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  • (#4) Toilet Paper Stands Offer A Cavalcade Of Grisly Possibilities

    From Redditor /u/dcxr:

    I have a toilet paper stand and the base weighs like 20 pounds. It’s a... mace.

    From Redditor /u/perkinjon:

    I worked EMS in Florida a while back and had a guy who stood up too fast, passed out, and landed on the toilet paper stand. It went through his eye socket, sinuses, and down the back of his throat. It is by far in my top five WTF calls.

  • (#2) Powered Coffee Creamer Is Highly Flammable

    From Redditor /u/bl1y:

    Powdered coffee creamer. It's incredibly flammable if it gets into the air.

    From Redditor /u/kukukele:

    I volunteered at one of those seasonal haunted houses when I was younger. One of the jobs was to be dressed as a druid and to throw coffee creamer on a fire to create a fireball.


  • (#6) Frozen Food Has Bone-Breaking Potential

    From Redditor /u/IwillJustForgetAgain:

    My [sister-in-law] broke her foot by dropping a frozen ham on it. The ER didn't believe her and called the police on my brother because he made some joke about, "Well, what do you think happened, I pushed her down the stairs?" He then had to spend several hours trying to prove they didn't even have stairs.

    From Redditor /u/contentzero:

    I dropped a frozen chicken on my foot last summer. Waited overnight, then went to [the emergency room] in the morning (I would have hobbled to a walk-in, but someone else I know had to go for an unrelated reason and had a ride). The doc looked at me like, "Yeah, right." It doesn't help that I'm not super expressive when sick or in pain. But after the x-rays came back, the look on his face was priceless - it was broken in two separate places.



  • (#9) Lint In A Dryer Is Fuel

    From Redditor /u/Mangi-Mangi:

    Lint catchers for your dryer. Causes household fires a lot.

    From Redditor /u/willbo2013:

    A friend of mine neglected to clean his for like two years and he smelled something smoky one day. Turns out he was like super close to starting a fire. I was incredulous that he hadn't cleaned it for so long.

    From Redditor /u/Morug:

    A lot of the fire hazard comes from the lint that gets stuck in the catcher area, but not in the lint trap that slides out. Especially if you have sheddy cats, it can work itself into a nice flammable carpet blocking the airflow. You have to clean that out the hard way.

    From Redditor /u/SpoopySales:

    Lint can build up behind the dryer and in the tube. You have to get behind and clean it out regularly. This is how my parents' dryer caught fire.


  • (#15) Throw Rugs Can Trip Seniors Up

    From Redditor /u/inferno006:

    Throw rugs in senior citizens' houses... They trip on that tiny little edge of carpet or it slides on the floor and now you have an old person with a broken hip...


  • (#19) Cabinets And Furniture Have Sharp Edges And Corners

    From Redditor /u/I___________:

    Any corner. The corner of a table or the corner of a cabinet door. Never leave those doors open. It takes one wrong step to lose an eye. Or one bad fall. That’s why I live in a corner-free house.

    From Redditor /u/nakedwithoutmyhoodie:

    Can you PLEASE tell my kids this? Every time I say "Close the damn cabinet door!" they roll their eyes and say, "Yes, mother..." like I'm nitpicking or something. I've hit my head on open cabinet doors so many times. It's not smart to leave them open!

    From Redditor /u/MemesareMemes05:

    My dad was tickling my sister in our office, and I was watching from the hallway... and thought, “Man, I gotta show Mom.” So I turned around and ran. Into the corner of the wall. Knocked myself to the floor, got back up and thought nothing of it.

    Went to go run to get my mom again and when I walked in my mom screamed. Gushing blood... I’m totally fine now but if I flip up what little bangs I have there’s a decent-sized gash.

    From Redditor /u/emeralds214:

    When I was about 4 I was chasing my brother and I was at the perfect height for my face to run straight into the corner of my piano. It was at the very edge of my eye and if it was just a half a inch over I would have lost my eye. But I had to get stitches and I still have a scar next to my eye.

    From Redditor /u/BricksInTheWall1991:

    When my daughter was 1 or 2, she was jumping on the couch, fell off, and hit the corner of her eye on our coffee table. She had a swollen black eye for like a week.

    From Redditor /u/DeliciouslyThick:

    When I was a young girl (about 6 or 7), I was running through the house with a blanket around my me like a cape. My younger brother proceeded to step on said blanket, making me fall and hit my temple right on the corner of a huge speaker.

    This was back in the '90s when these speakers were wood-framed. I was lucky that it didn’t pierce through my skin... Needed stitches, but being so young and the temple being a very sensitive spot, it could have caused some major damage if I hit it any harder than I did.


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About This Tool

Home has always been regarded as the safest harbor. However, a report issued by the World Health Organization stated that flame retardants, plasticizers, bisphenol A and many other substances in household items such as carpets, sofas, home appliances, water bottles, toys, etc., may cause cancer, asthma, and health problems. Issues such as education, there are more potential safety hazards that have not been noticed by adults.

Some of these household items contain dangerous chemicals, while others may cause fires if used improperly. The random tool lists 19 hidden dangers in everyday household items that you may never notice.

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