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  • (#1) You've spent years looking for the perfect fan gear

    When it comes to finding a solid shirt to support your team with, we're are often given two options: buy a unisex shirt that will likely drape with a lovely tent-like appearance, or something too small and inexplicably pink. 
  • (#2) You don't, in fact, go to a sports bar to find love

    Isn't it crazy to think you'd actually go to a sports bar to watch sports and drink beer?
  • (#3) You follow your favorite players on the court and online

    Because we need to know if that awesome player can hold his own when it comes to taking artsy brunch pics.
  • (#4) You're expected to know all the stats ever

    It happens all the time: random bar dude sees you - *gasp* - actually watching the game, and takes this as his cue to drill you on every stat imaginable. You don't get every single one of his questions right and this probably makes him feel better about himself. Everybody is drawn to basketball for different reasons - don't let your lack of 1987 lay-up record knowledge devalue what you love (or random dudes at the bar, for the love of god).
  • (#5) People do go to WNBA games

    It seems like the WNBA is the red-headed step division of the sport, but the love for the game is just as real as any other. Anyone whose ever been to a WNBA game will tell you - those women rule the court.
  • (#6) When your phone's blowing up, you know you've got game updates

    This might disappoint your parents, but your phone is not a robot for finding a suitable mate - it's actually a robot that is used to alert you when your team is taking over the world.
  • (#7) You're willing to go without shopping or going out to save for tickets

    Sure it feels like a piece of your social life dies, but experiencing a game in court-side seats is worth every boring night in.
  • (#8) The only ring you've got your eyes on is a championship's

    In the spring, as basketball season is in full bloom, your Facebook feed fills up with engagement announcements. You smile, congratulate, and act like you could ever get excited about a hunk of metal that wasn't earned on the courts. 
  • (#9) You've got at least one basketball board on Pinterest

    How else could you curate and organize your favorite coaches, clips, and cutest team uniforms?
  • (#10) Your brackets are works of art

    You take your predictions very seriously, and understand that organization and presentation is key. No Sharpie, Washi tape, or Post-It is safe when you're composing your masterpiece. 
  • (#11) Your friends know not to invite you anywhere in March

    Ah, spring is in the air! What better way to celebrate than to lock yourself up watching the best teams in college basketball duke it out on the TV?
  • (#12) Your nails match your team

    Two words: custom manicure. 
  • (#13) You've broken up with someone because they supported your rival team

    In *theory* it's a game, and nothing matters. But in real-life it is ball and it is all.

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About This Tool

Basketball become more and more popular with the public, and its fan base is large. Many people have such a question, do female fans really understand basketball? Many people have a prejudice against female basketball fans, most people think they are always idiots with good-looking players, they like to take selfies while watching basketball games. Basketball makes for a lot of memories, and those female fans als哦carry everything they learned and gained from these games. 

If you want to know more about the views of female basketball fans, you can check the collection of the things only female basketball fans understand, the random tool with 13 items, and it will help you get more information.  

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