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  • Crocodiles on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#5) Crocodiles

    No duh crocodiles are on this list. Just look at these creeps! About 1,000 people are killed by crocodiles each year based on a source from 2016. 

    At least Captain Hook escaped mostly intact. He's a real guy right?

  • Giant Anteater on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#14) Giant Anteater

    You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but this large creature feeds only on ants and termites. Its size is part of what makes it such a dangerous animal, but its true weapons are its powerful, sharp claws.

    If threatened, an anteater can maul a human, like some unlucky hunters in Brazil who were attacked and bled to death.

  • Moose on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#8) Moose

    • Animal

    Don't let the dumb look on their face fool you; moose are among the most dangerous, regularly encountered animals in the world. They prefer to leave humans alone, but if disturbed or threatened they are known to respond by charging with aggression.

    They attack more people annually than bears do in states like Alaska.

  • Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#24) Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish

    This cute little fish may sound like a character in a Dr. Seuss book and look just as dazzling, but their colorful display is meant to hypnotize its predators

    While once thought to be toxic because of their bright colors, there is no evidence that these fish are actually poisonous.

  • Wolverine on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#23) Wolverine

    Armed with powerful jaws, sharp claws and a thick hide, the wolverine can take down prey as large as a moose and take food from bears and wolves.

  • Blue-ringed octopus on Random Most Deadly Animals

    (#18) Blue-ringed octopus

    • Organism Classification

    The tiny, blue-ringed octopus can pack a wallop. It is widely regarded as one of the world's most venomous animals. It lives in tidal regions ranging from Australia to Japan and is frequently encountered by people wading in tide pools.

    If provoked or stepped on, it will bite. Blue-ringed octopus poison has no antivenom and it can kill an adult human within hours, causing many horrible symptoms in the meantime.

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About This Tool

Most people think that the animal that killed the most people must be a beast, but in fact, the deadliest animal in the world is not a shark, nor a tiger. The most terrifying animals are actually all around us. Mosquitoes kill 1 million people every year. Most of them are bitten by mosquitoes carrying dengue fever and West Nile virus and infected with malaria.

The consequences of being attacked by deadly animals are very serious. Here you could know more about the 29 top deadly animals in the world, the random tool also shows their pictures. Welcome to share this interesting collection with friends.

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