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  • They Can Also Completely Close Their Nostrils on Random Things You Never Knew About Camels

    (#9) They Can Also Completely Close Their Nostrils

    Another important adaptation camels is the ability to shut their nostrils completely. While this obviously makes it difficult for the mammals to smell or breath while eating, it does provide a rather valuable advantage. That is, sand is incapable of making its way up the nose and causing blockages or infections. The nose also has another special element that helps prevent water being lost as the camel breathes through vapor, helping trap extra liquid in the body that can prove essential for surviving.

  • Humps Store Fat So They Can Go For Long Periods Without Food on Random Things You Never Knew About Camels

    (#1) Humps Store Fat So They Can Go For Long Periods Without Food

    All camels have either one or two humps depending on the species. However, the big misconception about the humps is that they contain water. The truth is they don’t hold any water whatsoever; instead, they are a store of fat. This proves useful for periods in the arid conditions where they live when they might not be able to get access to food, allowing them to burn the fat to release vital energy. The size of the hump will fluctuate according to how well fed the camel is; those who have not had enough nutrients will see their humps get smaller and eventually droop over.

  • They Have Specially Shaped Red Blood Cells So They Can Take In Huge Amounts Of Water on Random Things You Never Knew About Camels

    (#3) They Have Specially Shaped Red Blood Cells So They Can Take In Huge Amounts Of Water

    Camels have evolved many specializations to live in the hot desert - and it's more than just the physical attributes you can see. Even their blood cells are vastly different from most mammals', being oval in shape rather than circular. This distinctive shape means that even when the blood is incredibly thick due to a lack of water, oxygen can still be carried around the body.

    They don’t just provide a benefit when the camel is dehydrated, either. In fact, the red blood cells in the animal can expand to 270% of their original volume, almost twice as much as other mammals, when they drink water. An important factor in preventing the cells from bursting, considering that a thirsty camel is capable of drinking up to 100 liters of water in just 10 minutes.

  • Camels Have A Third Eyelid To Wipe Sand Away on Random Things You Never Knew About Camels

    (#8) Camels Have A Third Eyelid To Wipe Sand Away

    One of the most unique adaptations camels have to combat the desert and sand is their unique eyes. As well as having two distinct sets of eyelashes to help protect their vision, the creatures also have a third eyelid. This thin membrane is rather unique for a mammal as it is something usually seen in birds, fish, and reptiles. It essentially works as a windscreen wiper on a car, moving from side to side to wipe away any sand on the eyeball and providing a shield during sandstorms.

  • Camel Milk Is The Closest To Human Milk And Can Be Drunk By The Lactose Intolerant on Random Things You Never Knew About Camels

    (#5) Camel Milk Is The Closest To Human Milk And Can Be Drunk By The Lactose Intolerant

    The majority of people in the West usually drink cow’s milk when it comes to choosing something to pour on their cereal and drink with cookies. However, other parts of the world often use the milk of animals that are close by and more readily available. This can mean some cultures use milk from goats, donkeys, and even camels.

    Camel milk in particular is a much healthier option. It contains up to 10 times more iron than cow’s milk and three times as much vitamin C. This makes it the closest animal milk to that produced by human mothers. Another great property of the milk is it is low in lactose, meaning those who are lactose intolerant can happily guzzle away on it without any ill effects.

  • The Different Species Can Grow To A Huge Size on Random Things You Never Knew About Camels

    (#6) The Different Species Can Grow To A Huge Size

    Camels are capable of growing to huge sizes. Both species will typically tower above a human being, standing at between six to six and a half feet tall. They can also grow to a length of around 10 feet and will weigh in at anything from 1,300 to 2,200 pounds when they reach maturity. Their large size and strength has made the animals the perfect companion for desert dwelling populations. They are capable of carrying up to 600 kilograms over vast distances, walking at up to almost three miles per hour.

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About This Tool

Camels are mammals called desert boats. They are very good at enduring hunger and thirst and can even survive for 2 weeks without water and survive for as long as one month without food. Camels can be used as a means of transportation and an important source of income. They are an indispensable partner for people in the desert and Gobi areas, as well as geological prospecting and archaeological workers.

For many inhabitants of the East countries, the camel is a sacred animal, especially for the Arabs. In the Arabic language, there are more than 6,000 words related to camels. The generator will help to know 10 interesting facts about camels that most people do not know.

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