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  • (#1) There's Having An Embarrassing Dad, And Then There's Having A Nazi Dad

    From Kevinera:  

    "My dad's a National Socialist and he regularly goes to meetings, I was raised on Germanic folklore and the idea that I'm superior to others because I'm of German decent. I have plenty of Jewish and Slavish friends and I just tell them my dad died when I was younger […] my dad's a Nazi" 

  • (#7) Fake Four Eyes

    From Chuuucky24:  

    "When I was like... 10 or 11, a lot of my classmates got glasses. I thought they were pretty cool, so I faked having myopia in order to get glasses as well. I wasn't too dumb [though], I pretended that I could see better with lenses that had a small diopter so they didn't actually damage my eyesight.

    The downside was that my parents thought using the computer had something to do with it, so they didn't allow me to use it anymore." 

  • (#17) When Road Trip Conversation Goes Wrong

    From very_large_ears:

    "The wife of a close friend knows that the friend was closeted and was gay before they got married. She believes that she is the only reason he decided to be straight instead. She admitted this to me on a 12-hour road trip once and then realized she'd said too much and swore me to secrecy. I didn't tell her that, before getting married, the close friend admitted to me that he wanted to be gay but that he never dared to out of fear of judgment of his rural, conservative family. He almost didn't get married because he didn't think he could pull it off, but it seemed like the to save face with his family. They have been married over 20 years now."

  • (#14) Girl You Don't Need Make-Up


    "I always tell my wife how much I love her makeup that day. 

    I hate it. I wish she would stop wearing it but it makes her happy so I decide to lie." 

  • (#15) Scam The School Before It Scams You

    From pistolaz_

    "In 7th grade, me and my friend Simon got the password for the admin accounts on our classroom's computer and our teacher always came in late so we would just change our grades whenever we got to class before him and the door was unlocked.

    I'm pretty sure this is what got me into a really good high school because I rarely did homework, but I usually knew the material."  

  • (#16) Bad News For The Step-Parents

    From Cailinus:

    "My parents are divorced and remarried (my dad is very happily married to my step-mom; my mom, not so happily married to my step-dad).

    They’ve both confided in me a long time ago that they’re both still very much in love with each other (separately, of course; they live thousands of miles apart), but they asked me to never tell anybody in our lives about this. I intend on keeping that promise, but it hurts to know that they still feel so strongly about each other, and maybe, just maybe, could have gotten back together if they weren’t so proud and stubborn.

    Such is life."

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