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  • (#1) "I Don't Like This Spot."

    From Redditor u/InsomniacPHD:

    So this was my friend's intuition not my own but it for sure saved our lives.

    Bout a decade ago, sometime in Jan or Feb, we were standing outside in downtown Chicago smoking a cig. All of a sudden, out of no where, she gets this worried look on her face and says, "I don't like this spot. Come over here." It wasn't three seconds after we took a few steps (no more than 10 feet) that this giant ice block falls off the building and shatters exactly where we had be standing. It would have crushed and killed me definitely and her very likely had we not moved.

    It was so shocking that everyone on the bustling street just stopped and stared at us mouths agape. You coulda heard a pin drop after that. It was insane. I never looked at her the same either ... she says she doesn't know how but she had some sixth sense thing going on without a doubt.

  • (#2) "...35 People That Day."

    From Redditor u/crammyandelman:

    Not my story but one of my best mates was visiting Tasmania in 1996. They were due to visit Port Arthur but her mum had a terrible gut feeling so they didn’t go. Martin Bryant killed 35 people there that day.

  • (#3) "It Was Like A 'Final Destination' Vision."

    From Redditor u/Hot_potatoos:

    Country lanes in the UK are pretty narrow and have lots of blind bends. I was driving down a lane and there was a cyclist in front of me, in the middle of the road, not wearing a helmet, and heading toward a completely blind bend. I suddenly thought, if a car swings around that bend they are going to smash into the cyclist and pin him to my car. It was like a ‘final destination’ vision. I couldn’t hear or see another car, but I saw this accident so vividly in my mind.

    I immediately slammed on my breaks, honked my horn and pulled over. The poor cyclist guy shat himself and stumbled to the hedges. Mere seconds later some idiotic teenager comes speeding out of the blind corner and missed us by inches. If we were still in the road, this guy would have ploughed straight through the cyclist and into my car.

    I completely freaked out, to the point the cyclist came over to calm me down. I don’t remember much but I know I was saying ‘you were dead’ over and over again. I’m not a religious person at all, but that’s the closest I’ve come to believing in some kind of divine intervention.

  • (#4) "If I Had Been Any Later He Would Have Died."

    From Redditor u/allhickup336:

    I was out walking my dog when I got a funny feeling about my dad (he has heart problems and is prone to heart attacks) I called him a few times and he didn't respond so I started to run back and he was slumped infront of the sofa showing all the early signs of a heart attack. I Phone an ambulance and gave him basic treatment and after the paramedics arrived they said if I had been any later he would have died.

  • (#5) "One Of The Guys Was On The Front Page Of The Newspaper."

    From Redditor u/lorealashblonde:

    Me and my friends were waiting for a bus when a group of guys came along. One asked us for a dollar (which we gave him) and then they just stayed to chat.

    They were perfectly nice, but all 3 of us had a really bad feeling. They asked us if we wanted to come to a party with them, we said oh no thanks, gotta get home.

    One week later, one of the guys was on the front page of the newspaper. He had just been released from prison for stabbing someone, and had done it again that night.

  • (#6) "Got This Crazy Urge To Run..."

    From Redditor u/knobdog:

    Walked past a parked car not too late at night walking home from the gym. Noticed people inside but didn’t think too much of it. Got this crazy urge to run about 10 seconds later so I ran and then sat down and hid behind a car down a side street. The car screeched out of the carpark, down the street, down my side street and then these guys started yelling telling me to come out and that they’re going to kill me. They slowly drove past me with their high beams on and then kept going a bit further before they sped off.

    I have no idea what I saw or what was going on in that car, but the whole thing freaks me out to this day.

  • (#7) "Must've Been A Guardian Angel Or Something..."

    From Redditor u/o-J-A-Y-_-J-A-Y:

    I lived in South Africa where home invasions were pretty brutal. Grew up on a plot and lived in the flat adjacent to the main house. One night I woke up randomly around 2am and had this tingling feeling that something wasn't right.

    I opened my flat door to look outside and see if anything was going on. That feeling didn't subside so I decided to get dresses and do a walk around the garden. Before leaving my flat something told me to peep through the door and as I did that I saw some guy walking around the house.

    I then phoned my sister who lived in the house but no answer. I then phoned my step mom and after a while my sister answered which was really strange. I told my sister to wake the f up and walk around the house and make sure the doors and windows were closed as there was someone in the garden. She kept trying to blow it off and even said she'd unlock the house door so I could go inside the house. I told her that's a stupid idea and I wasn't going outside. Since usually burglars are armed and dangerous and I had nothing to protect myself with. My sister missed a breath during our call, something that usually happens when one is frightened. So out of instinct I asked her if everything was alright she should say yes twice. She only said it once.

    Turns out a group of men had already made it in the house and they had a gun to her head telling her to convince me to leave my flat. A few seconds later the automatic light outside my flat turned on. I then told my sister its OK and I was going to sleep. I then phoned the police and neighbourhood watch which took the longest 30 minutes of my life to show up.

    Once I saw the police lights outside I had to make a 100m dash to the gate to open it up for them. I then talked them over what happened and that we should investigate the house. I walked around the perimeter with them until we found where the guys had entered. We entered the house which was totally trashed until we got to the main room where there was a blanket over the bed. I then yanked the blanket off to my find my whole family under there as they were tied up and frightened shirtless. This included my one-year-old niece.

    If it weren't for my instincts they would not have hesitated to kill me and probably do worse to my family, they already poisoned my dogs. Must've been a guardian angel or something looking over my shoulder that night.

  • (#8) "Felt A Phantom Vibration From My Phone..."

    From Redditor u/ToxicosisJones:

    Was walking to get groceries and expecting a message from my gf with a shopping list. Felt a phantom vibration from my phone, stopped for a second to check it and right then a chunk of ice the size of a grapefruit smashed into the street directly in front of me, where my head would have been.

  • (#9) "Just Me And Another Guy In The Store..."

    From Redditor u/samuelson098:

    Managing an overnight shift at a McDonalds, just me and another guy in the store around 2am. I notice a beat up Ford Falcon with a mismatching bonnet (hood) roll into the carpark; one guy hops out and immediately starts casing the place for camera locations and how many people are inside. This immediately raises my suspicions, but I pretend everythings cool and serve him as normal. They must have got spooked cause they get in the car and drive off after getting their food.

    Once they're clear, I called the police and told them what happened along with the number plate and vehicle description. A few hours later, the police come in and say they've pulled the Ford over and found a kilo of meth and several semi-auto firearms on board. Later on, they admitted to scouting the place for another couple to rob us later that night.

  • (#10) "Why Are You Walking So Fast Man?"

    From Redditor u/pcbradle:

    I live in LA, and downtown LA isn’t exactly the best place at night.

    I was going to a dispensary late at night in 2015, in an area of downtown that’s not heavily lit, and very empty. No cars, no people, just a few run down buildings on Main Street.

    It was late, around 11 pm and the dispensary was just closing up. I came out, by myself, and started walking to my car. I was maybe 200 feet from my car, and saw these guys across the street in an a huddle. As I started walking closer to my car, I had this feeling they clearly weren’t up to any good. So I started walking a little faster to my car, and one of the dudes screams over, “why you walking so fast man?” And they started to walk towards me.

    Rather than answer and pause, I decided to start running to my car, and unlocked it and got in. As I was starting my car, they had run up to the back of my car and just as I drove off, one of them slashed the back of my bumper with a knife and they screamed “good thing you got those white boy instincts.”

    Sometimes it’s literally a matter of one second and making that crucial decision to not stop that saved my life.

  • (#11) "It Was The Day Before My Wedding..."

    From Redditor u/mmohaje:

    It was the day before my wedding and I went on a walk around my very safe neighborhood. I had my headphones in and the music playing loudly. There were cars parked here and there, up and down the long street. The houses in this neighborhood have relatively large plots of land so there is some space between the houses. About halfway down the street I came to a car that had been sat parked for at least the 5 minutes it took for me to get to it. As I passed it, I noticed there were 4, maybe 5, males in their early 20s. I didn't think anything of it. I walked maybe 50 or so more feet and got this awful feeling in my stomach. I turned around to find that they had crept there car up so that they were literally right behind me-- I hadn't heard the car because my headphones were in. By absolute sheer luck, I spotted an older man and woman working in their garden about 5 houses down (big plots of land so they were a bit away). I booked it to them and asked if I could just wait with them. The older guy went over to the car and asked them what they were doing and they said they were there to do some yard work for one of the neighbors and pointed to the house they were now parked in front of (not the house that they had been sitting in front of before). The guy told them he didn’t believe them and to take a hike or he’d call the police. The guy then told me that the house they had been originally sitting in front of before was of a neighbor who was out of town. Because the were 5 or so houses down, this couple hadn't noticed the car or me before I came running up to them. I often think back on that incident and feel very strongly that had I not gotten that awful feeling that compelled me to turn around, and if that couple had not been in their front yard for me to quickly spot, there would have been a different ending to this story and the day before my wedding at that.

  • (#12) "I Thought I Was Being Paranoid At First..."

    From Redditor u/pnomsen:

    The time I noticed a three men in a white truck following me. I thought I was being paranoid at first, until I pulled in to a gas station and then out the other side … and they followed me. Even then, I was so used to being told I was overreacting that I didn’t call the cops. I just kept driving - in the opposite direction from the town I lived in - until they got caught at a stop light. I quickly turned in to a neighborhood and took a bunch of random turns and drove around some more before heading home.

    From Redditor u/excusemesir_:

    I really hope that never happens to you again, but if it does, I was told once that if you think you’re being followed, drive to a police station.

  • (#13) "I Thought The Entire Country Was Under Attack."

    From Redditor u/archaicecho:

    I was boarding my plane flight after vacation. It was early in the morning and the second I stepped foot on the plane I froze and the absolute worst feeling overcame me. I was with my boyfriend and we both had to get back for work so I made myself stay on the plane. A half hour late the plane suddenly dipped. Then the pilot got on the intercom, voice shaking, telling us that there was a national emergency and we would have to land at the closest airport immediately. That was 9/11. Took me four days of hitchhiking and bus travel to get home. I did not fully understand what was happening until I got to work right off the greyhound and the tv was on. I thought the entire country was under attack.

  • (#14) "I Had This Really Uncomfortable Feeling That I Wasn't Quite Alone."

    From Redditor u/oppapi666:

    I do real estate photography. One day I was alone shooting in an empty house, which is quite normal. I had this really uncomfortable feeling that I wasn’t alone. I had already checked the whole house before I started taking photos, but I kept getting the feeling that someone else was there. The feeling was so strong that I had goosebumps and felt nauseous.

    I’m not a small guy, but I felt like a little kid scared of the dark. I decided to re-check all the rooms to ease my mind, but didn’t find anything. I checked closets, bathrooms, bedrooms etc but I was definitely the only one there. As I finished shooting the last room in the house, this feeling that someone was with me was so overwhelming that I pretty much sprinted out of the house when I took the last shot. I felt better when I got outside, but I still had an uneasy feeling.

    The realtor ended up pulling in the driveway as I was finishing photos of the front of the house and asked if the house cleaner did a good job. I said it looked fine to me, and she went into the house with her husband to prep it for a showing. When I was shooting the backyard, I noticed them both out of the corner of my eye through a back window, but there was a third person with them. I was confused because they came alone without anyone else.

    Turns out the house cleaner wasn’t finished before I pulled up and came in. She saw a large guy with tattoos come into the house and panic, so she jumped into the kitchen pantry and hid. By the time she realized I was the photographer, it was too late for her to come out without it being awkward, so she stayed in the pantry the whole time. I’m not sure if maybe I saw her out of the corner of my eye when walking past, or if maybe I smelled her perfume, heard her breathing and didn’t realize it, but my subconscious was screaming at me that someone was there? It was the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been inside a house like that before and made for a funny story after.

  • (#15) "Our Bedrooms Were All In The Attic Space."

    From Redditor u/wasabiwasabi_:

    When I lived in the Falkland Islands, my family and I would often take trips to a pretty remote area/island where we were the only ones there. The island was pretty dangerous in itself with it's dead-drop cliffs and roaming sealife (seals, penguins, etc).

    Our bedrooms were all in the attic space.

    One night I had a really bad feeling. I couldn't sleep and so I went downstairs. There was a whole elephant seal pushed against the front door, trying to get in (it sounded like he was headbutting the door, but I'm not entirely sure). Turned out, a whale had washed up on the beach and had taken up all the space so all the sea/land life came to our little house.

    I was so scared lol that thing was MASSIVE

  • (#16) "I Had My Friend Take Me To The Hospital."

    From Redditor u/miked4o7:

    I was at work one day and I picked up a bottle. It looked "wrong." Then I looked up and everything in my vision looked like it was distorted fun-house mirror style. I had no idea what was happening, but knew something was very wrong. I had my friend take me to the hospital. I called my wife, and tried to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal, but I was going to the hospital. A week goes by and I've been in a coma since that day. My odds of coming out of it were slim and they asked her if they should let me go. That was January 10, 2017. I definitely have some impairments now, but life is great.

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