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  • Lilium callosum - China, Japan, Korea, Russian Far East (List)

  • Lilium eupetes - Vietnam endemic (List)

  • Lilium catesbaei - southeastern USA (List)

  • Lilium poilanei - Laos, Vietnam (List)

  • Lilium rockii - Yunnan (List)

  • Lilium kesselringianum - Turkey, Caucasus (List)

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Lilium, also known as Qiangshu, Panchive, Shandan, Daxian, Zhongmai, Zhongmai, Zhongfenghua, Zhongfenghua, Lilium, Zhongfenghua, master garlic, Suan Nao Tuber, Nachhe and so on, is a bulbous plant of the Lily Family Liliaceae, which is native to China and is a member of the perennial plant family, mainly distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, such as East Asia, Europe and North America, at least 120 species have been found in the world, of which 55 species are found in China. In recent years, there are many new varieties produced by artificial hybridization, such as Asiatic Lily, Perfume Lily, Fire Lily and so on. The bulbs are rich in starch and are edible and used medicinally.

But if you go down to the specific genus and species of Lilium, you wouldn't know it could be divided into 109 items, would you? This random tool generates 109 items, and it's eye-opening to see which ones belong to the Liliaceae family with great clarity.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of Lilium species.

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