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  • (#28) Hope They Don't Notice

    From Redditor u/NewYorkGiantsFan1:

    1] They ramble and the answers make absolutely no sense.

    2] They never answer the question asked. They talk about something they are comfortable with in the hopes I don't notice that they didn't answer.

    3] Give them an easy test. One that, if you knew your skill you should pass easily and within 5 minutes. If it takes longer, you either lied on your resume or suck at what you say you are good at.

  • (#20) Dead Fish Eye Face

    From Redditor u/DarthMurdok:

    Not knowing their resume is always the biggest tip-off. "It says here you know apache, can you give more insight into what you did?" and then I get that dead fish eye face like I just asked them to kill my grandma. I'll even help them out a bit and give them file names and ask if they edited them and if I continue to get a space cadet I'll just revert to generic questions to pad out the rest of the interview and hit the 30 minute mark.

  • (#2) He's A Big Fan Of Your Work

    From Redditor u/killersim:

    I once was interviewing a candidate for a design position who presented MY WORK in his portfolio. That flagged everything else as made up and questionable. I grilled him on it for a few minutes before I was like “do you know who’s work this is?” Ive never seen someone want to melt through the floor like that.

  • (#1) Gracias, Next

    From Redditor u/ER10years_throwaway:

    I speak enough gringo Spanish to get by, and back in the day when I was a hiring manager, if anybody put "fluent in Spanish" on their resume, I'd walk into the interview room and introduce myself and start the interview in Spanish. The looks of panic from the kids who'd taken, like, three years of high school Spanish before college were priceless.

  • (#11) Evil Twin?

    From Redditor u/CantfindanameARGH:

    I had one guy who listed himself as XXX Manager at YYY Company at ZZZ location from 2007 to 2011.

    The thing is, that was my position and title and location.

    He worked with my husband at a different division of the same company. I doubt he thought his resume would cross my desk. He was a known a**hole so of course I made sure everyone saw it, you know, to pass around his resume for any open jobs.

  • (#19) You Can't Know Everything

    From Redditor u/dgran73:

    Maybe more of an answer about general competence but in my observation the smartest people are comfortable saying they don't know something or acknowledge limitations in their knowledge or experience. Naive or bluffing candidates want to project an air of knowing everything, which is implausible.

    Another signal is how eager they are to go into depth. I interview programmers and technical staff, so I like to ask them about the project they are most proud of. I listen carefully and ask a few questions about how they worked through some thorny tech aspects. I understand that software is a team effort, but the legitimate contributors are eager to talk about technical details of what they built. The ones who just attended meetings and rarely contributed much struggle to say anything of substance. That is quite telling in my view.

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About This Tool

Hiring managers and candidates often fall into a situation where they almost encourage each other to lie. Using lies to make others feel good and show a better self, which is one of the characteristics of social skills. Scientific research has shown that when people lie, there will be some unnatural and uncoordinated verbal expressions and body movements. Hiring managers can always find evidence of lying by observing the language content and posture of the candidate. 

You may never know that almost every hiring manager will send telltale signs when they find the details of lies from candidates. The random tool lists 29 telltale signs from hiring managers that you should notice in interviews.

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