The random tool lists 16 go-to dating tips that every man should notice.

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