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Random Roman Consuls Designatreport

  • [Year]: 401
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Gainas
    [Replacement consul(s)]: Flavius Fravitta
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Nominated consul designate in AD 400 by Arcadius, but killed during the political upheavals orchestrated by Aelia Eudoxia.
    (4th and 5th centuries AD)

  • [Year]: 70
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Marcius Macer
    [Replacement consul(s)]:
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Nominated consul designate by Otho in AD 69, but was passed over after the accession of Vitellius.
    (1st century AD)

  • [Year]: 4
    [Nominated consul(s)]: L. Julius Caesar
    [Replacement consul(s)]: Sextus Aelius Catusor Gaius Sentius Saturninus
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Nominated consul designate in 2 BC for the year AD 4, but died 2 years before he was due to take office
    (1st century AD)

  • [Year]: 39
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Q. Salvidienus Rufus
    [Replacement consul(s)]: ? L. Marcius Censorinus
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Nominated by Octavianus, but his proposal to Marcus Antonius to betray Octavianus was uncovered, and he was either killed or committed suicide in 40 BC.
    (1st century BC)

  • [Year]: 68
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Cingonius Varro
    [Replacement consul(s)]:
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Nominated by Nero as consul designate for AD 68, but was killed by Galba in the aftermath of the failed usurpation of Nymphidius Sabinus.
    (1st century AD)

  • [Year]: 108
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Q. Hortensius
    [Replacement consul(s)]: M. Aurelius Scaurus
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Prosecuted and condemned before taking office
    (6th century to 2nd century BC)

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About This Tool

The person in charge of arbitration in the ancient Roman city-states was called the consul. Originally referred to the ancient Roman period of the co-consul, the number of consul general for two or more, the need to coordinate with each other, ruling together. In ancient Rome, some of the Archons later became the head of state, taking over. In Roman times, a list of 30 Roman consuls was created, and details are kept in this random tool.

The details of the Roman consuls, including the exact time of their appointment, the names of the consuls, the candidates of the consuls and the reasons for their failure, are all stored in this generator. These rulers were either elected, directly appointed to the highest elected political office in the Roman Republic, or to senior positions in the Empire, but the fate of the subsequent developments was very different.

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