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  • (#11) "My Future Self N' Me" Takes A Legitimate Look At Marijuana Use

    There's no doubt that, for some, marijuana and South Park go together like bread and butter. In the episode "My Future Self N' Me," Stan and Butters are visited by their future selves to warn them against using drugs, as they will turn into sad, old men, if they do. Things start to fall apart, however, when they realize these future selves are in fact actors hired by their parents to scare them into good behavior, and hijinks ensue.

    While the episode has plenty of trademark ridiculous moments, even including a stunt with poor "future Stan" getting his hand chopped off in a peak of improvisation, it manages to come together with a surprisingly real and honest statement from Randy Marsh on the topic of the day: 

    "Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but... well, son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored. And it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything."

    By finally being honest about drug use, Stan and his dad were able to have a productive discussion about marijuana which made some very valid points – it might not be lethal or fund terrorism, but it can have an adverse effect on a person's future.

  • Go God Go on Random Times South Park Actually Made A Really Good Point

    (#10) Go God Go

    • TV Episode

    The two-episode story arc in Season 10 called, "Go God Go," aired in 2006. It's about Cartman freezing himself so he doesn't have to wait an excruciating three days until the Nintendo Wii is released. Obviously, this element of the storyline is a commentary on society's rapidly decaying ability to delay gratification. The episodes then take on another issue when Cartman is unfrozen in the distant future, having overshot his intended reanimation by 540 years.

    This future world is inhabited by three warring factions: the super-intelligent otters of the Allied Atheist Alliance (AAA); humans of the United Atheist Alliance (UAA); and the Unified Atheist League (UAL). Religion has been done away with, thanks to Richard Dawkins (one of the real world's most celebrated atheists in the 21st century), but these future beings still war over the "great question": which group's name is the most logical for a society of atheists?

    Of course, the point is that humanity (and ottermanity) is destined to war amongst themselves as it is in their terrible nature. Dawkins conceded that there was some truth to the depiction of mankind's inevitable infighting. However, he was not a fan of the episode because his animated-self was depicted "buggering a bald transvestite."

  • All About Mormons on Random Times South Park Actually Made A Really Good Point

    (#4) All About Mormons

    • TV Episode

    In "All About Mormons," which aired in 2003, Stan befriends a new kid in town, Gary Harrison. When he goes over to Gary's house to meet his family, they proceed to tell Stan about how the Mormon faith came to be. The most memorable element of the retellings is the background music playing during Joseph Smith's discovery of the golden plates, where the lyrics repeats a jaunty refrain of, "dum, dum, dum, dum!" (read: dumb). What's even crazier is that South Park creators Stone and Parker were able to make a satirical musical called The Book of Mormon that further spread the message of this episode, but that's for another time. 

    In "All About Mormons," Stan's father, Randy, is furious that the Harrison family would try to indoctrinate his son. However, when he confronts Mr. Harrison about it, the man is so nice that his anger cools quickly. He even agrees to hear the story himself, after which he tells the family that they'll be converting to Mormonism. 

    While the episode makes fun of Mormonism, using Stan as a mouthpiece to decry some of the religion's beliefs, it ends with Stan learning a valuable lesson from his new friend, Gary, about respecting the faith of others: 

    “Look, maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up, but I have a great life, and a great family, and I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that. All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan, but you’re so high and mighty you couldn’t look past my religion and just be my friend back. You’ve got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls.”

  • Best Friends Forever on Random Times South Park Actually Made A Really Good Point

    (#2) Best Friends Forever

    • TV Episode

    Terri Schiavo suffered a heart attack in 1990 that cut off oxygen to her brain and left her comatose. She had severe brain damage. After two months of unsuccessful rehab, she was diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state, which she remained in for 15 years until her death on March 31, 2005. One day before her passing, South Park aired the episode "Best Friends Forever," commenting on her case and the media circus surrounding it. 

    In this episode, Kenny is struck by an ice cream truck and left in a vegetative state. Thus begins the battle for Kenny's right to live versus his right to die. Cartman takes the latter side, trying to get Kenny's feeding tube pulled so he'll die. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny's parents argue that Kenny has a right to live, fighting to keep the feeding tube in place. What ensues is a media frenzy sparking a national debate and outrage, bringing protesters from both sides into Kenny's very hospital room as the two sides publicly war. At the height of the fervor, Kenny's attorney finally finds Kenny's will and reads his wishes about the possibility of being in a vegetative state: "Please, for the love of God, don't ever show me in that condition on national television." This is the heart of the issue surrounding Terri Schiavo.

    In 1998, Schiavo's husband petitioned to have her feeding tube removed, opposed by Terri's parents. For seven years, the case was fought in the public eye until the original ruling of Schiavo's 'right-to-die' was upheld and her feeding tube was removed in March 2005. At the conclusion of "Best Friends Forever," Kyle realizes that his side was wrong for the right reasons, while Cartman was right for the wrong reasons. However, perhaps even more poignant is the realization that Kenny (the analog for Terri Schiavo) had a right to privacy that had been violated by virtually every party involved, including the national media and the nation itself. 

  • "Douche And Turd" Take The Glamor Out Of Politics on Random Times South Park Actually Made A Really Good Point

    (#7) "Douche And Turd" Take The Glamor Out Of Politics

    An allegorical take on the 2004 elections, South Park wasn't afraid to confront the reality of politics, most especially when the voting populace is forced to chooser between two less than stellar options. "Douche and Turd" revolves around South Park Elementary having to choose a new mascot after PETA complains about the school using a cow as their mascot; when the write-in options leave the students with the choice of either voting for a giant douche or a turd sandwich, which goes just about how you'd expect. Kyle throws his weight behind the douche, Cartman does the same with the turd sandwich, and Stan refuses to vote for either because the whole thing is stupid in his opinion. 

    Stan eventually comes around – it requires Puff Daddy slaughtering a number of PETA members, among other things – and decides to cast his vote for the turd sandwich. Regardless, the giant douche wins the race by 1410 votes to 36. It looks like South Park Elementary has found its new mascot, until, that is, Mr. Garrison shows up to share the news about the murdered PETA members, thus negating their need to find a new mascot in the first place. In the end Stan was right; his vote really didn't matter and the whole thing was stupid. Ah, politics.

  • (#3) "You Have 0 Friends" Gets Real About The Problems Of Social Media

    It's no secret that Facebook has wildly changed the way we interact with one another, and naturally the creators of South Park had to put in their two cents on the matter; fortunately, they managed to make a legitimate but hilarious commentary on the pitfalls of social media in the process. In "You Have 0 Friends," Kyle goes against the grain and friends loner Kip Drordy, which has the adverse effect of causing Kyle's social cache to plummet. Meanwhile Stan, who wanted nothing to do with Facebook in the first place, winds up getting sucked into the machine and has to digitally battle for his own survival in the real world. The fact that Cartman goes out of his way to create a "Mad Friends" podcast, which keeps track of who in town is worth friending and who is a newly minted social pariah, only adds to the dichotomy experienced between the friends and their relationship with Facebook. 

    Whether they want to or not, everyone in South Park is drawn into Facebook one way or another.

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