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  • Motion Sensors And Laser Grids on Random Interested In Ghost Hunting, Don't Waste Your Time With These 12 Devices

    (#3) Motion Sensors And Laser Grids

    What It Is:

    Motion sensing devices and projected laser grids are usually recommended by ghost hunters when people claim to see shadows move through haunted buildings. The laser grid is commonly used because it creates a clear visual. The tool is mounted and pointed at a wall, projecting an array of green dots. If something passes in front of the grid, the lights will be blocked.

    Why It Probably Doesn't Work:

    Motion sensors have a few flaws. People or animals can unwittingly cross through the light grid, producing false positives. And some paranormal enthusiasts believe different ghosts have different densities; allegedly, not every paranormal being would set of a motion sensor or light grid.

  • Footstep Sensors on Random Interested In Ghost Hunting, Don't Waste Your Time With These 12 Devices

    (#7) Footstep Sensors

    What It Is:

    Footstep sensors are sometimes specifically made for ghost hunting. They detect slight or heavy movements, recording vibrations. Theoretically, the devices measure if someone or something is moving throughout a space no matter how big, small, or ghostly. 

    Why It Probably Doesn't Work:

    This device can easily give false results. A person who passes through a building during an investigation can trigger the sensor. Even an animal or a creaking house could set off a sensitive motion reader.

  • Still Cameras on Random Interested In Ghost Hunting, Don't Waste Your Time With These 12 Devices

    (#8) Still Cameras

    What It Is:

    Digital cameras are often used for ghost hunting. Paranormal enthusiasts typically purchase the basic models sold in electronics stores, but there are modified cameras available that claim to work in the dark. 

    Why It Probably Doesn't Work:

    There are some obvious issues with standard digital cameras. The flash and brightness settings can lead to false positives like orbs, haziness, and light bars. Many people use ordinary digital cameras and find photographic flaws; they interpret the imperfections as ghosts. Sometimes, though, the flaws are just dust particles, reflections, or issues with the flash.

  • XBox Ghost Camera on Random Interested In Ghost Hunting, Don't Waste Your Time With These 12 Devices

    (#12) XBox Ghost Camera

    What It Is:

    Graham Lewis was fed up with basic ghost hunting equipment, so he decided to engineer his own. Using Xbox technology, he created a camera he believes can capture images of ghosts. Lewis noted:

    Xbox gaming users were reporting curious incidents in which the sensor camera, which tracks human movement for interactive games, was often detecting second players in the game when there was no one else in the room.

    He attached the Xbox camera to a portable screen and used it in the field. He claimed to have amazing results.

    Why It Probably Doesn't Work:

    While Lewis's findings are intriguing, others suggest his results are unverifiable. And as pointed out by Tegan Jones, an editor at Gizmodo, the ghosts Lewis saw were more than likely just the result of imperfect algorithms.

  • Flashlights on Random Interested In Ghost Hunting, Don't Waste Your Time With These 12 Devices

    (#9) Flashlights

    What It Is: 

    A common household flashlight with a slightly unscrewed end is often used during ghost hunts. Paranormal professionals believe loosening the link to the batteries allows ghosts to play with the connection. In theory, they turn the flashlight on and off to communicate. Some believe the ghost creates an electromagnetic field to bridge the power gap.

    Why It Probably Doesn't Work:

    Creating a loose electrical connection simply does not create proof of spirits. TV shows depict flashlights turning on and off independently, but this may just be another example of people interpreting signs based on emotion rather than electrical proof.

  • Remote-Controlled Camera on Random Interested In Ghost Hunting, Don't Waste Your Time With These 12 Devices

    (#11) Remote-Controlled Camera

    What It Is:

    Known as a Rover, this remote-controlled mini tank is sold by GhostStop. It can shoot video in the dark and transmit directly to a smart phone, allowing ghost hunters to access previously inaccessible locations.

    Why It Probably Doesn't Work:

    The camera tank falls into the realm of somewhat unnecessary devices. It is much more of a novelty than a necessity. Additionally, the images from a moving camera are more likely to be blurry and unclear than those from a more stationary camera.

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About This Tool

Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? Want to experience thrilling ghost hunting? You may not need all the advanced hunting equipment, and you certainly don't need to buy it all at once. First, choose the device you want to use the most and learn how to use it properly. For example, the digital camera is the basic device for most beginner ghost hunters. Then you can walk into those haunted houses with confidence.

Choose the equipment you need and start an exciting ghost hunting journey with your friends. This is a collection of some basic equipment that may waste your time, with the help of the generator, you will find random 12 devices. Welcome to search for other interesting things with the tool.

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