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  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22) on Random Reasons Why You Get Fired, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#4) Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

    If there was one word to describe you, Cancer, it would definitely be sensitive. You can't help it. You're an emotional sign who feels things very deeply. You can't flip a switch and turn off all your intense reactions simply because you're in the office. 

    You tend to take things personally, leading to quite a few outbursts of frustration in your office. You try to hold back your tears and refrain from giving your coworkers the silent treatment, but your emotions always beat your logic. Unfortunately, having an emotional breakdown every week isn't conducive to a professional workplace. You may have gotten a sympathy pass for a while, but the latest outpouring of emotion may just be too much for your boss. 

  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) on Random Reasons Why You Get Fired, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#11) Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

    As an Air sign, your attentions are turned toward your mind, Aquarius. You're a classic intellectual with a well-rounded view of the world. However, you don't know everything - a fact you seem totally unaware of. You believe you're always in the right, making you a difficult employee to critique. 

    Although you have a broad understanding of the world, you can still expand your own skill set. You'll accept constructive criticism in the moment with a kind smile, but you won't adjust your work to abide by suggested guidelines. You're uncompromising, with a flair for aggression when you feel challenged.

    As much as your boss tries to provide chances for improvement, nothing can get past your own confidence in your work.

  • Libra (September 23 - October 22) on Random Reasons Why You Get Fired, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#7) Libra (September 23 - October 22)

    Cooperation is a positive quality you bring to the workplace, Libra. Decision-making, however, is not. While you're a true joy to work with - given your innate love for collaboration - you're pretty much a failure when it comes to completing projects on your own. 

    You're indecisive - that's the crux of the problem. If you're working on a project solo, you spend most of your time second-guessing your selections. Instead of standing firm with your gut feeling, you waffle between every possible option. You examine each choice thoroughly, decide on one course of action, and then second-guess your decision and start back at square one.

    You're paralyzed by your own uncertainty, Libra. You can't make decisions, so you can't complete anything on time. Eventually, all your excuses for late projects will run out and lead to an unfortunate dismissal.

  • Leo (July 23 - August 22) on Random Reasons Why You Get Fired, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#5) Leo (July 23 - August 22)

    You're the sign everyone loves, Leo. If the zodiac had a popularity contest, you'd definitely win. You're expressive, inspiring, and kind-hearted. It only makes sense that everyone is attracted to your warm energy. 

    Unfortunately, you use your status to your advantage. While you're capable of producing amazing work on your best days, your worst days bring out your lazy, self-centered side. In those moments, you have no problem using those around you to cover up your shortcomings. Self-preservation is your primary goal, after all.

    Your arrogant nature convinces you that you can pass someone else's work off as your own, and your high status means you have far too many willing accomplices. However, stepping on others to get to the top only leads to a much harder fall. 

  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20) on Random Reasons Why You Get Fired, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#12) Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

    You live with your head in the clouds, Pisces. You're compassionate, gentle, and totally out of touch with reality. Under the symbol of the Fish, you decidedly go with the flow. You'll participate in any activity without even thinking about the future consequences. Your lack of forethought leads to many late nights out on the town, despite the fact that you have work the next day. 

    Your understanding of boundaries and appropriate conduct is flawed. Showing up to work hungover is universally frowned upon, especially when it's a common occurrence. Your boss can only give you so many chances. Let's hope your latest escapade is worth the hangover that gets you fired.

  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22) on Random Reasons Why You Get Fired, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#6) Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

    Oh Virgo, you truly have the best of intentions. You simply want all your coworkers to be the best they can be - and what's the harm in that? Of course, you believe you're most suited to guide your colleagues toward improvement, given your deeply analytical nature. If you have one skill, it's spotting the problems around you and finding a solution. However, you're far too willing to stick your nose where it doesn't belong. 

    You have a tendency to get caught up in the details, Virgo. You won't move on until everything in your periphery is running as smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, that also means you'll neglect your own work while pointing out how your colleagues can do better. You may have thought you were helping, but sometimes, it's best to leave the micromanaging to the managers. 

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About This Tool

There are no absolute stable jobs these years. The boss can fire employees, and employees can also quit jobs. But the situation of leaving actively and being fired is different. After all, the competition for job hunters is fierce now, and finding a good job is not easy. If it is not really impossible to continue or have better choices, most adults will not easily choose to change jobs.

For most people, work is an essential part of life. However, people with different personalities would choose different jobs, and different zodiac signs often have different personalities. This is why zodiac signs can explain why different people are fired. The random tool explained 12 reasons why different zodiac signs get fired.

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