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  • An Easily Breakable Lock on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#1) An Easily Breakable Lock

    From Redditor u/Chgr:

    In the first movie, on the very beginning when Harry and Hermione are Hogwarts students just for a few weeks, they roam through Hogwarts, they come to the door behind which there is something valuable as they believe. But then, Harry sadly notices that the door is locked. So then a Hermione does a spell, "Alohamora," and unlocks it. Why in the Earth would anyone, especially wise wizards leave anything valuable behind locked door as a security when anybody, even those who are students there just for few weeks, can just do freaking Alohamora?

  • Prefects And Point Docking on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#2) Prefects And Point Docking

    From Redditor u/Duplakk:

    In the 9th chapter, "The Writing on the Wall" of Chamber of Secrets, there is this part:

    “You don’t care about Ginny,” said Ron, whose ears were now reddening. “You’re just worried I’m going to mess up your chances of being Head Boy!” “Five points from Gryffindor!” Percy said tersely, fingering his prefect badge. “And I hope it teaches you a lesson! No more detective work, or I’ll write to Mum!”

    This shows, that Percy as a prefect was able to dock points. Whereas in the 28. chapter, "Snape's Worst Memory" of The Order of the Phoenix:

    “Now, do you really want to finish that sentence, Granger?” Draco Malfoy had slid out from behind the door, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. His pale, pointed face was alight with malice. “Afraid I’m going to have to dock a few points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff,” he drawled. “It’s only teachers that can dock points from Houses, Malfoy,” said Ernie at once. “Yeah, we’re prefects too, remember?” snarled Ron. “I know prefects can’t dock points, Weasel King,” sneered Malfoy;

    So... What's the deal? Plothole? Did Rowling ever tell anything about this?

  • Practicing Magic Outside Hogwarts on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#3) Practicing Magic Outside Hogwarts

    From Redditor u/leashkid:

    So the Ministry of Magic keeps insisting that students cannot use magic out of school and yet at the start of the third movie Harry learns Lumos Maxima under his bed covers. How is he allowed to do that? I mean he almost gets expelled because Dobby levitated pudding in the second book...

  • Cedric Diggory's Death Should Reveal The Thestrals on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#4) Cedric Diggory's Death Should Reveal The Thestrals

    From Redditor u/Chuckgofer:

    In Order of the Phoenix, we learn that the magic horseless carriages aren't actually horseless, but drawn by thestrals, a sort of magical reptilianesque pegasus. One of their main traits is that they are invisible to anyone who hasn't seen someone die. Luna can see them, and Harry can see them in Book 5.

    I get why he couldn't see them in the first 4 years at Hogwarts. Lets assume he didn't really SEE his mother die as a child. Or even if he did, wasn't really aware of it.

    However, at the end of Goblet of Fire, during the last event of the Triwizard Tournament, he witnesses Cedric Diggory get killed by Voldemort.

    It stands to reason, then, that Harry should have seen the thestrals pulling the carriages back to Hogsmead station at the end of Book 4. He had just witnessed Cedric die.

  • Ron Should Have Kept A Secret on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#5) Ron Should Have Kept A Secret

    From Redditor u/theunemployedjd:

    When someone is named secret keeper, nobody else can tell the secret except the secret keeper himself. Even if the person heard the secret from the secret keeper. This is apparent from the fact that when the Order of the Phoenix transports Harry to Sirius's house/headquarters, they could not tell him the location but needed to hand him a note sent to him by Dumbledore, the secret keeper.

    However, when Dobby saves Harry from the Malfoys' dungeon in the last book, Ron tells him to apparate into Bill and Fleur's cottage and does so. But we later learn that the Fidelus charm has been placed on the cottage and Bill is secret keeper. Ron should not have been able to tell anyone the whereabouts of the cottage.

  • Use The Pensieve on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#6) Use The Pensieve

    From Redditor /u/X_Shadow101_X:

    TL;DR: The Pensieve exists and can be used to prove to reporters, Ministry officials, and Cornelius Fudge himself that Voldemort has returned to his former power and confirm the identity of several Death Eaters. The Pensieve could also be used by Professor McGonnall, Dumbledore, and Snape to prove that Barty Crouch Jr. was working for Voldemort disguised as Mad-Eye Moody. It can also prove that Wormtail is still alive and that Sirius is innocent.

    Some spoilers ahead if you somehow haven't read the books or something.

    The Pensieve is mentioned, and reffered to multiple times by several people.

    Dumbledore shows Harry how the Pensieve is used, explains how it works, and Harry has a first-hand experience with the Pensieve, reliving a memory or two from Dumbledore's past with great detail. It is never mentioned that the memories within the Pensieve can be warped by the memory owner's perceptions or beliefs, or that it is innacurate in any way.

    My question is: After the TriWizard tournament where Harry and Cedric are PortKeyed away from the Quidditch grounds yadayadayada, Voldemort returns, Cedric is killed, Harry and Voldemort duel, Harry returns with Cedric's body, Barty Crouch Jr. reveals himself and is captured by Dumbledore, McGonnall, Snape, yadayadayada...

    Why didn't Harry (and Dumbledore especially) or the Hogwarts staff think of using the Pensieve? They could have extracted their memories and proven to Cornelius Fudge and whoever asked that they were all telling the truth and Voldemort is back. It could also clear Sirius Black's name by proving Wormtail still lives, and prove that Barty Crouch Jr. was working for Voldemort.

  • Nicholas Flamel's Place In The HP Universe on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#7) Nicholas Flamel's Place In The HP Universe

    From Redditor u/themanhimself13:

    Hermione, the most brilliant witch of her age, hasn't heard of him nor can she find anything about him after searching the whole library. Seems a little weird, I reckon.

    From the Harry Potter Wiki: "Nicolas Flamel (before 1327[1] – between 1992 and 1996[2]) was a well-known alchemist..."

    A 'well-known' alchemist. Let's use Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card as a source as well: "Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for... ...his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel."

    They could've chosen anything from Dumbledore's many achievements, yet they choose to note his work with Flamel. This implies that Flamel is quite famous. Ron himself says he has about six of Dumbledore's card. He's read it at least six times. Harry briefly read it once, and recalls it halfway through the book. The Hogwarts library has nothing on Flamel. The Philosopher's Stone says that the library has 'tens of thousands of books.' The alchemist known for achieving immortality, nowhere to be found. In the Deathly Hallows book, Dumbledore's memorial in the newspaper by Elphias Doge says: "He was soon in regular correspondence with the most notable magical names of the day, including Nicolas Flamel, the celebrated alchemist; Bathilda Bagshot, the noted historian; and Adalbert Waffling, the magical theoretician."

    He is placed with Bathilda Bagshot and Adalbert Waffling as notable magic names of the day. He appears to be quite well-known. Another thing is the fact he isn't in any books.

    He wasn't in Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century, or Notable Magical Names of Our Time; he was missing, too, from Important Modern Magical Discoveries, and A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry.

    Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century should include him since his collaboration with Dumbledore implies he was active as an alchemist up until his death. The other three may be excused due to the Philosopher's Stone not being very recent, I guess, but he may have made alchemy discoveries due to him being active for nearly 500 years.

    What's going on? Am I high?

  • Why Do Wizards Need Glasses? on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#8) Why Do Wizards Need Glasses?

    From Redditor u/whalehale:

    Voldermort can grow back Wormtail's entire severed hand to be even stronger than the original one, but there isnt a spell to fix near sightedness or help improve vision? Multiple characters wear glasses, including obviously Harry. His need for his glasses has even caused him problems and put him in harms way more than once. The spell "orculus repairo" remedies his broken glasses, there are potions that can change you into another person entirely, but no remedy for something that a fairly commom surgery these days can fix?

  • Harry Should Have Died In The Chamber Of Secrets on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#9) Harry Should Have Died In The Chamber Of Secrets

    From Redditor u/Mr_doodlebop:

    Basilisk venom destroys Horcruxes right? Like, INSTANTLY. When every Horcrux was hit with the sword of Gryffindor (which absorbed the power of basilisk venom) the Horcrux like exploded and was gone, and when Nagini was cut by the sword she disintegrated. So how come in the Chamber of Secrets when Harry is bit by the basilisk he was okay? He didn't explode, no black spirit came out of him, he didn't disentigrate. Then five books later we come to find that there is still a Horcrux inside of him. so... WTF?

  • Dudley's Playstation Didn't Exist Yet on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#10) Dudley's Playstation Didn't Exist Yet

    From Redditor u/HSingh95:

    So, one thing that has always bugged me: In the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone, they mention somewhere that Dudley got a Playstation, but then he chucked it out the window. At that point, Harry was no more than 11 years old. In the 7th (and possibly earlier, I haven't read them in a long time) book, you find out that Harry's parents were killed in 1981, and he was still a baby. 11 years later, it would have been 1992. The PS One was released in 1994. Also, this basically means that the entire series takes place in the 1990s.

  • Why Don't They Keep Using Time Travel? on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#11) Why Don't They Keep Using Time Travel?

    From Redditor u/gndn, who lets the image speak for itself:

    Harry Potter and the Gaping Plothole

  • Clean Up The Basilisk on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#12) Clean Up The Basilisk

    From Redditor u/TimTheEnchanterr:

    Before I get started on the plot hole I would like to make it clear I am addressing the place within Hogwarts called the Chamber of Secrets not the actual book or movie.

    In the series the Chamber of Secrets comes up a couple of times. Once in the book of the same name when Harry goes down and slays the basilisk and saves Ginny, and again in the final book when Ron and Hermione enter the Chamber to acquire a basilisk fang to destroy the remaining horocrux.

    My problem with this is, why is the basilisk still sitting down in the chamber decaying??? Why wouldn't Dumbledore or any other teacher think it would be a good idea that the secret chamber of Salazar Slytherin be excavated in order to see if any cool things could be discovered about one of Hogwarts founding fathers. In addition to this couldn't it be argued that the eyes, or teeth, or skin, or anything involving the basilisk be considered a valuable commodity to perhaps a potion expert like snape or a teacher of herbology. Either way my point is the basilisk should not have been left down in the Chamber for Ron and Hermione to be able to go down and retrieve a fang almost 6 years after the initial incident.

  • Do Dentists Exist Or Not? on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#13) Do Dentists Exist Or Not?

    From Redditor u/smoovenutz:

    In Chamber of Secrets, right when the boys get back to the Burrow from rescuing Harry at the Dursleys, the camera pans to the clock that shows where the Weasley's are (work, home, school, etc). I noticed that one of the places where they could be was the dentist. In the Half Blood Prince, when Hermione explains to Slughorn and the rest of the Slug Club what her parents do for a living (her father is a dentist) they all seem confused as to what that is because I'm assuming wizards don't visit the dentist or maybe it is just because they are British. I'm not sure, but it seems like a a continuity error/plothole I'd point out.

  • Muggle Wizards Are Disadvantaged on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#14) Muggle Wizards Are Disadvantaged

    From Redditor u/JHawkeye6:

    How are wizards born from muggles supposed to get the wizard money the need for textbooks and such? Harry just happened to have a huge allowance but what about the other kids?

    How are muggle-born children suppose to figure out the trick for Platform 9 3/4? Are they all just suppose to luck out and find a wizard family to help them like Harry did?

  • No One Knows Voldemort's Real Name? on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#15) No One Knows Voldemort's Real Name?

    From Redditor u/stormageddon103:

    I apologize if this has been something that has been brought up before. I've been listening to the audiobooks recently and I'm currently in the middle of Chamber of Secrets. I noticed something strange. Maybe I'm just nitpicking but Harry finds the diary of Tom M. Riddle who is Voldemort. Yet, somehow no one knows that Voldemort was Tom Riddle.

    I feel like as the most awful dark wizard in 50 years history would know his full name. For instance if Hitler had changed his name to something else before he rose to power, history would have figured out his origins and known his name.

    Any thoughts? Am I nitpicking?

  • Quirrell's Death Should Reveal The Thestrals on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#16) Quirrell's Death Should Reveal The Thestrals

    From moviemistakes.com:

    Harry can now see the thestral creatures because he witnessed Cedric Diggory's death in Goblet of Fire. However, he should have been able to see the thestrals after Professor Quirrell died from Harry's touch in Philosopher's Stone. Quirrell crumbles into dust (dying) while Harry is still conscious, watching, and fully aware of what he is seeing, thus allowing it to fully sink into his consciousness. Harry faints "after" Quirrell is dead and as Voldemort's spirit passes through his body. Nor does it only have to be a friend or loved one who dies before the thestrals can be seen - it can be anyone, including an enemy like Quirrell. There only has to be an emotional response to the death, which can be love, hate, fear, shock, etc. (In the book, Harry did not see Quirrell die, but that's irrelevant to the film).

  • Horcrux Invulnerability on Random Plot Holes In 'Harry Potter' Fans Couldn't Help But Notice

    (#17) Horcrux Invulnerability

    From Redditor u/WamsyTheOneAndOnly:

    The only other living Horcrux is Nagini, in [Nagini's death scene] in the Deathly Hallows, Ron tries to cast a spell on Nagini and hits, but it bounces off and does nothing. In The Chamber of Secrets however when Harry and Malfoy are bought on stage to duel Malfoy sends Harry to the other side of the stage. Since they are both living and are both Horcruxes, the spells should affect them both the same.

    I've never read the books and I don't know very much about Harry Potter so excuse me if there's a reason to this.

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