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  • Goliath birdeater on Random Most Terrifying Creatures Found In Amazon River

    (#7) Goliath birdeater

    • Theraphosa blondi

    Many people are terrified of house spiders. Imagine how they'd feel about an arachnid that's the size of a puppy. This would be the goliath birdeater, the heaviest tarantula in the world. Reaching up to five inches in body length and weighing up to six ounces, it dwarfs almost every other spider.

    The spider is found mostly in the swamps and marshes around the Amazon River, where it burrows underground and ventures out at night to nab prey. Though it's not dangerous to humans, it will shed its prickly hairs when approached. These can cause irritation that lasts for days.

  • Poison dart frog on Random Most Terrifying Creatures Found In Amazon River

    (#8) Poison dart frog

    • Dendrobatidae

    Numerous types of poison dart frogs inhabit tropical forests in South America; several make their home in and around the Amazon River. They're harmless at first glance, and their vivid colors are quite lovely. But these are among the deadliest creatures on the planet. Their bright hues act as a warning: a potent toxin seeps from their skin.

    A single poison dart frog can kill up to 10 adult humans with a simple touch.

  • Bull shark on Random Most Terrifying Creatures Found In Amazon River

    (#6) Bull shark

    • Carcharhinus leucas

    Yes, there are sharks in the Amazon River. The bull shark has been found up to 2,500 miles up the river; it makes its way in from Lake Nicaragua. It's one of the most aggressive sharks in existence, and its love of shallow water makes it a hazard for anyone taking a dip.

    If that isn't scary enough, it can also grow to be 11 feet long.

  • Pacus on Random Most Terrifying Creatures Found In Amazon River

    (#13) Pacus

    The pacu is a type of fish closely related to the piranha, though it grows to a far greater size. But the real nightmares begin with its mouth. Its chompers bear an uncanny resemblance to human teeth. Those pearly whites are there for a reason: the fish is an omnivore, so it often chows down on tough food, including nuts.

    Pacus aren't necessarily aggressive, but their teeth can cause an uncomfortable amount of pain.

  • Electric Eels on Random Most Terrifying Creatures Found In Amazon River

    (#9) Electric Eels

    Though it's commonly known as the electric eel, this fearsome creature is actually a knifefish. Due to its distinctive physiology, it is capable of producing electricity from its organs. This electric shock can reach intensities of up to 600 volts for several milliseconds. While this can't kill you, it can deliver as much pain as a stun gun and cause a numbing sensation.

    And this eel can grow up to eight feet long. It's definitely not an animal you would want to come across.

  • Mata Mata Turtles on Random Most Terrifying Creatures Found In Amazon River

    (#15) Mata Mata Turtles

    The mata mata turtle spends almost its entire life in the water, only emerging on occasion to lay eggs. It's the sole surviving member of its genus, with an appearance that more closely resembles a dinosaur than a modern turtle. It can survive for up to 75 years and reach up to two feet in length.

    So what makes this turtle scary? It has a spooky way of eating: it creates a vacuum in its mouth that sucks in passing fish.

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About This Tool

The Amazon River is the world's largest river with the largest flow rate and the largest drainage area. The resulting Amazon rainforest is also one of the world's largest biological treasure sites. Scientists have discovered a large number of unique creatures in the Amazon River and its surrounding areas which never been discovered. There are more than 3000 kinds of creatures in this river, including common aquatic animals such as turtles, snakes, and other scary creatures. 

The random tool introduced 15 of the most terrifying creatures in the Amazon River, they have unique appearances and have different characteristics and habits. It is certain there are still many creatures that have not been discovered by humans.

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