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  • They Are Completely Toothless on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#14) They Are Completely Toothless

    After the pangolin manages to grab all those yummy insects with its super long tongue, how does it chew them up? Well, the pangolin doesn’t actually chew. It’s incapable of doing so, because it doesn’t have any teeth, Instead, pangolins have rough, grating substances in the tops and bottoms of their mouths meant to shred any incoming insects. They also have special muscles in their mouths to prevent insects escaping after being caught. They have a gizzard-like stomach that digests the insects once they go down.

    This also means that, in case of an emergency or during an attack, a pangolin cannot bite back to defend itself. They will instead sometimes hiss and try to appear large, even if their toothless mouth is anything but intimidating. 

  • It's The World's Most Trafficked Animal on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#3) It's The World's Most Trafficked Animal

    Given that these little guys are so cute and useful, it would make sense to leave them be, right? Well, many hunters don’t think so. Because they are easy to catch, and because their scales are bought at high prices for medicine and fashion, poachers thrive on illegal pangolin trade all throughout the world. People also like trying to keep them as pets, and they can be purchased in both Africa and in Asia. This trade has lead to pangolins being the most trafficked animal in the entire world.

    This also leads to their rapidly decreasing numbers. Out of the eight species of pangolin still in existence, four are listed as vulnerable, two are listed as endangered, and two are listed as critically endangered. If the poaching and illegal trade cannot be stopped, we may see some species of pangolin go extinct in the next few decades.

  • They Can Roll Into Perfect Little Balls on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#8) They Can Roll Into Perfect Little Balls

    The name pangolin can actually be translated as “rolling up,” from the Malay tongue, and this makes the name very appropriate. When threatened, scared, or confused, pangolins have a tendency to roll themselves up into little balls, protected by all their spines. These balls are tight and almost perfectly round, with the tail looping over all of it to keep things contained. While other species do this, such as the possum or the armadillo, the pangolin is the only one to do it with a protective layer of sharpness around the outside. Lions have been known to play with African pangolins like toys, because of this round shape.

  • Pangolin Scales Were Used In Ancient Armor on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#2) Pangolin Scales Were Used In Ancient Armor

    Pangolin scales have been found in ancient armor, and since then they’ve held a fascination in the military community. Because the scales are so rigid, but also so lightweight and flexible, it makes Pangolins an interesting example of armor, one that may be able to teach us how to better our own armor technology.

    These scales were used along with metals, raw hides, horns, and seeds. Armor was made by sewing the individual scales onto a a military garb, and they were laid out much like an actual pangolin's skin. Soldiers from China, India, Greece, Persia, and the Byzantine Empire were known to wear these types of outfits. King George III of England was presented a coat of scale armor as a present in 1820. 

  • They Eat Millions Of Insects Each Year on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#6) They Eat Millions Of Insects Each Year

    Pangolins are not only cute and fascinating, they’re also incredibly useful. Because they subsist almost entirely on ants, termites, larvae, and worms, Pangolins are amazing pest controllers. It's estimated an adult Pangolin can eat ,a whopping 70 million insects a year. Imagine just a few pangolin living in a specific area, and you can imagine what they could do to a local pest problem. Their digging also helps the soil become more fertile.

    This is also another reason why pangolins make very poor pets. They need to be eating nearly constantly in order to keep their energy and health up. In captivity, they will reject unfamiliar insects, which they cannot identify with their keen sense of smell. This leads to them being malnourished, and can give rise to illness as well.

  • They Get Sheepish Around Potential Mates on Random Reasons Pangolin Is Most Badass Animal

    (#10) They Get Sheepish Around Potential Mates

    For the most part, pangolins are very solitary creatures. They come out at night, they stay underground, and they don’t move in packs or pairs. When they are ready to go out looking for love, males try to attract females with special scent markings, and then they watch and wait. When a female comes, things start to get a little weird.

    For one thing, male Pangolins turn into awkward dorks when a female comes along. They are not sure how to approach, they seem skittish, and they’ll often scare their potential mate away. This might also be because the male is up for 50% heavier and larger than the female. Add in some sharp and potentially harmful scales to navigate, and you can see why mating would be a bit of a tricky procedure.

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About This Tool

Pangolins live mostly in subtropical deciduous forests. Pangolins are a kind of mammals that are covered with scales from head to tail. They have no teeth and poor eyesight. In fact, they will never be a threat to any other mammals. When facing enemies, pangolins will shrink into a ball to protect their soft abdomen with scales. However, the harmless pangolins have become the most trafficked animals in the world.

This ancient species, which has lived on the earth for more than 40 million years, is on the brink of extinction within a few decades. But in fact, the scales of pangolins are actually made of keratin, just like human nails. The random tool introduces 16 facts about pangolins you will be interested in.

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