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  • (#2) "...35 People That Day."

    From Redditor u/crammyandelman:

    Not my story but one of my best mates was visiting Tasmania in 1996. They were due to visit Port Arthur but her mum had a terrible gut feeling so they didn’t go. Martin Bryant killed 35 people there that day.

  • (#4) "If I Had Been Any Later He Would Have Died."

    From Redditor u/allhickup336:

    I was out walking my dog when I got a funny feeling about my dad (he has heart problems and is prone to heart attacks) I called him a few times and he didn't respond so I started to run back and he was slumped infront of the sofa showing all the early signs of a heart attack. I Phone an ambulance and gave him basic treatment and after the paramedics arrived they said if I had been any later he would have died.

  • (#13) "I Thought The Entire Country Was Under Attack."

    From Redditor u/archaicecho:

    I was boarding my plane flight after vacation. It was early in the morning and the second I stepped foot on the plane I froze and the absolute worst feeling overcame me. I was with my boyfriend and we both had to get back for work so I made myself stay on the plane. A half hour late the plane suddenly dipped. Then the pilot got on the intercom, voice shaking, telling us that there was a national emergency and we would have to land at the closest airport immediately. That was 9/11. Took me four days of hitchhiking and bus travel to get home. I did not fully understand what was happening until I got to work right off the greyhound and the tv was on. I thought the entire country was under attack.

  • (#10) "Why Are You Walking So Fast Man?"

    From Redditor u/pcbradle:

    I live in LA, and downtown LA isn’t exactly the best place at night.

    I was going to a dispensary late at night in 2015, in an area of downtown that’s not heavily lit, and very empty. No cars, no people, just a few run down buildings on Main Street.

    It was late, around 11 pm and the dispensary was just closing up. I came out, by myself, and started walking to my car. I was maybe 200 feet from my car, and saw these guys across the street in an a huddle. As I started walking closer to my car, I had this feeling they clearly weren’t up to any good. So I started walking a little faster to my car, and one of the dudes screams over, “why you walking so fast man?” And they started to walk towards me.

    Rather than answer and pause, I decided to start running to my car, and unlocked it and got in. As I was starting my car, they had run up to the back of my car and just as I drove off, one of them slashed the back of my bumper with a knife and they screamed “good thing you got those white boy instincts.”

    Sometimes it’s literally a matter of one second and making that crucial decision to not stop that saved my life.

  • (#12) "I Thought I Was Being Paranoid At First..."

    From Redditor u/pnomsen:

    The time I noticed a three men in a white truck following me. I thought I was being paranoid at first, until I pulled in to a gas station and then out the other side … and they followed me. Even then, I was so used to being told I was overreacting that I didn’t call the cops. I just kept driving - in the opposite direction from the town I lived in - until they got caught at a stop light. I quickly turned in to a neighborhood and took a bunch of random turns and drove around some more before heading home.

    From Redditor u/excusemesir_:

    I really hope that never happens to you again, but if it does, I was told once that if you think you’re being followed, drive to a police station.

  • (#16) "I Had My Friend Take Me To The Hospital."

    From Redditor u/miked4o7:

    I was at work one day and I picked up a bottle. It looked "wrong." Then I looked up and everything in my vision looked like it was distorted fun-house mirror style. I had no idea what was happening, but knew something was very wrong. I had my friend take me to the hospital. I called my wife, and tried to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal, but I was going to the hospital. A week goes by and I've been in a coma since that day. My odds of coming out of it were slim and they asked her if they should let me go. That was January 10, 2017. I definitely have some impairments now, but life is great.

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